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Easy&fast to build up and tare down & very cheap - Vert


Fuck Entropy.

I have a new design for you.

Use solid containers.

Hang as you described, or whatever works.

Drill one hole in the low point.

Feed a nylon wick (small rope) out the bottom corner of the pot.

Feed untill it wants to pour out the top.

The wick will slowly drain the pot's perched water table.

Guide the wick to your collection point.



Cheap, and Easy.

Feed once a day to saturation, let the media dry out as the wick does it's thing.


as far as your feed situation is concerned... I saw a setup by Heath Robinson where he loaded up a bunch of coco or rockwool blocks in something like a 6" x 4' tray... so 15cm x 120cm. He secured the blocks in place, and stood it upright. Feed went into the top, and was collected at the bottom by a gutter system.
I fucking tell you. There are no different humans there is just humanity. There are no different thoughts. All Is One. :ying:

Well tellin this cause I read the whole day about rockwool and then coming back to this thread an reading about your tip using rockwool...

Check this out i.e. http://grodan101.com/sw63706.php
or this blog http://vertical-hydroponic-system.blogspot.com/


Thanks for your ideas. The point is that I am (after reading some hours) now convinced to build up a system using rockwool slabs.
There are many examples on the internet. Some good in the links above. Heath' rockwool slabs system was good too but way to clumsy.

I will check out the DIY markets around here and gather materials/prices and build a 600w vert system using rockwool slabs, water irrigation(ofc with measured ph/ec) and an easy to build framwork.
For cuttings I will start a grow with my seeds, take cuttins, grow moms, let them grow till Sept15th(in the time I wont be at home I have a god friend who will water the plants), the cuttins will have 4-5 weeks for grow roots and veg then get those nicely vegged and healthy top44 cuttings into the system. probably vegging them there too a little bit with a mh before changing to 12/12 with hps. top44 needed in my last runs 7 weeks. 1week rooting 4 weeks veg 7 weeks flower = 12 weeks. exactly my 3 months..
~64cuttings Ill probably veg 4 moms to 40cm(16'') for getting them.

You can have the feed come into the top and trickle down, but you're going to need to have some runoff to prevent the salt buildup that we're talking about. I use H&G drip clean, by name, at 1mL a gallon. It binds excess ions, and they get pulled into the plant.

Build it, and we'll help you get it running... it's kind of hard to know exactly what's going on in an imaginary setup.
I read about drip and clean in your thread :)
I think its what you need if you wont measure the ph/ec directly in the medium!

ImaginaryFriend said:
As soon as you start building individual catch basins/trays, the price goes up, but that may be a direction worth exploring considering how much time you have before you run.
both price and time are much less with an efficient rockwool slab system...

Thank you both for posting. I'll get this grow through.. just need time... I'll post my progress !!! :wave::thank you:


Active member
Makes me think... gutters are $5 a piece... :) I was wondering how I could get more plants in the same space... ha ha...


In the end the number of plants is set by the space each plant needs to grow(+ air circulate around it)... Many ppl say that the roots of different plants in the same medium preclude the roots to grow optimal.... But I'm not sure about that. :)
I would suggest to use maximum amounts of medium so the roots can grow free. That will be visible in the plant volume and finally in the final result if all is properly taken care of.
