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Heaven's Stairway busted and I sent in an order three days ago


New member
Oh and if I get any letters or a knock and talk you all will be the first to here about it.
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the po box have probably been shut down .post office worker will probably return your envelope to the return ad on it .might take time


I will let anyone know if I am creamed too. I shut down my grow. I only ordered two packs of seeds so I am not too worried. I sent my letter out "after" the bust. I am laying low for now, or maybe forever. Thanks for the reassurances.


New member
Unfortunately my wife freeaked out last night and told me she counldn't hang with the current situation. I cleaned up this morning. She is probably right, better safe than sorry. I guess it's time to plant some more bell peppers and wait a few months.


Seeds are not legal in Canada and if RC was in fact busted (All we know now is posted in the stickies in other forums) it will have been due to his seed business. Assuming that is the case, hypothetically at least, the targets would be seed producers doing business with RC. Not necessarily seed buyers as there would be thousands or at least hundreds who would be caught in the incoming mail.

That having been said, were I in the US and recently been the recipient of or awaiting seeds, I'd tear down. In Canada, I wouldn't do so personally, but wouldn't think it overly paranoid to do so either. There's a lot more to getting a warrant in Canada for a grow than there is in the US for a number of reasons that I won't go into here. SO, it's going to be your choice ultimately, and if you live in an area where marijuana laws are such that jail and a criminal record are the likely outcomes of a cultivation bust, then act accordingly.

Again, I'm speculating wildly here as we have no concrete info yet, but what seems most likely to me is that RC is facing tax, proceeds of crime, and importation / exportation issues that will keep the RCMP occupied with him and his providers for some time. Not necessarily the purchasers of a pack of seeds.


how long?

how long?

I wonder if I can force myslef to never grow again though. Tearing down my grow literally made me throw up. Literally. It was like someone killed my first born. I know I had to do it, so I did. But when would it be safe to start again? Two monthes, years, or will I ever be able to start again?


b1gone -- I also have the freaking out spouse. you can't blame them. But without my plants, what am I? I had no idea that this little hobby had become a connection to the earth, to the spiritual, to something that only the brave and courageous do. Now I feel liek one of the stupid and clueless who didn't think everything thorugh and khad to kill my babies.


thaitanic, you will survive it is not easy...........spring is almost here start looking for outdoor spots!!!


I purchased seeds sometime ago from HS,never thought about subscribing to Cbay till about 4 month ago. Find out that they require a $50 deposit,being as cheap ass as I am I decided to contact Poppy to let her know about my purchase from them gave her a little info, like my initials,town and address(with previous purchase no need for deposit). Got my Cbay activation email the next day.
DON'T beleive they get rid of your info after seed purchase,it's all there.


happycabbyman said:
each time i ordered seeds, i can remember reading. "we dont keep your details"

they dont keep you data for this simple fact:if you get busted the chain could go back in their direction and i swear they dont want a prosecution list of thousand of grow op related to their operation

remember selling seeds is grey market area...growing is very prohibited.
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New member
Not to step on any toes, but at this point I don't know what to believe. Kind of looks like we may have funded RC's relocation efforts! Hope someone spills the "beans" soon.
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i remember specifically using a european seed bank when i placed my one and only seed order over the web. i used world wide seeds. the package was very cool, very stealth, but the thing i really really wanted to avoid was an across-the-border transaction, knowing what the scumbag fuckface DEA is like. My next seed order will be over the summer while i am shut down, and it will be to our vacation address in another state. i havent decided what bank to use, and i dont think wws is still around?? their web address goes to a CREEPY fake page about drug rehab. anyone know about that one?


great now that the IP freaking people have some peace it just looks like the people who sent in orders are screwed. Man don't I have great luck!


New member
Hey, I'm in the same boat. They have my name, and address. They know I grow Cannabis.
Am I gonna tear down?
Not a chance.
If I am free, and able, I'm gonna have plants growing somewhere. If they find me, and throw me in jail, I will get out sooner or later, and guess what?
that's right, I'm gonna grow me some herb the first chance I get. Why? Because Cannabis is gonna save the world!


New member
It sure would be nice to know if the authorities were watching or seized incoming mail. Anyone have any info on that?

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