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Leaf problems


Hey Folks,

Long story short; I was in car crash and ditched previous grow but new grow is well under way in an indoor bed. Havin a couple minor issues and thought I'd see what ya'll have to say before I head over to Infirmary.

3 Strains: Casey Jones, Lime Green Skunk, Romulan x Super Skunk

12/12: 13 days into flowering

Nutrients: 1pkg Marine Couisine, 1pkg POM Fruit N Flower, 1pkg crushed rock phosphate, 1pkg dried kelp.

Soil: No till indoor bed; nutrients add to worm castings, composted cow manure, peat, top soil, and Happy Frog. All nutrients and soil components were added together and allowed to stand for 3 weeks.

Watering: About 3glns per week of ACT; fish emulsion, molasses, and Alaska Morbloom. (Morbloom began in 12/12). Water is 1/2 hard tap water and 1/2 rain water or pond water.

When I first flipped to 12/12 I had the light at 1000wtts but dropped it to 600wtts as I deemed unnecessary and overheated for area used (5'X5'). I kept 1000wtts for 2 days before lowering. I also got crushed phosphate on the leaves last week, I rinsed the plants down but not all came off I suppose. 2-3tbs at most of actual powder. Lastly, I have a spidermite infestation in my mother area. No reason for switching of anything between the 2 areas but technically it would be possible since they are in the same room but sepperated. The mother area has had Predatormites at a ratio of roughly 1-4 for 1 week.
The newest growth isn't showing the spotting or marginal die-off; also lower leaves are unaffected as well. The issue with the edges seems mostly on the LGS, while the spotting occurs on all the plants.




Sorry, heres the pics


mad librettist

Active member
well the spotting is just the mites having a snack...

personally, I would get control with neem ro soap and water before applying the predator mites.


Initially I thought the same thing but the spotting on these is yellow, whereas the spotting on the mothers is white. I assume that makes a difference!?



I've also heard of kelp meal causing spotting of the leaves on some strains. Something to do with to much cytokinins or auxins. I'll try and find the info again. But basically it said that some strains can't handle the added growth stimulation from kelp meal, and will actually cause the leaves to spot. It's not supposed to be too bad, if that's what it is.

mad librettist

Active member
Initially I thought the same thing but the spotting on these is yellow, whereas the spotting on the mothers is white. I assume that makes a difference!?


I thought old bites turn yellow?

maybe I am mistaken. No mite damage to refer to at this time, sorry.


Hey Descivii,

Upfront disclaimer....I'm no expert, but I've seen both those kinda leaves on my plants.

The speckles are mite damage, if they're older the edges of the white/green border get blurred and "softer".

Get some kinda magnification on there and you'll see what I mean. I use a 15x loupe from a previous chapter in my life (printing). Look close enough and you can witness their whole life cycle on one leaf. See Organic's for Mites and take care of that issue.

I ran some RO water through some pots that were sporting plants with similar leaf problems, necrosis, curling and dying. surprised to find ec in the 9000's and ph 5.8 in the most extreme cases. I know the ec and ph measuring will putoff some more experienced organic growers, but my garden was suffering and these readings helped me recover. For 30+ yrs. I checked (had my crew measure and report) both ec and ph in the fountian solution , at least twice a shift, so I'm comfortable with the process.

I think I need to do a better job of flushing the Canna Coco that makes up about 1/3 of my mix. I also need to water to runoff more. Maybe you too.

If you have the means, take some readings of runoff. I know the living soil should be regulating things, but maybe you can learn something.


mad librettist

Active member
It's not the pH readings I have a problem with, it's the material you are testing.

Take a sample of your soil and mix it up with some distilled water to test the pH.

The plant is not growing in runoff ;)


Mad Lib,

I do that to. I try to follow the Coot's way, I source materials as close as I can, Then test.

Dont know why my values got so messed up. I did try to go quite awhile allowing no runoff, but I thought that I was adding no salt. I was also adding some organic 5-5-5 and Sul-Po-mag while topdressing with EWC. Thought I could make it a little sweeter, NOT.

Now I gotta test some 3wk cooking fresh mix and see if the ec and ph are where I want'em.

I think my laziness made me skip washing the coco first and this is where alot of the salt is coming from...

Sorry for the hijack Descivii.



Not hijacked, Rip...

+1 Rooty, I totally forgot to mention that I sprayed down the tops with Kelp 1 week into flower (1 week ago last Fri. night) about half hour after the lights went out and shut down air circ. for the night while it sat on leaves. Next day (last Sat.) I flipped air back on when light came back on. These spots appeared sometime between late Tues. and early Thurs.
As for the mites, the mothers were attacked and obvious for more than a week prior to being treated while I waited on 2nd Day shipping to skip a whole flippin weekend. I have a 10x that I can easily see the mites on mothers and now massive pops of predators but still not seeing anything on actual plants. My mother's spots are still white colored and I know which mother brought in the mites because I recieved only from the previous owner. She has them too but if I didn't donate to her then they couldn't have come from me. So I think I can safely assume that the mothers had mites first so theoretically they should be yellow before the actuall growing plants. For now I'm gonna assume that I may have caused damage with the Kelp and keep an eye on them.
The crisping on the margin though....that I have no idea and its not widely dispersed maybe 6-10 leaves out of 6x 3-4' plants in flower. The orangey part actually feels leathery not crispy. Any ideas for this?

Temps are 75-80F. during day and 70-72ishF. in dark. pretty fair breeze movin through plants (65-70cfm movin through the 5X5' area)

Bein my 1st time with a no till indoor bed, I decided to go with no drain. I water when the soil dries and I feel soil all the way down randomly. Soil is about 14" deep, and the whole is about 150gallons of soil.


mad librettist

Active member
I don't have a drain either.

you don't need it with 15 gallons, never mind 150

is this bed brand new? it's going to take some time before you have enough complexity to create meaningful balance. Bigger systems have way more potential for both stability and upheaval.

hope that makes sense...

are you polycropping?


Polycropping? multiple strains? Yes, but mj only....I do plan to try other crops as well in the future. Actually, I'm gonna do a thread for the bed and room revamp on their own and I'll make that complete with pics and all the other fun stuff. This is 1st grow in the bed and it has been full of soil and "cooking" since mid Jan.


mad librettist

Active member
by polycropping I mean plugging the holes with other species. If you have a perpetual bed you need more than just one species of plant.

check out the living mulch sticky!

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