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Plain old regular Aspirin taken a few hours before smoking, I was absolutely wrecked!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
So something a bit interesting and honestly a little scary happened to me yesterday and I thought it might make for an interesting discussion here. It might also help explain exactly what happened if anyone has experienced this before.

I don't know exactly where or when I read it but for some reason I recall some info somewhere relating to Aspirin having some effect on activating THC / Cannabinoid receptors? or something of that matter. I have not fully researched this yet but I was hoping maybe some of our expert members could lend a hand.

So here is what happened :blowbubbles:
I had some achy muscles in my shoulder from overdoing it outside in the veggie garden a bit the other day and I normally don't take anything other than the good herb but for some reason popped two Bayer Aspirin's and thought nothing of it at the time.

Now I usually smoke my favorite strain at least once per day or more and we all know what that is by now and I am very familiar with it and it's comfy pleasant effects. But this time was different, very different. Almost debilitating in fact and way too strong for comfort. :peek:

Several hours after taking two Aspirins I lit up a nice joint of some well dried & cured Sweet Tooth that I have smoked much more of many times before and for some reason this time after just two big deep tokes it hit me hard and I mean really hard. Full on nearly could not walk or even stand up I had to sit down and if I did not know better I would think I had smoked something laced. My mouth felt weird and my taste was all messed up, my ears were ringing kind of and I felt nearly retarded to the point of nearly not being able to function. I was extremely stoned to the bone and just wanted to curl up in the fetal position. This is how I felt the very first time I got high (which was way way too high) and I remember it well suprisingly to this day. :smoke out:

Long story short, I was eventually okay and mellowed out after about an hour and some fresh air, some water & just sitting down and taking it easy for awhile. Luckily I was smoking some usually very calming happy & anti-anxiety herb to begin with and I fear that had I smoked some C99 or a racy haze or something like it I might have literally needed to be sedated and probably would have had a full on panic attack. :bigeye:

Felt a bit humbling actually and I am wondering exactly what happened here because I only took two nice hits and usually smoke far more but luckily after exhaling the second cloud of smoke I could feel it coming over me strong and I mean REALLY strong. I was tempted to keep toking and thank God I put it out or who knows what would have happened :laughing:

So anyways that is my story, and it's the truth so laugh at me if you want but I was so totally blasted I was even doing the praying I would come down thing and we all have been there before! I know the Aspirin had something to do with it and the only thing I could think of was that maybe it blocked the Cannabinoids which would normally modulate the effects of the THC and thus the experience was far more intense than usual. If anyone has any experience with this or any more useful information it would be very much appreciated and of course any and all jokes & off topic posts are fully welcomed! :tiphat:



I've heard of this happening with extra strength Tylenol and other similar pain/fever reducers that contain acetaminophen. Checked out Bayer's aspirin, and there is definitely none of that in there, just aspirin.

Aspirin works by blocking receptors where as acetaminophen just increases your pain threshold. I think your theory with the blocked receptors not being able to take up some of the other CBDs and CBNs may have made the THC effect of the cannabis that much more pronounced. Wish I could tell you more, but it is definitely interesting that it was the Bayer aspirin which only has aspirin as the active ingredient.

I'll be real interested to hear from someone that knows a bit more :tiphat:


I had a similar experience a few weeks back. I hurt my MCL at the gym and took 2 ibuprofen when I got home. I normally don't take pills so maybe it was more of a reaction to that, but after I smoked a bowl I totally lost it. I got what felt like a head rush. except it didn't go away. I was standing there for what seemed like 15 minutes trying to take deep breathes and calm down but it didn't really help. I couldn't think straight and was really disoriented (like a bad headrush). even basic motor control was out the window. Eventually I lied down and felt better but it was a really weird/scary experience. No idea why it happened tho. If I had been driving it would have been bad news bears


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor

Same exact way I felt brother, almost passed out nearly and had to make a real effort to breath deeply and stay calm. Very intense buzz that normally is very calm & happy.

It was definitely different though after taking the Aspirin compared to normal, I could feel it in a different more intense way. It was just plain Aspirin too out of a brand new bottle I popped the seal on myself, enteric coated and time release ones made by Bayer. They were the small 81 mg ones that people take daily for heart health and I only took 2 of them a few hours before smoking so that was the only variable and I never take pills myself but knowing Aspirin is pretty much natural I did not think twice about it. I felt fine after taking the Aspirin and it did seem to help with the muscle soreness and slight strain. :good:

Got ripping stoned like I had smoked 10 bong hit's in a row but really only had 2 puffs on the joint it was wild! :joint: :biggrin:

Thanks for the input so far! :tiphat:

mad librettist

Active member
hmmm sometimes I get the "going down the first drop of the rollercoaster¨ feeling. Usually if I drink too much and smoke.

Are you guys maybe just getting old? lol j/k


Active member
well Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and it is a blood thinner. perhaps the blood thinning properties induced this altered state. At any rate, i would avoid NSAIDs(Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) as they eat away the lining of your stomach and intestines. You don't want Chrons or GERD do ya?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Well I hear you on that and agree that too much of anything is not good but there are definitely some beneficial effects from taking a daily Aspirin regime. It is proven to reduce heart attacks & strokes and so on and so forth. I never take anything myself and don't really usually feel the need to but this is just what happened this one time when I smoked after taking some Aspirin like 4 hours beforehand. :)

I am almost certain it affected the receptors somehow because I could feel the difference it was like someone let the lion out of the cage after those first two hits! I was blazed and in a total daze it was like smoking for the first time again & overdoing it. 2 x 4 to the head! :bigeye:


Active member
I had a similar experience a few weeks back. I hurt my MCL at the gym and took 2 ibuprofen when I got home. I normally don't take pills so maybe it was more of a reaction to that, but after I smoked a bowl I totally lost it. I got what felt like a head rush. except it didn't go away. I was standing there for what seemed like 15 minutes trying to take deep breathes and calm down but it didn't really help. I couldn't think straight and was really disoriented (like a bad headrush). even basic motor control was out the window. Eventually I lied down and felt better but it was a really weird/scary experience. No idea why it happened tho. If I had been driving it would have been bad news bears

Weird I never had any problems with Ibuprofen and a combination of weed and alcohol. Ok if you take too many ibuprofen you might get some acid reflux, especially with alcohol and weed in the mix.

Did you guys take the pills on an empty stomach?


Looks like SOTF420 might be starting something here. Once all the viewers see this and try it, the news will spread like wildfire.

Headlines may happen. " Aspirin and Weed Abuse at an All Time HIGH."


Invertebrata Inebriata
Hey, there was a thread on here last year about eating MANGOES one hour before smoking for an enhanced high, and I am here to testify that it does do something- makes the high different. Try it, I HIGHLY recommend it. Also, I have had some crazy fun times under a caffeine/cannabis dual influence.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Just to clarify before anything is lost in translation I am talking about ASPIRIN or "acetylsalicylic acid" which also naturally occurs as the closely related compound "Salicin" in the bark of willow.

Please do not take it unless you know that you can safely do so and are not allergic to it!

I also suspect that it may also be strain dependent and I am used to smoking something that has decently high levels of THC & various Cannabinoids in it. If one was smoking a strain primarily high in only THC and lacking the CBD content it would probably have a less intense effect on them from what I can initially gather as they would be used to that effect at least in theory. This of course is all based on what I felt myself this one time but consider myself to be very in-tune with my mind, body and what I smoke and how it makes me feel. I have smoked my fave strain thousands of times at least and this was the highest I have ever been on it with only two tokes! It felt like I had smoked much much more and it did not feel like the normal comfortable pleasant buzz I am used to which likely comes from the CBD's working in conjunction with the THC under normal circumstances. :joint:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Definitely not the point of this thread to encourage anyone to do this as it was pretty much a total accident and not intended to happen in the first place. I was hoping to find some expert opinions on why exactly this happened and just browsing Google it seems there are some shared pathways with receptors. It was not very pleasant although I do feel fine today with no ill after effects at all whatsoever. It was like the difference between taking a few nice hits and just feeling good centered & stable (how I usually feel) and being nearly shaky and way overdoing it to the point of nearly freaking out. If I was smoking something unknown and this happened I would have swore it was laced somehow but I know for 110% fact it was not and was just pure good clean organic herb. The only variable was the Aspirin taken early in the day and I have been smoking this same herb for a few weeks now and know I should have been about a 4 or 5 on a scale of 10 stone wise after 2 hits on a regular size half gram joint but I was more like an 11 with this combo and it was intense as hell I was saying to myself in my head damn I grow some good shit self! :biggrin: Reality is that Sweet Tooth is not really ultra-potent usually and is more med-high strength and very balanced which is why I prefer smoking it to many other strains but the Aspirin made it weird for me at least and more like smoking a bowl of 12 weeker haze trichomes to the head. :pointlaug

If you have ever been in the grips of some super strong herb and body pulsing with massive amounts of THC to the point of almost not being able to function and nearly tripping out you know what I mean here about intense! I would feel bad for a less seasoned toker! :canabis:
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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
They are good for your heart and to prevent the clotting of blood platelets which can lead to a heart attack or stroke I know that and was planning on starting the 81 mg a day dosage as well which is a very low maintenance dose. Do you get very stoned easily when you smoke?

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I did a little google search with "aspirin interactions with cannabis," didn't find anything specific between the two. But, I did find a website that reported aspirin as having interactions with 438 other drugs.

I would say that if it has that many interactions with other drugs, it could very well have some kind of interaction with weed. It's likely no lab or university has ever bothered to test for this interaction due to the illegality of cannabis.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
You know really the whole experience was weird and like I said I am so used to smoking this herb I know what to expect but who knows it could have been something else I ate and thinking back I did have one drink in the middle of it all but don't think it was really too relevant because I regularly will have a glass of red wine with food and smoke afterwards and always feel great. Maybe I just got some super potent little piece of bud in there who knows stranger shit has happened in life. :)

Still pretty sure it was the damn Aspirin's though the high just felt different than usual and I am quite a sensitive instrument since humans are the best way to test any drug. ;)

I have yet to smoke anymore herb though since late yesterday been kind of waiting for the Aspirin to flush out of my system got me kind of fucking paranoid now! Funny right :bigeye:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I did eat, not a big meal but yes I ate and did not have low blood sugar. All was fine until I lit up and it just hit me like a shit ton of bricks and I could just feel the difference from taking the Aspirin compared to when I usually toke and it comes on smooth and steady. I almost immediately knew I was in for a wild ride. This is coming from someone who smokes big fat ass spliffs of some bomb ass fresh fruity frosty and just feels good and laughs his ass off in total blissy euphoria but this time was like a bad trip almost. I felt like I was on some acid there for a half hour or so. I'm okay though now & still kicking ass so not too worried about it just thought it would be worth bringing up here and sharing to see if anyone else experienced anything similiar and so far it seems I am not the only one. :canabis:

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