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Necrotic spots, yellowing, older leaves


New member
This is Cali Hash Plant from clone. It is on its third week of flowering. I have used flora nova bloom with the Kiss method on a couple other plants, and never had a problem, including hash plant. The problem started getting pretty bad, and I fed it with a just tap water at around 7.2, and it looked like it had stopped and got better after a couple days, but then the next wattering 3 days later (5 Days total) I fed it with flora nova bloom at ph 6.4 and it started getting worse. It is about 3 feet high, and I have it in a 5 gal pot with Fox farm ocean forest.

I use 2 teaspoons per gallon of flora nova bloom, with some ph up, because the flora nova bloom drops the ph down. So I saw it start getting worse again the day after I fed it, and I flushed it with 7.2 tap water. The EC of my tap water is very low. I have had no problems with my tap water before.

The problem started on the oldest fan leaves, and slowly moved upwards. The tops and flowers are growing fine, and the upper fan leaves are good so far, but it is still progressing up very fast. It has been 2 days since I flushed, and it keeps getting worse. Much worse it seems.





State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
stop feeding liquid nutes with soil thats full of nutes its burning....

also (and i could be wrong as my soil days are very far off and rusty) i think you should be feeding on a ph of 6.2 - 6.8 plain water untill u see sign of deficiencies then you can feed it chemical nutes...


New member
I dont think it is nute burn. Its only on the lower leaves, and not on the tips. And I only fed water most of its way through veg, so the nutes have been mostly depleted by now.

Plus, I flushed it a couple days ago, and it is getting worse.


New member
Ya. I dont have a way to measure ec. My tap water has a very low ec. When I feed, it is pretty minimal too. I never get burnt tips, Only some times. So, the EC of run off shouldnt be too high.. It should be using the nutes I am giving it. How long after a flushhttps://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=214594 should I see improvements?

Also, my last few crops were perfect. So, this is real odd for me. Something is real wrong, and I cant figure out how to fix it.

maybe it is getting too much Nutrients or salt build up? I just figured it would burn tips if it had too much. I just dont know.. I will flush out all old soil and re pot in fresh soil and just use RO water thats ph adjusted for awhile maybe...


Its clear you are under feeding them.. If ya look at your pics ya can see some purpling of stems too... Only way ya can figure out this in the future is to get a TDS reader.. Ya need to know how much food your ladys are able to feed... ( This gives ya a tool to use for trouble shooting )


New member
I thought it might be lockout from salt build up.. Cause when I gave it more nutes, it got worse. Then I flushed, and it got worse...

Or lockout from PH. But I wasnt sure if lockout would affect only the lower branches.. If it is lockout from P and Mag, it would I guess.. Which would also cause the symptoms of under feeding, because the plant would not get certain nutrients. I will take a picture of the whole plant. The top and newest growth are doing great. For now atleast.


New member
Of coarse, the soil is SO wet right now, from my frantic feed and flush two days after the feed this past week... So I almost dont want to feed anymore till it dries.

I have people telling me I fed too much. And people telling me I didnt feed enough. I think it was too much. But I figured it would burn before it would lock out.. And the whole plant would be effected. Not just the oldest leaves.

Thank you both for your help by the way. I really appreciate it.


I think your ph range is good and even though 2 tsp a gallon is strong it's not a stupid strong dose. I use one and a half tsp floranova bloom during the heavy feeding but I add Floralicious plus and Koolbloom... I bet my EC is higher than yours. So I don't know if its too much or too little feeding, I think you are fine there. I agree if you were simply over-feeding you would have seen it at the leaf edges 1st.

I think I would fill out the Infirmary report AND like you said pop up a few pics of the whole plant.

Not now since the soil is sopping wet, but I'd pull it from the container and have a look at any exposed roots...

Nasty looking I sure hope someone can help


New member

I did have fliers in my last crop, but they were fungus gnats, and I cleared them out. I dont see any more bugs. It probably is aphids.

Whats the best way to kill them? I guess I should check to make sure I have them first. I will check the soil and see if there are some.

For Stonedar, I can see bright white roots popping out of the bottom holes of the container, so they look healthy as far as I can see. I will check better when its not as wet.


New member
I looked very hard. No bugs, nothing flying around, I dug down into the top layer and inspected for bugs very hard and long. I didnt see anything.


Active member
I looked very hard. No bugs, nothing flying around, I dug down into the top layer and inspected for bugs very hard and long. I didnt see anything.

They would likely be down at the bottom of the root mass, not so much at the top.
This could be a few things, the low ec on your water could point to a general mg/ca deficiency, your flush schedule could be ph locking the soil, and then there's the RA's.


Plant Abuse Chart said:
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency:
Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins.

This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water). When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil.

If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.

Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients.

hope this helps.


New member
Ya. I looked hard and saw no root aphids. I looked under, over around.. Must be Cal/mag. and/or a ph lockout. After a few days of leaving it alone after the flush, it stopped getting worse... So, I will feed with some epsom salts next watering.


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