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Custody Battle Leads to Facebook Double-Sting


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
A woman pretended to be a 17-year-old to draw out incriminating evidence from her ex-husband via Facebook. But an investigation after his arrest showed that he was the true online mastermind. Oh, the e-intrigue!

According to the Smoking Gun, 29-year-old Angela Voelkert created a fake account for 17-year-old “Jessica Studebaker," complete with a trashily attractive photo, and friended her ex-husband. Then, in an attempt to gain information she could use against him in a custody battle, she chatted him up. He said he put a GPS tracking device on his ex-wife's car, the more easily to monitor her every move. And he told "Jessica" that "you should find someone at your school…that would put a cap in her ass for $10,000." He had plans to "take care of" old Angela, he said. Heavily based on the exchanges, the FBI arrested 38-year-old David Voelkert on Friday, but did he ever have a surprise for them.

Suspecting it was Angela all along, David Voelkert had gotten a notarized affidavit shortly after Jessica came online. In it, he said that he believed this was not a real person but rather his ex-wife or someone she knows. He said he was engaging with this person and lying in order to gain proof that his ex-wife was tampering with his personal life, proof he would then use himself in court. "In no way do I have plans to leave with my children or do any harm to Angela Dawn Voelkert or anyone else," he wrote above the Indiana notary's stamp. He then kept one copy and gave another to a relative for backup.

The timeline worked, his affidavit coming days before he said anything incriminating. The notary was interviewed, the document authenticated, and his case was dismissed. Situations like this are why the phrase "Oh, snap!" was invented.

'Take that you friggin' BITCH!!!'
another phrase that comes to mind.......

but who wants to consider that some conservative judge will see the bitches side here and just award custody to mom?


Active member
I read this the other day.
Had he not obtained the legal paper work backup, he could be heading off to trial right now.

Has life in America become one big paranoid game of chess?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
i would have made the same guess,
17, trashy photo, i am in a custody battle... one would put two together...


no wuckin furries!

....i am also in court for custody "again" (that i re started) was just told by one of my sons today that he heard the ex on the phone (and on MSN) a week ago saying "I want to get somebody to go and kill that fuk'n c**t and dump the c**nts dead body behind a hill"....

so if they find me dead it was her...lol...she is such a wally lol....cant handle the truth and should live a better life with better choices than screw with mine...

she also tries to play games like the above story but with years of experience one knows who is responsible and there style.HH. =]-~


I'm a bit surprised that you can get a paper to explain something like that, strange

good for him though, that woman must feel stupid :p

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Thank God I know my kid goes with me in the event of a split. There's no need to create a shitstorm like that when you have a little one to think about. She wasn't thinking...that was a stupid way to fight for custody, wonder how the kid/kids feel? If you're a good, responsible Mother, a judge will usually award full custody. There was a good chance she could have just done the right thing and retained her kids. Dumb.


Active member
LOL thats awesome.. I think the only reason it worked is because it was notarized right? Otherwise, "alibi letters" don't always hold up that much water unless there is some other evidence ya?
So get it notarized with date!

Graham Purwatt

i read this the other day.go dad! smart move on his part for sure


You don't think some of them are devious, do you? <sarcasm off>


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