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The High Country flower thread..


What I don't understand is that for months and months the bb had the record at 23... Now all of a sudden every entry isway above that. Maybe they changed their parameters or something?


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Nice man! Track down that romeo cut and you're set

You think you're growing a plant that is 31% drugs? I don't think so. I trust FSL about as far as I can throw them.
I believe the test results are represented as a percentage of the total active cannabinoids, not a percentage of the plant matter. But yeah I've seen some wacky results being posted that don't really jive.


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
No that's the percent of cannabinoids of the plant matter. At least that's what they claim. They do show the results as a percentage of total active cannabinoids and that's the last part. Where THC is pretty much always above a 9:1 ratio versus CBD.

These results are bullshit. And I'm not surprised their own people admitted the standards they used to calibrate their HPLC were not accurate.


Active member
And one last post for a few weeks...


This shot is crap! Where is someone at with a good god damn macro lens?
Yo! Hollar at me. Dried bud shots are my specialty...

Space Case

Well-known member
You can get very differing results off different buds on the same plant. Many many many factors go into this, amount of light, nutrient, etc. These numbers are merely ball park figures and to some degree benchmarks that growers can brag about, nothing more. The ratios say nothing to define the type of high. Personally, this batch of Banner came out super strong, but the high is boring. My favorite sativas and hazes with the best kind of highs almost always score well below 20% THC. These numbers have no real bearing to the experience of the high. It does provide some insight for the grower themselves if you are getting it tested batch after batch after batch, as far as dialing in your environment. I think the Banner that was submitted for the HT Cannabis Cup scored 17-18% THC, where mine was a bit more dialed, IMHO! But then again, who knows, I have no idea what I'm doing, and test results are never the same for the same strain.

Space Case

Well-known member
They must have changed something. It seems like every sample now is coming in 20+

Well, they did get raided by the DEA last year and had all their standards taken from them and had to start over. But yea, there is no standard on these. I have noticed more and more samples of any strain come in over the 20% mark. Are they taking bribes over at FSL (or handjobs)? Who knows!?!?!


Active member
Here is more of TR's Lashkar Gah Afghani x Deep Chunk -- I grew this one from seed, it's my "#2" girl with giant middle finger leaves, not sure if she's the keeper or my #5 (uber-fat rounded, shiny jungle fans). Gotta finish 'em out in the next 2 weeks and see what's up. #2 is gonna come down within 5 days, gotta check the trichs again tonight...

Baba Ku "#2"






And here are some shots of some fuck-around DNA Genetics Sour Cream ladies that I just threw into flower in keg cups to see what I could get. They're finishing just as long as the one I ran in a 5-gal SmartPot (75+ days) and looking just as frosty -- won't get much yield, but it was cool to see how well they did with that little space. They smell WAY ESCDish, you barely nudge them and it stanks up your finger for an hour. Experiments R fun:

These are at about day 65




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Space Case

Well-known member
You think you're growing a plant that is 31% drugs? I don't think so. I trust FSL about as far as I can throw them.

I didn't realize I was growing any percent of "drugs". This is a medicinal herb, and IMHO, these numbers have little bearing as to the medical potency or effect. If you were to strip this plant of everything but its THC/CBD/CBN, it wouldn't have the same effect. Its the holistic cocktail of the natural herb that produces the desired natural effect.


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
It definitely seems the FSL results have been gradually going up over time. I think Chem & m even just said he had 3 strains come out at over 30%. Last summer it seemed all the tests were all the low to mid 20 percentile and now it seems like everyone's tests are above 25%. You can just take the test results for what they are and hope they are keeping them relative to one another. You really have to sample a strain to see how that "holistic cocktail of the natural herb" hits your head anyways... word space -love it


Killin it everyone...

Sorry ahead of time for the lengthy post..

Headband, Daywrecker, OD... Whatever ya want to call it.. I'm 99% sure I've found it, my favorite strain of cannabis. This is the one that inspired to me start farming herb i nthe first place. Straight Diesel DANK.

Day 34


Thank god she found me... Thanks soo much brother.

White Master Kush.. The white may leave permanently to make room for this girl.. day 34


Pre98 Bubba..




Royal Kush.. I tell myself she's gonna get kicked out of the rotation every time.. Then it draws me back in and I end up keeping her. If only she had a better yield..




Appalachia.. Glad I got this one back.. Straight fire from H&L.. She's gonna squirted with Sour Bubble pollen on the next run..


Legend OGizzzle


Hope you guys enjoy

Space Case

Well-known member
Forward velocity would have cracked this guy's back and neck tenfold.
Do you believe in magic, and I hope you do.

Totally fake, he disappears in that gulch for 1/2 a second and could easily be replaced with a stunt dummy. Not to mention, the height of the slide going down is equal to the height of the ramp on the other end, and therefore he would only build up enough momentum to make it to the peak of the otherside. Basic ballistics....


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Damn MH... that shit's proper!

Self... fuck it I already replied in your thread... but:
