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Sides of growtents pulled inwards


New member
Hi I think I'm new :wave:, at least I can't remember if I ever made a post, but I have used this side a lot, actually I have learnt everything I know about growing cannabis on this side and a danish side, and have had a couple of halfhearted outdoor grows but also one succesful indoor grow and now I plan to extend my growroom, actually I want a new one completely, much bigger, and I was hoping to use one of those specially made growtents, which I also did with my other grow, BUT I had a problem with my last tent, the sides of the tent got sucked inwards when the ventilation was on, at that time i fixed it more or less by using lots of lots of wire, which worked okay, but I can't believe its true that you have to do that, it was so much work. The tent I had was a hydrolab 1x1x1,8 meters, have any of you had the same problem or did I do something wrong? I would invest in a bigger tent, but if I have to use tons of wires again I think I prefer to make my own room with something else.


Ups I should have put this in
Growroom Designs & Equipment could someone move it there?
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ICMag Donor
Peach, congrats on the 1st post. To reduce the amount of tent colapse, you need to open up more intakes on the tent. You may need to run 4" semi rigid dyrer vent ducting from the intakes with a couple of bends in it so you don't get light back into the tent. Also, even the best of tents have light leaks around doors, zippers and seams. I use a fitted sheet over the doors on my tents, as well as blacking out the window in the room. I don't turn the room light on unless the tent lights are on.

Good luck Peach and Stay Toasty!


Peach, congrats on the 1st post. To reduce the amount of tent colapse, you need to open up more intakes on the tent. You may need to run 4" semi rigid dyrer vent ducting from the intakes with a couple of bends in it so you don't get light back into the tent. Also, even the best of tents have light leaks around doors, zippers and seams. I use a fitted sheet over the doors on my tents, as well as blacking out the window in the room. I don't turn the room light on unless the tent lights are on.

Good luck Peach and Stay Toasty!
Nicely answered. Maybe a small in-line fan to boost. Welcome n good luck


Active member
I have a 1.2 x 1.2 meter DR120 tent and with a generic 4" 170cfm inline fan w/carbon filter and a passive 6" intake my sides were sucking in big time even with the fan speed cranked down with a control. It was starting to pull at the stitching and now I can see a bunch of pinholes if I go into the room (blacked out) with the lights on in the tent.

I have ventilation ports with socks on both sides of tent so I made a second 6" passive intake and that seems to have released some of the pressure as well as helped temps very slightly.

Keep in mind you want to have some negative pressure to keep all smells inside there and the only way out is through the scrubber.

welcome :rasta:
So whats the big deal with the sides of your tent being sucked in??? Are you really looseing that much space???

I have a 3'X3'X6' grow tent with a 6" exhaust fan and 4" intake fan. The sides of my tent get sucked in from the negative pressure but I don't worry about it at all.


Power Armor rules
I don't have an intake fan on my tent and none of the stitches have been pulled out. Just keep a few of the lower vent holes up and you'll be fine.



I use hemp cord wrapped around the poles, creating a hemp rope perimeter. (Only do three walls if you want to get into the tent). Do this 3 times, at different heights, and make sure there is no slack.

The negative pressure is still there, but if the perimeter ropes are tight, it cant pull in as much. (Added bonus, tie off to this rope perimeter.)


Active member
Just to add to this, yes, a second fan (of identical capacity) will cure this. I run the Grow Lab 290 (10'x10') tent and it sucks in even with several vents open. With both fans running it balances out perfectly.

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