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To ScrOG or not to ScrOG - that is most definitely the question


hehe you said penetration!

But on a more serious note.. seems that you'v chosen the best option with your Honey B.

Work & Kids i know that feeling.. You have a month end too?

Yup and it sucks LOL

I have to say that the Honey B is a fantastic strain. I have been curing it in the freezer. Its so damn easy and gives a perfect result every time. The bud is sweet and spongy with lots of sticky, but grinds up like a dream and smokes fantastically. Really tasty and the high creeps up on you and then you feel smashed for about 15 minutes before coming up onto a nice heady high. Giggly and creative I think best sums it up. Oh, and when I play COD I complete rape kids on the Interwebz. Only time you can use that phrase and not sound like a pedophile



Just like there are different types of ScrOGs there are different ways to LST. Some methods of LSTing turn out plants that are very similar to ScrOG plants, but without the screen. The plant below was LSTed, but it turned out like a screenless ScrOG. I've come to see ScrOG, LST, and SOG to be different methods of achieving a similar objective, mainly evening out the canopy, including the space from the light to the plants, but also the space between colas.

Thanks for the picture, helps a lot. It almost sounds as though ScrOG is for beginners, and LST is more advanced requiring a more skilled technique to tie the branches down correctly to maximise spread. Nice :)


Cubic ft is volume. Footprint is sq ft. I ask because "standard" lighting is 50 watts per sq ft (or 0.28 sq meters) A 150 will be lucky to penetrate more than 6 inches (0.15 meter) Allow plant to reach one meter in vertical height and over 80% is light deprived. Grow that same 1 meter horizontally with a ScrOG and every bud is the same distance from the lamp.

Sorry, terminology and common sense fail on my part. What you have just said sets in concrete my decision to do anything BUT grow it naturally. I don't want to waste 80% of the plants productivity. I only have the 150w HPS at present but I want to up it to 400w in the future. I grow in my attic and if I'm going to stick something larger up there I want a decent ballast. Mine is currently a cheap 'wire it up yourself' jobby. Does the trick though. During this last grow I started to build myself a DIY cool box. I now have the toughened glass to complete it, so that will really help get the HPS close to the top of my plant next time around. I should see a lot more weight. I think I probably managed about 1.5oz off my last plant. It was majorly stunted during vegging due to my poor soil medium choice. A lesson learnt though.




Sativa Tamer
Thanks for the picture, helps a lot. It almost sounds as though ScrOG is for beginners, and LST is more advanced requiring a more skilled technique to tie the branches down correctly to maximise spread.

I wouldn't say one is more advanced than the other. They are just different.

The yield on that particular plant wasn't very good by my standards and I had to grow it over again I would have done some additional pruning and vegged longer. Basically the colas are too short and perhaps too closely spaced for optimal yield. With any of these methods there is a definite benefit from working with the same strain repeatedly.



May your race always be in your favor
I always have grown naturally for several grows. This last time I decided to try a scrog. Two plants,2x2 ft footprint 2x2 T5Ho cfl. My canopy isn't real even, part of that was/is my inexperience ans the two plants have different growth patterns. The plant on the right has a lot more stretch. What I have seen is more buds in the scrog rather than letting them go natural. Ditto on the light penetration scrog is allowing more bud, but I'll have to see what the weight is at the end. pics are a natural grow and then the scrog.


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@ Pine; well I'm certainly looking forward to trying ScrOG or LST. I think for a starter ScrOG will be easy to setup. I'm using the same strain this time around and after seeing the post above about how little penetration a 150w HPS will give, I can see why I didn't yield much off my plant - the light was about 18" above the top of the plant so MOST of my plant wasn't getting enough lumens. I watched one of Jorge's DVD's on growing and he talked about the steep drop off that lumens have the further away the light has to reach, I was very surprised and interested to learn that they drop off REAL quick... so the closer the better in every case.

@ pearlemae; The ScrOG looks like it will produce a nice amount for you. I'm certainly going to try it this time around. Reading other threads on the board I've seen people talk about doubling or even tripling their dry weight by using ScrOG.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Here are some charts that you might see how much light is lost over distance.

At 10cm (150HPS) you're getting 46,000 lumens. At 1 meter (off the chart) you're getting maybe 400


As to LST vs ScrOG, never discount grower personality. ScrOGgers hate LST cause its too much work. LSTers hate ScrOG because it's too much work. Both claim their way is easier or more productive. I say whichever way tickles your fancy is more likely to see you putting in the time and make it seem fun rather than effort.

You really can't go wrong either way.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Scrog isn't only for increasing yield, its also for controlling height and the most important part is that you get more of the highest quality buds with this method. You have more tops, and all those tops are getting the most amount of light. Instead of only having one to 4 tops per plant in a traditional non scrog grow, you can have 6 to 10 tops per plant in a scrog with less larf. The average quality of buds is higher than growing in a more traditional way.

Some people don't like the extra work it takes. I think it depends on how big your grow is. Personally, I prefer to scrog, its like a sog without the high plant numbers. It will take a bit longer to veg, so there are tradeoffs.
I'd have to agree with you Sam..plus it lets all of us noobs play with our plants lol. I guess another upside is it takes less plants to fill a space, thus saving seeds for future runs.. saving cash. Look around guys, the scrog results are truly worth the work in my opinion

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