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zipper door for a sealed room?


Active member
Need a door for a sealed room. The frame is cut out of drywall, thinking of just covering it with panda tarp, stapling, taping, then throwing a zipper down the middle.
Couple concerns about this though. Will this be truly a truly sealed door? Ive heard these tarp zippers leak light and air. Is there any certain model that is superior than others?
Also I wondering if there will not be enough room to move things in and out of the room with just the zipper opening.

Any help would be great, thanks.


Thats a good idea. I too am wondering what is the best way to cut/make a door in a sealed room and still have it seal properly. Hopefully you get some suggestions.


New member
The zipper will definitely leak light and let some air through. For my door I have panda film across the opening. I have a zipper on one side of the opening (if you are concerned with space moving stuff in and out of the room you could put a zipper on either side of the opening). Then I have something like this http://www.lowes.com/pd_42729-236-2...d_nbr|0||p_product_quantity_sold|1&facetInfo= with velcro around the edges to keep it nice and tight. might not be Perfectly air tight, but i would say its damn close.


Active member
I use trap zippers for my enclosures but it is no where sealed.

I just use it to block out light. I made a wall of poly and that is how I get in and out. I have a tent behind the poly.

Why don't you just buy a door at HomeD. And seal it up good instead of the poly.
Get 2 zippers and some velcro. The 1 zipper will not provide enough room to get in and out of the room. I use 2 zippers side by side about 2 1/2 feet apart and then use velcro for the bottom.


Active member
Vertimnus Thanks I will check that out.

Why don't you just buy a door at HomeD. And seal it up good instead of the poly.

The door frame is just a space cut out of a single sheet of drywall, it will be tough to mount a door there. Plus just trying to do this as cheaply as possible.

FreedomFighter Are you doing a sealed room, does the velcro really seal?