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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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anyone heard of the strains tangerine or chamba coming out of laytonville supposedly?

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
great news in butte

Butte County Marijuana Ordinance Halted


"Opponents of the bill delivered four boxes of signed petitions to Butte County officials Wednesday afternoon totaling more than 12,000 signatures. The ordinance that was scheduled to go into effect Thursday, but has been suspended until the clerk-recorder examines the petitions to determine if at least 7,600 of the signatures are valid."

""They can either repeal the ordinance altogether, or they can say let the people decide at the next election. So that's the kind of choice the board will have in the next few weeks," Deputy Butte County Administrator Sang Kim said."

Fuckin Righteous Man!

Trinity Gold

Wish we could pull something like that off over here in Trinity --- Just doesn't seem like the citizens of this county have it in them to put it together though. Kind of depressing. On the other hand, no one gives a damn about any moratorium they tried to put on what the State says we can do....

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Sun is shinin' in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight.
It's stopped rainin'
Ev'rybody's in a playin'.
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day

Runnin' down the avenue
See how the sun shines.
Brightly in the city in the streets

Where once was pity. Mister Blue Sky
Is living here today

Mister Blue Sky
Please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long



Hello - teachers :)

I, like many have been following much of the advice given in this thread. Having an issue with what I believe is a Calcium deficiency... I just can't figure out why


Overall plant health is great - in fact, this specific plant was put into it's 100g pot on May 28 at about 22 inches tall. That's me at 6'7 standing next to her propped up on a 16 inch tall pot.

She's planted in a mix of Peaceful Valley's soil which can be seen here: http://www.groworganic.com/pvfs-organic-potting-soil-1-cu-ft-bag.html

...ammended with Gypsum, Bone Meal, Chicken Shit and Perlite...
(After much more reading and thinking back, my thinking is I may have gone far too light on the gypsum - I used about half of what Tom's original recommendation was since this was my first time using Gypsum over Dolomite)

I've figured it to be a Ca deficiency based on what I've read and what the plant tells me (showing on new and old growth) ...

I've fed her compost tea (Typically EWC, Peruvian Guano 10-10-2, Molasses and Humic Acids) and Brix mix (minus powdered chelates and sulfur) each a week apart, each with 1-2 tsp/gal of EJ Grow added. I also feel my compost teas may be running quite acidic which apparently can also slow down the intake of Ca... aside from that, it's just been plain water.

Basically, I'm hoping I'm correct in my assumption of Ca def here, but I'd really appreciate input from as many of you guys as possible, as to the best course of action... and, if I'm wrong, of course any correctable info is welcomed as well...

My main concern here is that my plant is going to become weak to disease and become more prone to rot....

Any and all help/input/opinions are greatly appreciated - Outdoors is a fairly new beast to me and I understand that when a noobie is trying describe his issue, it can be quite difficult to fully understand just what it is that they are saying - if any further clarification or info is needed please just ask.

All I wanna do is learn :) Thanks


Check out the growth on this Sensi Big Bud, here she is on 5-9


and today (six weeks growth)


this thread is pretty amazing, I've never seen monsters like some of em in here before...forget choppers I'd be worried about people seeing them from space... just awe inspiring work


Active member
so this morning i go into my garden and one of my strawberry cough girls was looking sad so i started digging in the soil and came across a little maggot. so i continued to look and found several more of these maggots they are at most a centimeter long most are smaller than that but they are definently some sort of larve so i started thinking are they just in this pot or are there more. currently i have 10 300 gallon smarties and 30 100 gallon smarties ive checked everyone of them and they all have these maggots in them!!! the only explanation i can come up with for why these dam things are in every pot is i bought 10 pallets of happy frog. i didnt use any other soil and i strongly believe that fox farms sold me a huge batch magget infested soil!!!!!!!!! im going to go get predatory nematodes but would like to know if anyone knows of a faster organic way to fix my problem? all suggestions are very appreciated. i would also like to say i will never use non steralized soil again or any fox farms products ever. imho never trust these big companies!!!!


Active member
i tried to take pics but the things are to small for my camera to take a clear pic. i havent seen any full grown termites around but that is what it seems like any suggestion on how to get rid of them tg? can spinosad be watered in?


i agree with TG on the termites. are the little "maggots" white? if they really are termites i really doubt they came in the happy frog. last season in butte i had some beds of compost become hosts to termites before planting, watered in predatory nematodes, they all disappeared.
don't have experience watering in spinosad...

edit:if they are termites, sterilizing soil won't do much if there's any woody material in your mix. sometimes you just get dealt a bad hand. the termites become active in later spring, they then might fly onto one of your beds and realize they've got a warm wet pile of food. i wouldn't worry too much, good luck

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I had some termites in an orange crush patch 5 years ago. They ended getting into one of the plants stems. It was sick and made alot less buds. and taste like carmel


watered in predatory nematodes, they all disappeared.
don't have experience watering in spinosad...
Yup...better predatory approach than natural poison in this case IMO. In Cali we've got a week of cool weather coming it seems and good for shipping nematodes. In fact I've gotta order some on Monday and going with Natural Pest Controls. A pint is like $40 +$25 for 2 day shipping. A friend told me about them and gave some tradename product that NPC distributes and lost track of that info. Cheap insurance.


Active member
i have been planning on neamatodes but some girls are already showing symptoms so i need something that works faster and as far as them coming from the happy frog imsure this was the culprit because i purchased all 10 pallets at the same location at the same time 7 pallets were delivered to one location and the other 3 were delivered to another these locations are 10 miles away from eachother and at both gardens every pot has these larvae in them i cannot see there being any other explanation.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Ive soaked the plants with it before. I know it went in the soil. I used it for caterpillars, not termites. I thought it was expressly for Cats. THey use some mean shit to kill termites.

For my California Super-Mites, I tried azamax, neem, pyrethrins, brix mix, alcohol, CO2, and I probably left something out. Nothing worked to eradicate them...... Until..... LOL, I actually bought some of the Plant Vitality plus (in the thin aluminum can), and hit the total infestation with that. All plants were in veg, and none were harvested until 13 weeks later. It knocked the fuck outta them. It killed every single mite. I havnt seen one since, and that was probably 17-18 weeks ago. Maybe it will kill termites too. I did spray the soil. I think it has Mectins in it. About 30 bucks makes up maybe 3 gallons strong spray. Allow at least 7 weeks before harvest


Active member
thanks for the respose dr purpur i read that spinosad will almost all kins of larvae i watered in 1 plant with half strength monterey garden insect spray and have nematodes on order all except a few of the girls are fin but i still want to see if the spinosad helps
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