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what's up with my plant leaves??

well i highly doubt they are over-fertilizied, because i i was only doing 1ml per 500ml of bio grow and only every now and then.... i also doubt that they might be getting burned cause its only the lower leaves that are getting yellow spots and drying up....

they are 23 days old and this is what they look like






please help me ive been searching on the forum and from what i've read i suspect it might be the PH, but since its my first grow and i dont have a ph meter i cant be sure, maybe one of you guys can help me out....

thanks in advance!!#:tiphat:


Active member
pics arent showing up.

I'd recommend buying a decent ph meter, its one of the best investments a grower can purchase, at the bare minimum get some ph drops or litmus paper


I would get a pH meter now than later unless you know your water supply. The drops work too and are not that expensive. pH is so important as it specifically relates to how the plant eats.

The leaf damage I see in the pics I would not panic about. To me it appears the plant is just adjusting to your soil mix or possibly got wet with some agent but I do not know your details as there are many variables that come into play.

Pay close attention as you are and remember less is more. If things continue badly flush your soil with fresh pH adjusted water and then feed a full balanced mild pH adjusted fertilizer. You should be okay.


Active member
The top part and new growth look fine, all tho it look like u should up the interval between watering and use a littel less fertilizer untill the plants have grow alittel more

Also that container is quite small so if u are planing on flowering them in that size contain i would reccomed to go right into flower...

I dont think it is pH related, the biobizz buffer the pH in the water also the soil has elements that buffer the pH value....

Just need to find the right amount off water and fertilizer i only add pure pH'ed water in the last 10 days off flowering some times i dont pH the water i really cant see any diff..

My tap water has a pH around 8.2 and 800-900 ppm damm hard water.....

Tjeck u local water supply fore info on u water quality and then u can see if u are in a need off some pH down

Do u foliar spray u plants ?
well i figured i might as well spend an extra buck getting that ph meter, otherwise getting the fertiliziers was useless since the plants won't be able to feeed, right?:tiphat:

anyway this what the plants are looking like today...
im begining to think perhaps they were indeed overfert'd, since the only 2 sick ones are the smallest ones....

and as for the two sick ones.....

again another picture of the last one... it now has some dark shades on the edge of one her leaves....
can't see it well, but here it is...

dkgrower, i will not flower them just quite yet, yesterday i FIM'ed them, or at least attempeted to =P, we'll see how they turn out and today im gonna put them in bigger pots (4.5l) maybe ill go ahead and do that now... and yes sometimes just for the heck of it, i foliar spray(tap water) them a bit to recreate mother nature as if it were raining lol...:dance013:

anyway, thanks a lot for the tips guys.... ill get that ph meter anyhow and keep an eye on my babies:wahey:


What is FIM?

Determining lockout or a deficiency I must say is difficult to call IMO

Do a google search for pH nutrient chart. Or possibly here on the forum as I am positive it is posted somewhere here. But this chart shows what nutes are readily available to the plant at that specific level and how well they use the minerals at that level.

Now after you get your pH where you want it, you must provide proper amounts of nutes. Too much nutes is always bad IMO, less is better cuzz you can always add more but what you wanna find is the amount of nutes they want without over or under doing it. The sweet spot if you will. Not all plants are the same either. Learning to feed is important. Cant always just follow the bottle.

Good call on the transplant, but this may disguise your problem. Once you get your meter you will have a better idea what is happening. What soil do you use? Does it contain nutes?

Glad to see others listening to their plants. Just hard to figure out what they are saying.



Active member
one off those pots look very dry how often do u water and what medium are they in, coco ?
nope its soil. ATAMI Janeco Light Mix....

well yesterday i "flushed" them with tap water... so i dont plan on giving them any water today... since yesterday i soaked them entirely, i let it drain of course...

but anyway, i realize im not letting the tap water sit for 24 hours like many recommend to do... but on the other hand here in switzerland, they put little chlorine to the water compared to the US at least... but anyway i shall do that, maybe the chlorine was causing a nut lock up...

here's the specifications of the local water:
thought i dont understand much, this is my tap water...

Quality "WHO Class" 2010: Excellent
Potability 2010: No warning is not drinkable
Origin of groundwater, spring water and lake water prepared
Hardness Very sweet - sweet: 5 - 13 ° fH
Not aggressive chemical characteristics - balanced
Treatment with dolomite Deacidification
Sand filtration
Disinfection with ultraviolet rays
Ozone disinfection
Weakly mineralized mineralization: 84 - 197 mg / L
Minerals and
Bicarbonates trace elements from 48 to 129 mg / L
Calcium 14.0 - 34.9 mg / L
Magnesium 4.1 - 12.9 mg / L
Sodium 3.0 - 6.4 mg / L
Potassium 1.1 - 2.4 mg / L
Chloride 2.9 - 8.8 mg / L
Sulphate 9.9 - 22.9 mg / L

too bad it doesnt say anything about the pH! :cry:

anyway, mange tak for din hjælp, ven :tiphat:


When I grow in containers, I try to go by the weight of the pot kinda thing when they are small. The heat, and how well the medium holds water will give you a better idea of how often.

I have not grown in coco before. Rinse the stuff well before using as I have read some coco might be "dirty". I dont know the correct verbiage without researching it.

But your plants look strong. Nice stems. You just gotta tackle reading your plants. Only you know exactly what you are doing. You feel me on that? as there are a ton of variables which you do not want to add to the mix when you do not understand what is happening.

Try to research your coco brand to see if others are doing with it. When growing with coco I believe the pH is set to a slightly different level. Try to get that meter. The sooner the better. Be sure to buy cal solution or packets and take good care of your meter as nutes build up etc. Exact pH is crucial to know IMHO

When I have time I will look for you. I tried to find GratefulH3ad's coco thread but I had no luck.

I gotta check my outdoor and water. I will monitor your grow as I am getting my popcorn ready.



My bad I thought it was coco you were growing in.

Doesnt work getting baked so early LOL

Just disregard that last post if it makes no sense LOL
hahaha no worries nowon, happens to to me as well more often than not!!!:bump:

its true what you say, i gotta learn to understand my plant needs...

im on vacatiosn now so perhaps im overreacting about the leaves issue, i check on them like 5 times a day :tongue: and they look strong and are growing alright, its just that i panicked i guess =P

anyway man thanks for the help!!!!:tiphat:


Learning to read plants is difficult because it seems like everything looks like the other problem. Problems look alike or similar in the behavior. That is my experience.

I wish I knew how to read your water report. From what I understand from it, that it contains minerals already and if they are too high, it might be your problem. Someone with experience could tell you more. But until you find out, spend a couple of bucks and buy some purified RO (de-ionized) preferrably and use that for a few days to see if there is any difference. Or distilled, should be where they sell drinking water. Read the label how the water is processed. This water should have a pH of 7 which is neatral but contain 0 minerals. This would be best to flush your plants as faucet water might just be adding to your problem. Only trying, will you find out. Take good notes and pics too to refer to later.

I suggest that because the water report numbers look high to me per L. Wish I knew more. I do know that salts build up in the medium which will cause lockout over time. Your plants do not look big enough for that unless you are growing in tiny containers.

Damn I shouldnt do this baked. I hope this makes sense bro.

Oh yeah, how the hell is weather in switzerland. I have only seen pictures. Just beautiful my friend.


Active member
Hey again. I dont think u need a RO thing or let u water stand fore 24 houres.

I really dont think that is a problem or will come fore u, if u can get rain water and use that it would be good natural water supply.

I think that the plants like to get there water at the same time i like to give just when the light come on.

I also grow in soil and in the first 2 weeks off veg i try not to give to much water so the roots go down in the pot. Then when the plants become above 4 leafs sets i water everyday and in midflower water mixed with nutes 2 times pr day.

I really get more yeild with the 2 times pr day water from midflower untill chop.

From the looks the leafs are dark green so they have plenty off Nitrogen, but the leaf fingers, i like those to make a V shape, then u know they have plenty off water.

So from the looks i would put less fertilizer (half) and water more often but less.

If u can get some Algea Mix and some Melasse then use.

Edit also u plants looks like they would love to be transplanted into some bigger pots....
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hey guys thanks a lot for the info....

i will also try not to water them as much so the roots go deeper, thats a very good advice, because i would often foliar spray them and so i guess im not making the roots work a lot and they're getting lazy...

but anyhow, 2 days ago i topped them, they are now recovering and i can see the roots have now reached the bottom cause i see them trying to come out...

so my question is, should i transplant them now? or wait a few more days till they recover from topping and then transplant.....

anyway, thanks again for the help guys, props to you!!!

anyway, no won... the weather isnt as bad as you'd think... and i live south of the alps so the climate is semi-meditarranean, so it's not bad, it can get quite hot in the summer....:wave:


Your gals look like they are established and you should be fine.

Just be careful not to allow the root ball fall apart if its not established. I prefer my soil to be on the drier side when I transplant. just my 2 cents.

Do you do any outdoor there?



Active member
I always like to help a fellow grower so i makes me just as happy that u sould use the info

regrading the transplant i would wait a some days and then do, a good tip when repotting is not to plant it deeper but 1-2 cm above, the new soil level, damm i hope u understand

@Nowon, the Swiss grow super outdoor ganja, they are famed fore tahere Apline buds and the Swiss Hanf freunde, are they still around, ganjaman ?



Those first set of pictures is some type of burn. Looks like you foliar fed or spilled water on those leafs then it cooked under the light. I have see the same thing when I sprayed for bugs then put them under the light to soon with the leaves wet also seen it when clones grow up into the bulbs.

Plus, they are probably getting rootbound and that causes plants to have trouble uptaking nutes properly and then the leaves start doing funny things. Nothing to worry about but I would transplant when you have a chance.


I don't like those dark areas forming in the last pics ... but the rest of yr problem could be from water lying on the leaves and something in that water burning the leaves ... like the problems coming from outside not inside.

but in general I agree with Highcountry ... don't worry about it unless all yr plants start going the sameway.

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