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looking for the ultimate nuetrient recipie

right now i am running the following program:
dyna grow
fish emulsions

dyna bloom
fish emulsions
open sesmee
beasty bloomz
cha ching

fox farm ocean forest

now this is an alright set up and i grow dank budz with this,however i keep getting the feeling that there is somthing better out there that i can use.So with the mad amount of bad ass growers on this sight can some one share some tried and true recipies with me.I am not trying to run a whole line from one source so but get the best nuetrient from the best company or home grow recipie.I will run a whole line if some one can show me that it is bad ass but no advanced nuet wanna bees i looking for legit stuff that will work better than the recipie ive listed here.Thx to all that take the time to share there knowledge.
arent we all . too many variables too many strains

so what are you saying you dont know?i would think that with the years you have on this sight you would have a lot of experiance so what are you using and how does it work for you?I am looking to grow super dank weed i am not trying to grow huge amounts of ok weed,I want the best.
this sight is supposed to be one of the best sights on the net:In so saying what do you people got for me?I would like to see somone run down a better recipie than mine,or am I sitting at the top of the class?
ok let me narrow it down a little more.I have an 8 and 1/2 by 11 and 1/2 room 8 feet high.I am running 4 gall tall boys under 4 400 watt and 2 600 watt lights.The walls, floor and ceiling are covered with double bubble reflectifoil made for indoor gardens.climate is 72/82%f humidity is 30%.Intake and exhaust are constant.
one more thing my flower program is 10 weeks.Just approach it with the understanding that everything is set up correct and that all you have to do is add a nutrient program.The strains I am running are light of jah,jack herer,white widow,wonder woman,head band bubba kush and hindu kush


You would be fine using only the dyna gro products and omitting most of the other products. Sometimes less is more. You're throwing an awful lot of stuff at your plants.


Less is definitely more. I almost always find that my plants need much less than I am giving them.

From start to finish all I use is EJ grow, bloom, catalyst, and micro, probably a total of 4-5 feedings in all and I have been getting amazing results lately.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Maxibloom (per Lucas 1 tsp per gallon ) & Koolbloom powder at the end .... thats it for me . The KISS method .
recently started using protekt as a PH up & its got some nice benefits from using it .

growem green & stay safe ...Dans
you are correct i am trowing a lot of stuff at my plants,but they love it I should also state that i am only feeding them at half the recommended dose as listed on the product,My results have been wonderful,I am pulling about 2 and 1/2 zips per plant.,they are solid, dank, crystallized wonders.I mean dont get me wrong peeps this recipe works wonderfully for me and as you all know a plant can handle as much nuets as you can give it as long as the increase comes over time.I am just looking for a recipe that is better and will grow danker budz then the two toke your stoked i am getting now.I would like one toke to be the norm.Anyways thanks for the input,all help and advice is appreciated.
I should add a little more to this,If you mean just give them dyna grow and bloom and thats it.That would put my plants into nuet dept they have been built up to handle high nuets.However application is not what i am looking for here,I am looking for the ultimate recipe,Now humboldt nutrients has come out with some very good stuff,canna and bio have some very good stuff.And if you let some people tell it AN has some very good stuff.I have found that no single line works as well as mixing products from all these great manufactures if they are mixed properly and in there right proportions.


Active member
I got tired of the nute mixing myself and went Moonshineman's Mix with my soil. I'm not very familiar with all the nute lines so it makes it easy for me to add nothing but water the whole time. That said. Would such a rich organic mix beef your blooms? The coco in the mix allows me to get in more frequent waterings which should also be of benefit.
green heart
nice intro man I would like to hear more of what you have to say,I consider the recipe that i am running now to be basic emerald triangle recipe and it does work well.However i can not escape the feeling that there is something out there that I am missing;whether its changing my soil to a completely constructed organic medium,or altering the nutrient recipe to a more microbic standpoint.I am not sure,I am however continueing to educate my self and seeking better ways to grow danker buds.So ya tell me what you know peeps,right now i am pulling about a gram a watt.
one more thing i should add greenheart.I feed my plants 1/4 gal nuet solution twice a week (every two days) and one clear with molasses.(the third day)I added hydrated lime and perilite to the ocean forest.


Sativa Tamer
I do it like Greenheat except with a different mix (LC's #1). I do dress some dry fertilizers a few times throughout the cycle as needed (N guano, P guano, & kelp) and use aerated compost teas on occasion. I don't believe in magic in a bottle.



hey t....yes...i did mean just use dyna-gro grow and dyna-gro bloom fertilizers. they are complete fertilizers and contain everything your plants need to grow (unlike many other nute brands). adding additional supplements works but they really aren't necessary and are more likely to cause pH swings. i just use the grow formula...switch to the bloom after 1 to 2 weeks of 12/12....then add the grow as needing to postpone leaf drop til near harvest. if i need to pump more nutes in i just increase the doses of dyna-gro....but there is only so much NPK and other nutrients a plant can use so i let the leaves tell me when and how much to feed. have fun experimenting....i've done quite a bit of it as well. there are a few good threads on the myth of high P in fertilizers that are worth the read. good luck!
good stuff soothsayer i like the idea of a little nuets to halt leaf drop i really dont believe that putting your plant into n deficiency is the way to go.If i think that the plant is deficient i will juice it a little.I believe that it takes 21 days for the plant to go through its metabolic cycle in this regards i will start feeding clear twice a week and i very light npk mix once a week 3 weeks before harvest i find this keeps the plant healthy and growing as well as cleans it out.
sure fox farm is running 40 something to 50 something pk that is a lot so i only feed half the concentrations recommended dosage if it needs more ill hit it with more but usually they don't. if you use fox farm right and dont follow the directions you can grow dank with it.I mean i got a couple plants that will produce a 1/4 lb when they are done that's 8 weeks veg and 10 weeks flower,and this is under 400 what lights,Kinda dutch grow style.Basically i am looking for the best nuets out there not necessarily the best line but the best nuets ill put them together my self,even if it is totally organic soil mixing with the just add water tag.Man there is a lot of experimenting to do not to mention all the experimenting ive already done.Someone mentioned happy frog LOL been there done that its not the best way for me.I am really leaning towards some of the Humboldt nuets line and maybe some bio and cana we will see im not gonna switch until next planting so i got a couple of months.
Thx everyone who has contributed to this i continue to desire and value all of your input.