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Weird Science! BioWave Hydro DI-920


Fire up the Tesla coils! Que the creepy theremin sound track. We need at least one beaker of green smoking liquid...

Ok, boys roll it in.

What is it?
Biowave is a revolutionary patent pending machine that increases plant yields by an average of 20 %. It operates by creating a subsonic harmonic wave that radiates out from the machine and makes plants breathe better.

Don't laugh, yet.

That thing would never work, pshaw.
BioWave has been tested on the farm, in greenhouses, and in hydroponic growing facilities, and all tests confirm the gain in yield as well as a 55% gain in total dissolved solids. Many growers also have reported a huge reduction in insect loads. Current tests by Dr. Lynette Morgan in New Zealand have further confirmed the above results in greenhouse tomatoes.

Dr. Who?

Creepy, huh? Now I am not planning on running out and plopping down the $2395 (gack) for one of these gadgets but it sure makes you stop and go, huh?

Just sharing something weird I found online.
I haven't found the studies they mention yet but if I do I'll post them.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
Lynette Morgan works for Suntech, but to me is very reputable person when it comes to knowledge on plants, as she has many many articles out, that i enjoy reading.

I wonder how big it is, and if it does work, when are we gonna see copies. Im not gonna be the tester though, as I don't need yield


I gather it doesn't need truck shipping so it can't be too huge.

It'd be neat if someone with a dialed in grow room and a strain they worked with tried one though wouldn't it?


Kiss My Ring

no power surge there.

what proximity is affected?

earth, magnetic harmonic generator...ok i'm high.


I've read about things like this before. I also read that you couldn't operate something emitting ultrasonic waves or whatever around cats or dogs because unlike us they can hear it, and it really hurts their ears. So not for me. Hope this really works for somebody else though and I'd love to see a dialed grow add this and see what happens!


New member
Give it a few months and someone will find out the frequency and there will be hundreds of knock offs!! why use a spinning rotor when you can quite possibly use your ipod and some external speakers to do the same thing!!


i was in the hydro shop and saw one of these running. my dick grew 2 inches just while i was standing there!

ok not really (actually it shrank a bit when i saw the pricetag)...but the hydro shop guy was making all sorts of claims about how "birdsong makes plants grow in springtime" I was very well oiled and the experience was surreal.

but that was two days ago, and now i am searching around for "diy biowave" lolol thats how i ended up on this thread.
The Biowave does not hurt humans or animals. The inventor has his dog as the mascot for the company and is has always been around this product since the beginning phases of production. So to answer the question will the Biowave hurt me or my animals the answer is NO. The Biowave does keep spidermites and other insects at bay. The Biowave does not interfere with bees pollinating either. If the Biowave did affect bees and there pollination that would make this product less desirable, but that's not the case. Test after test for many years by professional growers and scientists have proven the Biowave to safe and very helpful in reducing pest loads and increasing yields by average of 20%.



ICMag Donor
How on earth does "harmonic subsonics" open the stomata in direct opposition to the plants own regulatory mechanisms?

You can stuff your scamming biowave up your distended stomata.

If this worked to a fraction of its claims the glasshouse industry would be all over it , but they would require proof , so you flog it to stoners instead.

You might find a better audience of muppets for this chicanery on yew kay 420 .

The Biowave is not in opposition with the plants regulatory mechanisms. In fact it is in harmony plants proven by the increased size and quantity of stomata. This data is clearly proven on the Biowave website by reputable hydroponic consultants, growers, and scientists. This is a new advancement in science that is being taken very serious by many 1000's of professionals. If you are still skeptical let it be known that there is plenty of data out there about research that has already been documented from many state colleges and state and federal agricultural research services.

So if you want proof other than all of that I would suggest buying a Biowave and reporting back to the CannaMag. The mini is only $ 1250.00 and covers 500 sqft. and worth every penny.

Here are some of the environmental conditions that regulate the stomata to open and close.

1. Light generally causes stomata to open and darkness to close. In some succulent plants however, this trend is reversed and the plants open their stomata at night when they can take advantage of the cooler evening temperatures for gaseous exchange, thus reducing water loss.

2. Wilting or water deficit causes the stomata of a plant to close thus preventing further water loss from the leaves.

3. An increase in CO2 causes stomatal closure.

4. Increase in temperature causes stomata to open.

A hydathode is a type of secretary tissue in leaves, usually of Angiosperms, that secretes water through pores in the epidermis or margin of leaves, typically at the tip of a marginal tooth or serration. They probably evolved from modified stomata. It is involved in guttation, where water is released from the top in order to transport the nutrients in the water from the roots to the leaves. Hydathodes are connected to the plant vascular system by a vascular bundle.

Since the liquid being extruded is from the xylem it also contains salts, sugars, and organic compounds dissolved in water and this is sometimes seen to crystallize on evaporation, forming a white powdery substance on the leafs edge. This crystallisation is very obvious in halophytes, plants adapted to live in high salt environments, and consequently the hydathodes are known as salt glands in those species.

Hydathodes are special structures through which exudation of water takes place in liquid form.They are mainly found in aquatic plants and in some herbaceous plants growing in moist places. They occur at the apices of the veins at the tips of the leaves or on their margins. Hydathodes are made of a group of living cells with numerous intercellular spaces filled with water, but few or no chloroplasts.

They represent modified bundle-ends. These cells called epithem cells, open out into one or more sub-epidermal chambers. These, in turn, communicate with the exterior through an open water stomata or open pore. The water stoma structurally resembles an ordinary stoma, but is usually larger and has lost the power of movement. Hydathodes are commonly seen in water lettuce, water hyacinth, rose, balsam, and many others.
Hey guys , as much as I hate to announce I can say without a doubt that the Biowave is NOT legit. I just want to set the record straight. To much love goes into our gardens to have a company lie about product results backed by trusted hydroponic consultants and get away with it.

Here are the facts that led me to conclude the Biowave is bunk.

1. They have had this product out long enough that we would be hearing and seeing these great results they claim.

2. One of the testimonals on there website that I trusted was the CEO of American Hydroponics. I call them and found out a couple of things.

a. The 2 biowaves that Amercian Hydroponics gave out to commercial growers were returned because they should no yield increses and the growers didn't want to buy them.

b. The testimonial that Biowave has on there website from American Hydroponics was supposed to be taken down. In fact AH was told that it had been taken down.

c. A.H. currently doesn't even sell the Biowave.

3. The rest of the testimonals are from Distributors/Retailers.

4. All of the growers and farmers around the world would line up to get 20% yield increases.

5. This product has an incredible mark up on price from Biowave if your are one of there distributors. $600.00 for the mini and retail is $1250.00. The large unit is $2000.00 and retails for $4500.00.

Soooooo , I think that us growers are smart enough to read between the lines on this one.



ICMag Donor
Im going to run my own tests, in greenhouses and farmland across the UK, I will keep you guys posted...

Impressive sounding bullshit that will amount to nothing.