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Would it be beneficial to just cut this branch off ?



Let me explain the situation first

a while back the plant accidentally got some weed killer on it , just a little though

Well the rest of the plant is fine and is flowering

But this 1 branch is not , it has dead spots at the nodes

Would i benefit from just cutting that 1 branch off so the plant can use that energy to put more towards the rest of the plant instead of struggling to make that one branch try to survive ?

Like i said the rest of the plant is budding , but this one branch is not

I know this is not a good pic but compared to the rest of the plant this 1 branch is not doing anything

the first pic is the good part of the plant that is flowering

the 2nd pic is the branch that i guess got infected by the weed killer and is not doing anything

Click on pics to enlarge



just cut off the dead parts imo, but that branch doesn't really look dead at all


just cut off the dead parts imo, but that branch doesn't really look dead at all

Thats the problem my man

on that 1 branch their is nothing growing at the nodes , no hairs , nothing

where every other part of the plant is flowering away

Do you see how this 1 branch on the left is leaning away from the rest of the plant

click to enlarge

Thats the one not doing anything , not flowering or nothing , just want to cut it off

this pic is how it looks at the nodes of that branch

click to enlarge


Compare that to this one

click to enlarge

The rest of the plant looks like this

But that one branch is not doing shit

i believe the weed killer infected it some how

that is why i want to know if it would be ok just to cut it off

i feel like its taking energy away that could be used to help the other flowering branches better


your problem could be that the branch is in shock from the stress caused by your weed killer, so if i were you i would wait and see if it begins to flower in a week or two. If not, chop to your heart's content :dance013:


your problem could be that the branch is in shock from the stress caused by your weed killer, so if i were you i would wait and see if it begins to flower in a week or two. If not, chop to your heart's content :dance013:

If i end up chopping it off will it help with extra growth for my flowering on the other branches

since their wont be any energy going to that other branch anymore ?


Freedom Fighter
I would chop it now-- It is already behind the rest of the plant in flowering...it will not hurt the plant--:tiphat: