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hi i am just starting i am using fox farms mix ( ocean forest, planting mix and light warrior ) they have been under a 1000 hps for 3 days i just switched them from 18/6 to 12/12 the two plants were started from bag seeds 75 days ago. i water with distilled water and use earth juice grow. yesterday i fed them with earth juice bloom, plant 1 started flowering about 6 weeks ago under 18/6 plant 2 is just now showing signs of flowering for a while plant 2 was having leaves curl and twist and was very dark green and purple. plant one was having yellowing spots and some drooping now it has reversed. i have no way to check the ph of my run off water but i have a soil tester and it says 6.5 to 6.7
the first 3 pics are plant 1 the last 5 are plant 2
any ideas would be most welcome


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Active member
How long have they been in the fox farm soil? fox farms (ocean forest and happy frog) soil is pre amended with nutrients... so you don't want to feed them from the get-go.

what are you watering at for PH??
what is the PH of the runoff??
how often are you feeding that earth juice?

Reread everything. First things first, soil probes are about as useful as a male cow with tits.
You need to somehow poke/drill holes and get runoff coming out the bottom, measure it with litmus paper or PH drops at a bare minimum.
The plants really don't look bad at all, and should be very fixable :)


New member
they have been in this mix since seedlings i feed every 3 weeks i have good drainage the only ph test kits i could find are for pools ( exept the soil probe ) and i think the range is wrong.
The symptoms of the plants switched after i repotted them could that mean anything?
also plant one started flowering 6 weeks ago under 18/6 any ideas why?


Active member
It would be flowering due to poor genetics and the mild stress of the current PH imbalance.

Bag-seed is usually from a plant with weak genetics that has undergone a traumatic enough stress for it to experience gender identity crisis
(your seeds are basically the bastard children of a Thai ladybody that somehow impregnated itself:dancer:)

If you correct the PH imbalance in the soil, the flowering plant should revert to its veggy ways eventually.

The pool testing kits are sorta fine, because they will at least give an accurate reading, however the dark colors of runoff make reading them difficult.

as shitty as it is, investing in a digital PH pen is probably gonna be a wise investment in order to solve this.


Enormous Member
Looks to me like they might be a little overwatered. A nice trick to tell if the plant needs water is to dig a hole with your finger 2" into the soil. If there's ANY moisture at all, wait another day to water them.


New member
thanks for the input i'll see if i can find a ph pen, i may have over watered when i switched from fluorescents to hps my temp went up to 90 for a day or so before i got it back down i thought the heat had dried the soil out but i didnt go 2 inches down


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Your plants are being over watered and are suffering from deficiencies.

The reason that they switched symptoms is because the first plant (likely the one that began flowering earliest) became root-bound in the pot and used up the available nutrients.

Your pictures show severe Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) deficiencies and slight Nitrogen def most likely the result of lockout due to over watering. The N def isn't as important at this stage because they are in flower, which is also part of the reason they are wanting more K, P and Fe.

If they were in my garden I would add 1 Tbs Epsom Salts, 1 Tbs Brer Rabbit molasses, and 1 Tbs Lilly Miller vitamin B1 plant starter per gallon of Ph'd water and a 3/4 dose of nutrients and flush em. Also elevate the pots off the floor as high as possible for a few days, it will increase the temperature of the root zone, which should be about 72*F.

You'll see major improvement by the time the pots dry for the next watering.