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Do you train your autos?


Active member
Hi fellas :)
This year I planted 55 auto's in the ground (here is the link of my thread: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=209639 ).

I wanted to know if you guys has already been training(and how) your AF plants, and if it can increase the yield.

I'm pretty sure that topping Autos must be a real error and will decrease the yield. Right?

Thanks for the input :)

Peace :rasta: !


large member
ICMag Donor
They respond very well to LST, if space isn't a concern ie outdoor, I'd definetly LST them for increased yield.

Topping is counter productive in my book, they don't have the veg time to benefit and recover from it.

I'd say you could start tying them down from about 10 days.

Is strain dependant though, a branchier AF strain will be better suited to training than something single cola dominant.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
yes, I'm in agreement, topping will not have the time to get the shoots out and have enough time to rebound from being shocked, and should only hurt yield. I have never topped, but I top plants all the time, and seeing how long they take to respond, I don't feel it's a good idea. but maybe try it out, gardening is about experimenting

to me, LST is to much work for the yield. but I do autos for fun and amusement, not to have a superior stash, as that is more suited for way better strains... I see autos as comic relief in-between your plants, nothing much more, as if were growing for resin, these plants don't seem to stand a chance against most every plant..

you could to some lollipop , cutting off the lower branches as they receive less light, and concentrate power to the top..

I say if your growing that many mess around man, and see what works for your environment and your time you want to put in.. as always there is no one answer, and that's what makes gardening that much better, as there is so many ways to grow a plant


Topping won't give you the potential yield you might have expected, but sometimes it doesn't hurt, either. This all depends on the strain, and the time you top it. I've seen what would have been four "popcorn" buds erupt into little colas over three weeks.

Proper training can definitely increase yield. Some AFs row long or tall, and others are short, and stocky...the short and stocjy type seem to be the best. Training a long specimen can easily double your yield.
I accidently topped my 60 day wonder when LSTing. It happened when it was 2.5 weeks old and it's now at 4 weeks and hasn't started flowering yet.
But it's getting bigger every day so I expect it to start flowering next week. Will be interesting to see how it turns out.


id say it depends on the plant some of my autos dont grow bigger than half a foot where as other get 1.5 meters + so maybe the bigger ones would respond better


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
In my very limited experience training and even topping of autos can help to increase yield.
But the way to do it depends from strain to strain,location&growing method or from set-up to set-up.
I even pot up my autos, when most people says never to do this, and i´ve found out that delays the flowering process for some days giving time for the plants to grow bigger and larger allowing better training/topping.
I advice you to try a couple of different methods and see which ones do better.
Best way to learn imho


large member
ICMag Donor
Good advise here! ^^^

I think the key to topping AF's is a) strain, and b) the timing of it

For the strains that get bigger and have an extended veg. period I would see it as less harmful, however me personally I'd always be in favour of LST, it doesn't have to be a complex, time consuming process, just a few days of being tied down before the onset of flower is all it takes to transform your AF into a multi-cola bush.

P.S potting up is fine providing you time it right too, Giving them a deep pot from seed until sex, then potting up immediately at sex works best for me.