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Organic shizzla


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First thing' first:


1 600hps dimmable. 2 UVB lights 36watts each 5% uvb.

1.2 sqm ScroG (4 feet x 3.3 feet)

Veg stage.18-6. Filling the screen.

Loads of heavy defoliation is applied the whole time. Some bit of LST.
6 Plants. 2 GHS Himalaya Golds on sides. 4 Blue Widows in the middle. All clones. 2.5 weeks from transplant. Going for a long veg due to Defoliation method applied.

blue widow top reaching the screen.

Sad enough, nothing selfmixed or any teas or anything brewed yet.
Currently I have to be using brands due to limited supply of organic stuff in this country and time.
But that's not for long.
But having to use brands, I choose BioBizz line, since it's organic and I have experience with it.

So in these pots I have a nice layer of hydroton at the bottom(2 inches for good drainage) and BioBizz All-Mix filled in it.
Ive got these nutes to use:
iobizz RootJuice
Water pump Aerated soft water.

No ph pen, cause its not needed with this line up at all. The All-Mix medium is self buffering when using organic nutes.

Got humidifier to keep my humidity above 50 at all times. Usually its 55-60

temps average 23.5- 27.5 c and 72 - 82 f.

All the plants are extremely shiny and healthy, although you cant really tell by pics because of HPS light on.

Got abit of spidermites, but plenty of time to get rid of untill the blooming begins so I dont worry too much. I just spray the shit out of fuckaz, untill the package with nite nite spidermite arrives. Using some bit of Raid for House and Garden to kill spiders and Carbon Kick to kill eggs once a week.

That's it for now, coming up with my veg rooms.

Aiming to post on weekly basis.

Sorry for quality of pictures im new to photoshop and by mistake took them pictures with HPS and UVBs on...


Active member
I hear its a super good for your eyes to look into those UVB rays. LOL just kidding man. I used them before and wouldnt turn them off every time I went into the room. But it is super bad for your eye balls, which I am sure you know.

Anyways, this is going to be a good turn out. Are you going to do any more LST to them? My last scrog I topped like 13 times with a butt load of LST. It was the best scrog I ever had. The canopy filled in so well absolutely no light came through when you looked on the under side.

My buddy literally grows the plants normally for about 45 days them drops the screen right over the canopy. It looks nuts! The plants look all smashed and shit,hahaha but he vegs for another 10 days and then it looks like the most even canopy I have ever seen with a million shoots coming off the main stem.

I love scrogin' Its probably my favorite method. So I will for sure be watching this grow. I want to hear your opinion about the UVB. I didnt notice a difference personally but It could have been strain related. Good luck man, count me in. :smoke out:


Active member
Hey there, Bennyweed1 :)

Thanks for joining on board with me.

I don't think, Im going to do too much of lst anymore. Just defoliation.

As for UVB:

Personally I have noticed a pretty significant increase of trichomes on my Himalaya Gold same pheno. But that might also be due to other enviromental changes. After this grow I should know for sure, because my partner is running exactly this same Himalaya gold on canna coco under same light but without UVBs. he uses exact same measurements of a scrog, so I think I will be able to spot any difference in buds because interval in harvests is going to be somewhere between a month and a month and a half(his is in blooming week 2 already).

As for danger - I think I try to turn them off almost everytime im inthere and try to evoid lookin at bulb directly. I just took them pics with them on, cause it looks so bomb :) Check it out:



Active member
Here is what's my vegspaces are like.

my stealth speaker-like seedlings prep box

you can controll ventelation power with that tuner

Here is the tent where preblooming seedlings go

they will be sat there in my new 1liter airpots. gotta move to airpots entirely from now on :)

To be continued...


Active member
Carbon Kick, Raid for House and garden and loads of plain water sprayed seem to have worked on those spiders.

Atleaast their population seems to have decreased significantly.


Active member
Quick update.

Nothing interesting atm. Just a long and boring defoliation veg time.
This is my first time defoliating anything that heavily and I already see the difference in veg time.

I have overfed abit and a little N lockout occured. But that's np, because I have just flushed today am. Going to take some more clones of that Blue Widow.

Tops filling up the screen nicely.

some of my himalaya gold clones. Also cloning with simple water method some of those right in smart pots. Kinda weird looking but does the job.

Next batch of blue widow clones will be cloned properly in rockwool and turface.


Active member
Waitin to take those clones. I was planning on doing it today, but I guess I shall wait 1 more day. Need those plants to bec0ome greener first!!


Active member
Hey Dudesome.. nice to see you finally got a grow thread up bro.. ill be watching this one from the back ;)... looks good so far!:tiphat:


Active member
Heeeey it's DeoXy!!!! Whassup! how is yo power kush doinG? :)
Enjoy your stay! This blue widow seems to be a bomb strain I think!

i ll post an update real soon
hey dudesome, those plants are looking great bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm sure the long vegg will be worth your while ;)
btw how long have you been veggin' them now for?

man, that setup is awesome!! anyway ill be staying here and keeping an eye on your grow!!!! :dance013::tiphat:


Active member
hey dudesome, those plants are looking great bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm sure the long vegg will be worth your while ;)
btw how long have you been veggin' them now for?

man, that setup is awesome!! anyway ill be staying here and keeping an eye on your grow!!!! :dance013::tiphat:

heya brotha! those have been vegging for over a month and a week so far.
I hope I will indeed pull a nice crop out of this one! stay tuned! updates are comming up soon! the screen is almost filled. I will be switching today!


Active member
Was looking at your multi-area setup - very nice.. I like the seedling box you made.. is it really a old speaker box? I got a bunch of old dressers and hutches that have collected over the years in the garage.. I'm thinking of taking on a sim. project and converting one.. currently I only have a 2 stage setup going, a tent for veg/flower and a table with a 6bulb 4ft H/O T5 hung directly above for seedlings/clones/preveg and part of veg., could be a lot more productive IMO..

I enjoy watching scrog grows..someday i'll try one when I've established my mother room, I mainly grow untop'ed al'natural bushes because of my limited space.. fewer BIGGER trees works out well, I just finished my veg @ 7weeks with my current grow.. got 2 vortex(TGA) and 4 dutchgrown select mix(dieselrella, OGer99 and sweetestcindy99) all grown from seed and female - going in to flower at an avg of 30in in height preflip..hope my 600w HPS is up for the challenge lol

Will be watching this one.. keep'em coming ;)


Active member
Hey DeoXy, mate! Nope it's 100% diy. We just made it look like a speaker :p I seriously suggest doing a scrog grow! The buds will be smaller, but the overall weight is always surprising. Although I personally prefer SoGs nowadays more, because of the ease+short cycles+ better yield than that of scrog if done properly.

As for pictures - I am waiting for my buddy to come with this camera to take them photos. I hope he'll come anytime soon. The screen is almost filled, but I am not yet sure if I want to switch....


Active member
Ok a little update... well not really.

It's not the main project, but somewhat a nice one.

It's also a defoliated Scrog my partner is doing at the moment. It's not organic though.

50 liters of Canna coco + canna coco A+B + Bloombastic+Sucanat+ Molasses at the end. ph 5.7 -6.

50 liter pot

This is a bush of himalaya gold @ the end of week 5.

the buds are somewhat not soo cool looking yet.

The smell is decent for himalaya gold.

We are going to give it atleast 10 weeks. Maybe 11.

The temps average 28-34, humidity 25-45. it's pretty hot up in there cuz of this hot hot summer. It's getting flushed tomorrow.

it's also getting defoliated again in 3-4 days.

and here is how our lamp looks like. Partially diy :p cooltube connected to that good reflector.

the screen measures 1.2 sqm. 3ft x 4 ft. Same as mine.

We are aiming for atleast LB with this one. LB from 1 bush sounds decent

Update with my grow is comming up pretty soon. I am ashamed to show it since it's pretty yellow for a veg stage :D I was out for some time at my mom's countryhouse and it got REAALLY hot here.

Once I green it up - I will post it up :p



Active member
lol I understand the heat thing all to well right now.. my port. a/c has been running near constantly during the hottest part of the day here in the midwest with all this 90F+ heat we have been having the last few weeks..

That screen looks nice n filled for the most part, should give you guys something worthwild!, never tried that strain, how is it?... Hope to see more of your garden soon.. no need to be ashamed.. lol shit happens bro, all you can do is move on and make it better:tiphat: