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TV host Montel Williams to open medical marijuana dispensary


Active member
very cool . that guy is a classy dude. we need more celebrities like him down with our cause. i might make the trip just for fun one day


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
He knows. I could be wrong; it could be a financial thing and I'm giving him way too much credit.

But I suspect, given his history of being a stand-up man, the whole point is to be a target. I think Montel is saying "I'm an honest, rich, intelligent man, and most Americans respect me. Go ahead, drag me out in handcuffs with guns drawn and local news on location. I dare you."



great words, well spoken. am going to look forward to see how this pans out for him.



This sounds like they are trying to appeal to people wouldn't normally smoke marijuana, but have serious medical conditions and are looking for alternative treatment.
I think part of the reason I grill my folks over and over again about how ass backwards their ideas about marijuana are is that it would break my heart to see them suffering and know that they won't even try a plant that could bring them much comfort over blindly swallowing X amount of pills daily.


samplers for dispensaries are called quality control lol.
you test every bud before the intake.
if you dont like it you pass. if its good and clean you take it in.

if your in a medical state you should apply as long as you
know your s---.
you just have to look for mold.mildew.spider mites and damage. flush. ect...

its a fun job that requires you to be stoned all day.

Where do I apply for that job!:wave::plant grow:


Montel is a great guy. I wish him the best of luck. Maybe he wants the feds to try to do something to him so he can use his celebrity to get in the national spotlight?

Vector Mung

New member
Montel is a great guy. I wish him the best of luck. Maybe he wants the feds to try to do something to him so he can use his celebrity to get in the national spotlight?

That brings up a point that some may take as trolling. Why are black people the only ones unafraid to publicize their dispensaries now? Who's seen the latest CNBC propaganda film about Colorado? The only reason the husband and wife couple are unafraid to boast of breaking federal plant numbers is because they know Obama personally. CNBC even shows the photo of them posing with Obama. Is there a mistaken assumption in the black community, as in the cannabis community, that Obama won't send his dogs after us because he feels a kinship? Is this assumption correct?


Obama is not the federal government, that being said, I feel slightly safer than i did under GW, Clinton, and Raegan.

Only slightly because the president of the United states will not be the one raping your privacy and knocking down your door to get to you.

I believe Obama offers some hope for change for weed smokers, he's not going to do it for us though. Just hopefully not veto / immediately oppose anything we try to do.

Vector Mung

New member
The federal agencies that bust people for weed can and do choose to ignore mandates from Obama. To cite the CNBC special again, let us not forget the fat fuck who went on CNBC the first time and boasted of his plants, giving a full tour.

The DEA chose to ignore the mandate, and sweep in. He is currently ankle braceleted at his home and awaits sentencing up to life in prison. The DEA appeared on CNBC, and stated explicitly that they will move in on anyone who appears in the media and boasts of their transgressions. Is the DEA afraid to cause another "beer summit" on the White House lawn by busting into the home of a black man? White growers only are the ones targeted, and black folk have caught on.


Active member
I wonder how this went over today...

Protest at Montel Wellness (Abatin) in Sac Today at Noon

Posted by Mickey Martin on June 17th, 2011

Please join a group of concerned vendors and citizens at 2900 U St. in Sac today for a demonstration calling on the organization to pay their debts and do right by the community. Montel may, or may not, have known about the terrible reputation his new partners have in the community for mismanagement of collective funds that have resulted in the default of hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to hard working folks, but he should have done his homework and cleared up these outstanding debts or found another group to partner with if he wanted to enter this market with no controversy. His decision to attempt to use his celebrity to gain a competitive advantage and his management group’s effort to put remodelling and renovating ahead of paying off the people the business owes is shameful. A peaceful protest will be held today, spearheaded by two senior citizens who are owed thousand of dollars, which they were depending on to supplement their fixed incomes. It is a shame that it has come to this, but when big money interests attempt to rewrite history and marginalize dozens of providers and workers in an effort to weasel out of paying what is owed by their organization, it is time for action. Love, compassion and freedom my ass. I hope to see you there.

Vector Mung

New member
LOL @ Montel Wellness, did he seriously have the ego to name it that. Well, sure, we all wanna do that sometimes....
He knows. I could be wrong; it could be a financial thing and I'm giving him way too much credit.

But I suspect, given his history of being a stand-up man, the whole point is to be a target. I think Montel is saying "I'm an honest, rich, intelligent man, and most Americans respect me. Go ahead, drag me out in handcuffs with guns drawn and local news on location. I dare you."

Like it or hate it, the success or failure of this club, on moral grounds, will have a significant impact on the national movement IMO. I really think this is a big deal; lots of people support legalizing pot, but the clubs and the entire financial side of things is a big iffy spot for us in the public eye. You wouldn't believe how often I hear shit like "yeah, legalize pot. Look at how shady it is in CA. Do we really want that here?"

I suspect Montel will be doing 20/20 interviews explaining how it's just like any other business or pharmacy, and he'll do so with credibility.

I think he's trying to do his part in re-igniting the conversation in order to get this slow train of legalization moving at a faster clip. If so, here's to Montel. :tiphat::tiphat:

kind of a marc emery move eh :tiphat:
I hope the best to Montel hopefully he can bring MMJ into a more positive light.
Also its 2011 who does any kind of work these days with out a deposit or money up front? Im sorry to say but your asking to get ripped off. I dont know of any business that does any type of work for you with out being payed first.
Cannabis clubs that are compassionate hahahahahaaha lol. More like money hungry whores! If you really want to be compassionate and make the Federal government pissed off. Open a club and give all meds out for free. The Government hates Wealthy people who give away their riches. They hate educated people who try to enlighten the ignorant.
You will never hear see the truth until you take away the cash.