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WTF!! My bud all tastes the same.. Pls Help



Hey Guys,

Ok il make this as short as possible but it does require a bit of an explanation...

So about 2 months ago i harvested a bunch of girls that i grew from a feminised indoor pack of 10 seeds. I also harvested at the same time 5 x blue satellite freebies.

Now my problem is.. all my shit tastes the same!

I know from that first round there were a couple of definite errors on my part.. Namely very high temps regularly in the early 90s when lights were on. Second error i made was feeding with Mg and molasses right up until 1 week before harvest.. eg: not long enough flush period perhaps?? The third major error i made was mixing all the different buds into the same jars for curing. The 4th and final major error i made was pulling too soon at around 58 days. Needless to say about 2 months on from this first harvest my gear tastes horrible its all the same im sure its leftover Mg / ferts taste. It still gets you very high but theres nothing connisseur about the smoke lol, its just awful.

OK so i took clones from this first round which are now due for harvest in like a few days. There were a couple that went in early for the 2nd round that i chopped about a week ago they went 65 days and the trich's were mostly cloudy and a bit amber when i harvested. So learning from my first round blunders i gave a real long flushing period this time of 3 weeks with just plain H2o. I didnt pull too soon, the buds look fantastic but again after air drying for 5 days i took a sample... and again it tastes like bland crap!! Obviously i understand it takes sometimes a month or longer for the flavours to come out in some cases but u can still get a good idea of the flavours in the bud once its been hung for close to a week. Or put another way, bud thats going to be good will taste good IME from early on.. it does not miraciously change from average schwagg weed overnite into elite conisseur stash lol.

Other important factors to consider:

*I run organic in 3 or 5 gallon bags

*I was using this fish hydrosolate fertiliser stuff the guy at my local growshop recommended. This stuff maybe the cause of my taste issues possibly?? I only use it maybe twice in flower at very low dosage but even that burnt my girls a bit.. It smells like seaweedy shit! Ive used guano in the past and had good results with it. Could this fertiliser be ruining my tastes even though used in such small quantities??

*This wasnt my first grow ive had others in the past with different genetics that produced really nice tasting buds. Aside from the errors i mentioned u can assume the rest of my setup was running quite well. Eg: aside from the summer temps which i couldn't control, and my pulling too soon (lack of patience)

*I got the drying and curing thing down from previous experiences plus reading Simons entire sticky on here so u can assume there were no mistakes made at this part of the process.

So in summary, my problem is not growing big harvests and great looking buds (im already doing this) but the flavours are just sooo bad its bumming me out hard.

WTF is happening here guys?? Based on the info given is this just a case of average quality genetics? Can really high temps cause this massive degradation in bud taste? What is causing this its really baffling me..I thought it was letting it go longer but this second round just seems like it is going to taste like the first based on early samples ive smoked and ive let it all go between 9 - 10.5weeks. Am i just best to ditch all this rubbish and get some sour bubble beans or something similar? Have others experienced this?

What i cannot work out here is it something im doing thats causing this average taste or is it just the genetics i have?

Sorry for the ridiculously long post,if u made it this far thanks very much! I just really want to grow the best bud possible and although my stuff looks great the flavours are just not there :comfort:

Please help me!



I can see it all tasting similar in your first run because of the mixing in the cure stage, but you say it tastes the same with a fresh clipping of your soon to be next harvest.

Personally, I don't care for sampler tastes while fresh (I still do it - and don't know why, lol), as I tend to be satisfied more with a looong slow jar cure of 2 months minimum. I'll even take "purchased" bud (off season as I've only done outdoor), and rehydrate with a dampened cotton ball with distilled water and cure it another month.

It all makes a big enough difference in flavour to "me", yet not some others, so I tend to think the taste we desire and appreciate are quite subjective.

For the sake of experiment (wth, your mentioning scrapping it), I'd suggest "not" mixing the strands in this cure to see if you were transfering aspects of a flavour of strand you may not care for.

Should it turn out that this isn't the case, and your left with something you don't appreciate in the taste department again, then you'll be able to eliminate a possibility and look towards another possible cause like your product diet add ins.

You could also then possibly try taking the "bland" tasting buddage and attempt making a concentrate to use through the many different extraction methods, or even a stab at edibles. You never know if something that turns out mehhh smokable can be modified into something else that satisfies.

Best of highs, and do let us know your progress with whatever direction you decide to take.


Hey Smokum,

Thanks for your thoughts man im definitely keeping all the different strains separate this time round for curing that was a big mistake i made.

Like you said though the samples of 2nd round buds which ive tried so far have been average as well which leads me to believe it wasn't the mixing of strains although clearly that wouldn't have helped though lol. Chopping it at 58 days also greatly affected the finished product i think but this time round nearly 10 week flowering times dont seem to have improved the flavours.

The one constant in both round 1 and round 2 was the high temps when lamps were all on. I couldnt afford cooltubes at the time so kinda just had to deal with it. Even still the plants look like they could take the hot temps so i have a hard time believing this was the main cause. I have good ventilation set-up in place so i think i just got away with it.

Another important point to mention... Im 100% a pot snob so my rating system is very harsh. This bud is actually not too bad bar the flavour which is just bland.

Maybe im just expecting too much from these beans??

EDIT: cant concentrate it or edibles or anything like that this gets shipped


The only thing I noticed out of the ordinary is the 5 day hanging time. The RH in the drying room would have to be fairly high for it to take that long before jarring.

Not to say I know much, but I've had that problem and it always came back to drying too much too quick.


The only thing I noticed out of the ordinary is the 5 day hanging time. The RH in the drying room would have to be fairly high for it to take that long before jarring.

Not to say I know much, but I've had that problem and it always came back to drying too much too quick.

In the past ive done 4 days air drying and it seems to be too wet still when i jar it. RH% in drying room is 45 - 50% temps are comfortable around 68f well ventilated etc..

This time round im airdrying for longer before i jar it.. I always let the outside of the bud mislead me into jarring early. Im mainly harvesting top colas as this is the way i grow, multiple topping etc so drying time is a bit longer because of this.


Pleasantly dissociated
lol this thread made me smile, if yer weed was bland and crap the first time ya shouldnt have grown it again, i was a miracle grow guy and have made the organic switch,mg doesnt make yer weed taste bland, it makes yer weed harsh as fuck, lol my bet is yer weed was crappy bland genetics to start with , get yerself some new GENES NOW that have a a great taste !!!

One Love 731

Senior Member
Depending on environment, choice of nutrients/additives and feeding schedule many strains will taste similar especially before a proper cure. They show there differences when dialed in and cured to perfection.

If your wish is to have Cannabis that stands apart from the competition, learn to master environment. I believe it to be the biggest part of growing and curing.

Even the best grown cannabis can be sub-par if not cured properly. You can have the best nutrients/additives, media and genetics, if ya cant manipulate environment the best you can hope to achieve is sub-par.1:ying:


Thanks for the input everyone i truly appreciate it.

Im really starting to believe its crappy genetics (well im hoping thats what it is lol) but the more i think about it, it makes sense.

Agree with the environment comments i had never grown in the full heat of summer i had 4 x 600w coming on at 8.30pm at nite in a relatively small bedroom the temps rose to 34c / (94F or somewhere close to that) it was so hot in there i could barely take being in there myself. I had spent all my cash on lights and ventilation but nothing to control the temps oh well lesson learnt for future summers i will invest in cooltubes but long term aircon is truly where its at. It was fucking awful growing indoors in heat like that never again i wouldnt recommend it!!

My mate has a friend who is growing white rhino which ive always been a huge fan of so im going to see if we can swap one of his rhino clones for one of my blue satellites. Hopefully then i will start to produce some tangy dankness, im also going to order a few packs of the sour bubble (the only thing holding me back at moment is an address to have them received which is killing me otherwise they'd be here 6 weeks ago FML).

Other than that the quest for the gourmet shit continues.. You med guys who have access to all these elite cuts seriously don't know how lucky you are. What i wouldnt give for some Bubba Kush or OG kush cuts or some ridiculous sticky icky icky diesel man so jealous!!

I will get hold of some of these seeds soon enough and when i do i plan to breed out a whole lot so i have enough seed stock to last me several years / decades.. now thats power right there. Never done breeding before but im very keen to get it on :dance013:



Registered User
In the past ive done 4 days air drying and it seems to be too wet still when i jar it. RH% in drying room is 45 - 50% temps are comfortable around 68f well ventilated etc..

This time round im airdrying for longer before i jar it.. I always let the outside of the bud mislead me into jarring early. Im mainly harvesting top colas as this is the way i grow, multiple topping etc so drying time is a bit longer because of this.

Think this is the nail you are looking for... 4-5days in a room at 68F + 50%RH... the bud is just wet.

I know this from experience... those conditions over that time frame... equates to still very damp weed... esp inside.

The other guy that posted 70-80% after the month... yeah... it just doesn't dry in that range... always stays wet.

For your range... that would be a good 10+ days before I'd be looking at the jars... and that would be after a day or two in the bags or boxes before actual glass/plastic.

Weed tends to smell great at harvest... then go to bland hey as they dry... then as they reach the proper moisture content... returns the true fragrance of the weed itself... esp upon breaking up/disturbing of the trichs.

Same thing w the flavor... if you jar before the pristine state where odors/flavors lock in... then they will always be bland wet hey.

Try just hanging it for a full 2 weeks... then jar it. Don't let the impatience drive the process bro.


Mix your soil with one of the excellent mixes found here and just water. You can mist them with seaweed extract and silicon. A good aged soil mix needs nothing but a little sweets to help feed the microherd. I don't care if I have a hundred of the same strain. Each and every plant stays labeled and cured dependently.


Active member
I've grown the same plant from clone in quite a few different conditions now and the temps (70-100) didn't seem to be an issue on the end flavor quality.

In my own research I have noticed taste improves around week 3. I usually hang 5-7 days and then jar. I slowly cure over the next two weeks following hang time. I have now invested in a Caliber brand hygrometer like in Simon's thread and it was a reassurance to see the humidity values around 58% in a few of my jars.

Now with the meter I have noticed I generally have 60-68% rh when entering the jar and then I work it down from there. Around day 10 is when I first start to notice a shift in the flavor with "smoothness" and "stronger odor" more apparent after 14 days in the jar. (over 30 days for best result IMO)

For any intrested I grew with Miracle Grow All purpose for my first year and didn't have taste issues. In fact my joints burned smooth and white. Proper flushing, slow curing, and decent genetics seem to work for me.
(Though I think BlazingSaddles was perhaps refering to Magnesium Mg and not MG miraclegrow)

@BlazingSaddles I've seen some wonderful pics in your threads. Have you tasted this strain before and liked it? Is potency there and it is just a matter of taste? Growing each from seed should have yielded some differences perhaps jarring each individually will allow you to get a better idea of the "strains" overall flavor. Not sure how much it matters but I am a picky trimmer and leave very little "sweet leaf" on the bud.


you pulled too soon and you didnt flush... why are you even complaining you need to actually let the plant grow and get your shit done the normal way. use blue agave nectar for the last 2 weeks and use it the 2nd to last week before harvest at 10ml per gallon do at least 2 weeks of flushing . your stuff tastes the same BECAUSE THE NUTRIENTS ARE STILL IN THERE SO YOUR JUST TASTING NUTRIENTS .




you can always try water curing that DOES work. you might be able to get some flavorful smoke back by throwing it through some bubble bags as that will wash out the nutrients and you will be left with the tastey resin but it almost sounds like your just complaining about some preme harvest that could have been avoided if you wernt impatient. but good luck on the next one man


Think this is the nail you are looking for... 4-5days in a room at 68F + 50%RH... the bud is just wet.

I know this from experience... those conditions over that time frame... equates to still very damp weed... esp inside.

The other guy that posted 70-80% after the month... yeah... it just doesn't dry in that range... always stays wet.

For your range... that would be a good 10+ days before I'd be looking at the jars... and that would be after a day or two in the bags or boxes before actual glass/plastic.

Weed tends to smell great at harvest... then go to bland hey as they dry... then as they reach the proper moisture content... returns the true fragrance of the weed itself... esp upon breaking up/disturbing of the trichs.

Same thing w the flavor... if you jar before the pristine state where odors/flavors lock in... then they will always be bland wet hey.

Try just hanging it for a full 2 weeks... then jar it. Don't let the impatience drive the process bro.

Good post bro i appreciate your thoughts. Ive just finished drying some i took down a week ago and after 6 days of airdrying i put it into jars and the humidity stabilised at 66%


Most of this stuff was quite airy bud and it seemed nicely dried after around 6days of hanging. For some of the more denser nugs like the blue satellite which is solid as a donkeys dick i can easily see it hanging 8-9 days before jarring.



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I've grown the same plant from clone in quite a few different conditions now and the temps (70-100) didn't seem to be an issue on the end flavor quality.

In my own research I have noticed taste improves around week 3. I usually hang 5-7 days and then jar. I slowly cure over the next two weeks following hang time. I have now invested in a Caliber brand hygrometer like in Simon's thread and it was a reassurance to see the humidity values around 58% in a few of my jars.

Now with the meter I have noticed I generally have 60-68% rh when entering the jar and then I work it down from there. Around day 10 is when I first start to notice a shift in the flavor with "smoothness" and "stronger odor" more apparent after 14 days in the jar. (over 30 days for best result IMO)

For any intrested I grew with Miracle Grow All purpose for my first year and didn't have taste issues. In fact my joints burned smooth and white. Proper flushing, slow curing, and decent genetics seem to work for me.
(Though I think BlazingSaddles was perhaps refering to Magnesium Mg and not MG miraclegrow)

@BlazingSaddles I've seen some wonderful pics in your threads. Have you tasted this strain before and liked it? Is potency there and it is just a matter of taste? Growing each from seed should have yielded some differences perhaps jarring each individually will allow you to get a better idea of the "strains" overall flavor. Not sure how much it matters but I am a picky trimmer and leave very little "sweet leaf" on the bud.

Yah i was referring to Magnesium not miracle grow lol..

I just sampled some dried buds from the 2nd harvest after only a day in the jars it actually tasted quite decent! Mixing the strains together was such a noob mistake i cant believe i did it actually i considered that maybe it wasnt a good idea at the time but then i just did it anyway lol.

The ash is burning very white this time round it seems like its really well flushed. I read a tip about taking a couple of leaves and sucking on the stems close to harvest if theres no chemical taste then the flushing is close to done. I tried it and it works very well!

I definitely agree about not putting it near the jars until its as low as 68% or less RH. I would even say get it as low as 65 or 66% before jarring.. Another important point to add to this is the "window" for getting it curing at the correct % is quite small. Once it gets around 69% - 70% be very careful leaving it out of the jars for much more than an hour or 2. You can so easily take nearly curable bud and rape it down to about 52% within a few hours if your not careful. I hope that makes sense sorry for my disjointed ramblings im very hiiigh :blowbubbles:



you pulled too soon and you didnt flush... why are you even complaining you need to actually let the plant grow and get your shit done the normal way. use blue agave nectar for the last 2 weeks and use it the 2nd to last week before harvest at 10ml per gallon do at least 2 weeks of flushing . your stuff tastes the same BECAUSE THE NUTRIENTS ARE STILL IN THERE SO YOUR JUST TASTING NUTRIENTS .



Lol u sound like me bro can imagine u sitting there at home shaking your head saying what a noob!!

But yes your absolutely right pulling early was obviously bad i really needed to otherwise i wouldnt have ya feel me..

And as for the flushing it was weird i had always flushed in all previous grows then this time after spending alot of time on these boards i may have mistook some info from some other members and for some reason gave the girls molasses and epsom salts (Mg) right up until 1 week of harvest. Hell for all i know this one factor alone might have been the primary reason why my bud didnt taste clean.

Its a good reminder for us all no matter how many grows your've done that growing this plant theres sooooo many different concepts that all are interrelated sometimes its easy to overlook even the most simple things when your constantly thinking about 10 other things related to the plants..


Active member
i saw the other day, a mention in a thread about fish emulsion ferts making a terrible taste and smell.

couldnt confirm it.