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Feds force MI to reveal patient records...


ICMag Donor
This doesn't really surprise me, typical of the Feds. However, I am very pleased to see that the DOCH is resistant and trying to honor the law as enacted by the citizen of this great state...


"A judge in Grand Rapids says the state of Michigan must comply with a federal request to turn over information about the medical marijuana records of six people in the Lansing area.

The Department of Community Health had refused to comply with a subpoena from federal agents without a court order. That's because Michigan's medical marijuana law has a confidentiality provision.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Hugh Brenneman Jr. said Friday that the federal government has a right to investigate possible drug crimes. The Drug Enforcement Administration has said it's not harassing legitimate medical marijuana users.

Brenneman says only the "truly naïve" would believe that the medical marijuana law would not be used as a cover for the illicit use of pot."

Stay vigilant!



Registered User
I must've missed this the first time you posted... when did this come through, couldn't find a date on the page/AP release?

Seems like there are a lot of knocks MI is taking as of late... with the multiple Fed involved raids & local cops, some big ones too.


Isnt forcing the release of medical information a violation of a "FEDERAL LAW?" Sincce when does the faggot FEDS think they can VIOLATE HIPPA LAW?

Go ahead america GET FUCKED!!!!! Guess what the swing of the world market and the economic downfall will happen and all of our children will be working for pennies like fucking mexico. What we need to do is overthrow and rebuild. Fuck OBAMA and fuck McCain. How about a real person doing the right thing? Remember the rights we are given as we are born into America. Once you License you freedom and liberties you might as well have the FEDS spit on your asshole and shove their big fat dick right in.:moon:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
its a constant fight we been fighting for the feds not to get records for over 6 months now... People need to stand up or roll over cause they are gonna fuck us in the ass...

Grass Lands

With this being a medical issue...I would imagine HIPPA should be enough to protect the patients, after all it was a Dr that recommended the MMJ...but then again we are talking about the feds, the entity that enacted the HIPPA policy...once again

Also love the line

"The Drug Enforcement Administration has said it's not harassing legitimate medical marijuana users."

In their eyes there is no legal use of MMJ..so how the hell can they make this statement...



Active member
Isnt forcing the release of medical information a violation of a "FEDERAL LAW?" Sincce when does the faggot FEDS think they can VIOLATE HIPPA LAW?

Go ahead america GET FUCKED!!!!! Guess what the swing of the world market and the economic downfall will happen and all of our children will be working for pennies like fucking mexico. What we need to do is overthrow and rebuild. Fuck OBAMA and fuck McCain. How about a real person doing the right thing? Remember the rights we are given as we are born into America. Once you License you freedom and liberties you might as well have the FEDS spit on your asshole and shove their big fat dick right in.:moon:

honestly this is the type of ignorance hindering this or many nations from ever moving forward, why would some one as meaningless as a president really effect the country we live in, this is the U.S your talking about not some small country where people can actually be ruled by one person... honestly think about what you are saying, obama has only been president for about 2 years.. do you really think he screwed everything up so quickly? no.. everything has been screwed up in this country ever since capitalism has existed as for many other countries, im not against capitalism but the U.S. has taken it too far.

it saddens me to see the public doing exactly what the government and these federal agencies want, they want you to blame the president. over the years presidents have become nothing more than tools to shield the real problems within society, why attack the government or the real source of these issues when you can attack obama or any other person who tries. just give them time to cover their tracks which has shown throughout history over and over again. more people are finally seeing the problem is more severe, im happy to see some tiny notice to how things are actually run and laws being made to prevent it in some states.

im just waiting for everyone to realize there is so much more past what we think and know in society today, truly sad to see people still stuck on presidents like they really have some control over us, thats been long gone in the U.S..

im not sure if you realize this but there are 38 levels of security clearance the president is only on level 17, he has no clue or will ever be able to know anything above that, the most he can do is launch nukes for warfare.. the highest level of security clearance we have in the United States government is called Majestic, there are literally only 25 known people in the world to have access to Cosmic level of clearance, im sure there are more but only 25 in the entire world have come forward or have made it known.. this should be enough to tell you there is so much we have literally no idea about. as far as majestic is known i dont think anyone in the world knows about what goes on within that. its actually pretty scary.

whats extremely weird is the code names they chose to use for these "black projects" the last 10 levels of security.


if you dont believe me that it actually goes that deep, look into it. if they are willing to hide information like that, just imagine how vague our perception on what is actually happening actually is, have fun living in your blanket the U.S has kindly knitted for you to cover your eyes, i know ill probably die before any of us completely know what the hell is going on but at least i have a better perception.

i hate to get way off topic, but i cant stand people making overly moronic remarks that have no foundation what so ever other than watching TV, listening to what other people say through rumors, or the news its just stupid already, it makes me feel like im in high school all over again when people talk about things they really dont know much about or truly care to really learn about.

its also very contradicting when you say

Remember the rights we are given as we are born into America.

how about we remember the rights we have as human beings with the capability to think morally for a better cause, i dont give a shit about my rights as a U.S citizen that much, i give a shit about human rights and what is actually considered logical way more, thats why the world is so fucked right now because the majority has lost sight of what we can actually achieve by simply working together, instead every one just loves to talk mad shit that does nothing thinking that will change something.

reminds me of the disney movie Antz, its depressing when people try to convey how sad society is in childrens movies and no one gets it still.
Well Prof. capitalism is the best thing that has ever happened to humanity. People in capitalistic societies have more freedoms now than ever.

Two years should be enough time to make positive changes, but instead there has been negative change. Maybe 4 or 5 terms should be enough time and we could change the title to King. Utopia will never exist on this planet.

Less government interference = more personal freedoms. There should be zero state or federal involvement with cannabis. I can decide for myself and so can you. peace


honestly this is the type of ignorance hindering this or many nations from ever moving forward, why would some one as meaningless as a president really effect the country we live in, this is the U.S your talking about not some small country where people can actually be ruled by one person... honestly think about what you are saying, obama has only been president for about 2 years.. do you really think he screwed everything up so quickly? no.. everything has been screwed up in this country ever since capitalism has existed as for many other countries, im not against capitalism but the U.S. has taken it too far.

it saddens me to see the public doing exactly what the government and these federal agencies want, they want you to blame the president. over the years presidents have become nothing more than tools to shield the real problems within society, why attack the government or the real source of these issues when you can attack obama or any other person who tries. just give them time to cover their tracks which has shown throughout history over and over again. more people are finally seeing the problem is more severe, im happy to see some tiny notice to how things are actually run and laws being made to prevent it in some states.

im just waiting for everyone to realize there is so much more past what we think and know in society today, truly sad to see people still stuck on presidents like they really have some control over us, thats been long gone in the U.S..

im not sure if you realize this but there are 38 levels of security clearance the president is only on level 17, he has no clue or will ever be able to know anything above that, the most he can do is launch nukes for warfare.. the highest level of security clearance we have in the United States government is called Majestic, there are literally only 25 known people in the world to have access to Cosmic level of clearance, im sure there are more but only 25 in the entire world have come forward or have made it known.. this should be enough to tell you there is so much we have literally no idea about. as far as majestic is known i dont think anyone in the world knows about what goes on within that. its actually pretty scary.

whats extremely weird is the code names they chose to use for these "black projects" the last 10 levels of security.


if you dont believe me that it actually goes that deep, look into it. if they are willing to hide information like that, just imagine how vague our perception on what is actually happening actually is, have fun living in your blanket the U.S has kindly knitted for you to cover your eyes, i know ill probably die before any of us completely know what the hell is going on but at least i have a better perception.

i hate to get way off topic, but i cant stand people making overly moronic remarks that have no foundation what so ever other than watching TV, listening to what other people say through rumors, or the news its just stupid already, it makes me feel like im in high school all over again when people talk about things they really dont know much about or truly care to really learn about.

its also very contradicting when you say

how about we remember the rights we have as human beings with the capability to think morally for a better cause, i dont give a shit about my rights as a U.S citizen that much, i give a shit about human rights and what is actually considered logical way more, thats why the world is so fucked right now because the majority has lost sight of what we can actually achieve by simply working together, instead every one just loves to talk mad shit that does nothing thinking that will change something.

reminds me of the disney movie Antz, its depressing when people try to convey how sad society is in childrens movies and no one gets it still.

The only reason why I brought up OBAMA is because he kinda put a stop to the DEA raids. Then out of thin air DEA all over. Oh and you got the diagram from someone else. And thats hear say because until you get to majestic level( sounds like HALO video game) you will never know anything then what you may hear see or possibly encounter. Which if you are on this forum.. chances are you are nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:petting: and you think you are someone....Bawhahahahahah


Registered User
I just heard this on MPR while driving around...


"Republican state Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville said a few months ago that he did not want to deal with any major social issues – including medical marijuana regulations – until the budget was complete.

With the budget debate behind them, lawmakers are once again looking at the Medical Marijuana Act.

The Michigan Supreme Court is preparing to decide where and how marijuana plants can be grown, and the state Senate is looking at a bill that would regulate where patients could smoke marijuana.

Bills have come up for debate that would affect everything from where a person could smoke medical marijuana, to where it could be distributed and who could distribute it.

One would prevent convicted felons from becoming medical marijuana caregivers, or distributors, and the other would make it a crime to distribute medical marijuana near a church or school.

Meanwhile, medical marijuana supporters have shown up at every legislative hearing on bills that would add regulations to the law since it was approved by voters a few years ago.

They say any additional regulations would make it harder for people who need treatment to get access to medical marijuana."


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
The MACC are definitely on there game keeping up with everything they do on trying to fuck us on our laws... we have multiple lawyers working pro bono to keep are laws the same and safe for caregivers distributers and the patients....

On a side note i heard it to the grapevine NY is the next state to go medical.... suppose to be some of the best laws in the country.... good luck NY


We need to lower taxes 25% across the board and cut government spending. I am for capitalism. The fact of people living off the government and getting free welfare for nothing is BS. How about let people struggle. Reclaim our $787,000,000,000 that we gave to who knows who back regulate government spending and lets get our surplus back. A socialist economy has never worked. They are using ideas from Rusoe- a french communist from the 1800's for a 21st century economic crisis. I am totally PRO- REGAN!!!!! And if you are not you need to look at our ever growing debt. Its our money they are spending.


The Mad Monk
Remember the rights we are given as we are born into America.


Please, tell us more... on second thought, no, don't.

Crazy scene in MI, huh? Sounds like a grade A clusterfuck. Some of the actual on record statements the feds have made are just comical.




No I will tell you more..... Your OBAMA said he inherited a debt of 1.3 trillion? Really? Hmmmmmm. Thats funny!!!!! I bet he didnt tell you that he and his paid lobbies spent more than 3/4 of the money in a period of 26 months before BUSH was out of office. Then within 1 year he and the Socialist group he put into congress take money from the people that make over $46,000. And guess what. The stupid, pathetic fucks that sit on poverty line while they get bail outs, medicare, medicaid, foodstamps...."OBAMA CARE!!!!!" What a fucking joke. Oh and by the way. The time it took for me to write this the DEFICET that OBAMA is currently spending has went up $127,000,000. Are most AMERICANS that stupid? Guess so.... Come on!!!! Think of it like this.

1st you need to understand how much a trillion dollars is: it is 1 million dollars 1 million times.
Now do that 303 times. Now you understand? Probably not.

Take a swimming pool, the water is leaking at an incredible rate. So OBAMA comes to the deep side of the pool and takes a bucket scoops up the water walks over to the shallow end and dumps it in. It doesnt really make sense. Does it?

Now think of it my way. You have a pool. You stop the leaks( government spending). Now you cut taxes 25% across the board. That would let employers hire more workers and give more jobs. Now that you create more jobs you speed up the economy. You start using our land for food for our country instead importing more than we export. You would build jobs feed the hungry and lower the unemployment rate. When Regan was in office he brought us out of a depression. You call it a recession when you neighbor losses his or her job. Then call it a depression when you lose your. Get you heads out of your ass and start fighting for your and our kids future. It is our money they are spending. Or just sit back and let them spead the money all over the world. MARK MY WORDS!!!!! 6 years and we will be a broke poverty stricken country just like Russia was.

Get educated!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOOOOOOPIDDD:wallbash:




It's not protected under HIPAA as Medical Marijuana is not recognized by the Federal government as having any Medical benefit. It's an illegal controlled substance.


It's not protected under HIPAA as Medical Marijuana is not recognized by the Federal government as having any Medical benefit. It's an illegal controlled substance.

These are not records of marijuana use.

These are state licensing records. No crime involved.

The information contained in the records are protected by state law.
Violations, by government officials, carries criminal penalties.

Jail time for government officials.

Nothing to do with HIPPA AT ALL. This is not a record of medical treatment. These are not records of drug use.

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