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MG Bone and Blood Meals

Kant C Shyt

Active member
Found a great little grow shop almost 2hrs away with everything I would need for an all organic OD grow. Problems is getting a ride there (have no car currently and don't want it shipped here, also have no friends that will let me ship to their house) and my season has already started. I had a great mix in mind but now I might have to scratch that idea.

So I found some local Miracle Gro Bone and Blood Meals and was wandering what results people were having with them OD. I know a few members here use the MG meals but I forgot who they were atm. So do any of ya'll ODers have any experience with these products? Help much appreciated. I've already had to cross off EWCs, greensand, and kelp meal off the list. I still have some Azomite and a few other things around here though. Thanks in advance and ya'll take care 1


Active member
I use MG bone and blood meal personally and have always had good luck.

Also why do you not want it shipped to your place? Have you thought about signing up for amazon prime, and buying amazon prime items? They all ship in the standard "AMAZON PRIME" box so people just think you are buying video games or eletronics :)

You can get EWC and Kelp meal in amazon prime boxes.

Kant C Shyt

Active member
Thanks trick for the reply. I will go ahead with these then for my organically grown plants this year. I may still have a few all MG grown plants just to compare to also. The reason I don't want it shipped is here, is because i've have enough stuff that gets sent here already that has to do with growing in the past and i'll feel safer. Cash has become the way to go for me also, expect when ordering seeds then I use a MO. It gives me better peace of mind to know that everything concerning an OD grow is not getting sent to my house, fake name or not. Ya'll take care 1


Active member
I get great results with Espoma brand Bone and Bloodmeal for Nitrogen and Phosphorous sources.

If you cant find Kelp meal to cover your Potassium needs you can use Potash.


East Coast Grower
Glad ppl like it. Picked up some bone meal yesterday. Didn't see any OMRI rating on the bag though, idk why..


I've used MG blood/bone meals both indoor and outdoor, they work fine.

Xare mentioned Espoma products, I'll give that a thumbs up too. Espoma makes quality ammendments that are usually not hard to source locally.

If you must skip the EWC then try to find some quality compost instead, you need the microbes to work for you. I wouldn't skip the kelp either.

I'd have any of this kind of stuff shipped, lot of folks grow legal plants with these ammendments too! Do it, don't look back, and grow 'em big!

Good luck to you bro


Kant C Shyt

Active member
That's who it was Phillthy but I didn't want to say for sure but now its crystal clear I can almost see in my mind the part in your thread where you said it. :) Thanks Phillthy again your perpetual padded room thread kept me in the game awhile back ;) (Pure inspiration).

Rob547, glad this thread helped in your decision. I have used them before but it was 2 yrs ago and I kinda forgot a lot of details. I do remember I had the best tasting strongest smelling bud hands down, but my yield was low that year due to not enough water for all the plants I had, also my holes were deep and not wide. I have since beat the fact into my brain that wider is much better. Last year I used smartpots and MG soil and ferts and my plants got huge, but I know they will be bigger and shorter getting planted directly in the ground. Plus I won't have to water as often and all the other disadvantages associated with potted plants versus in ground plants.

Thanks Xare, yea I use a few Epsoma products too like the Organic Food 1 with the microbes in it. I think that will help some also. Gotta find my bag from awhile back or hit up the store again. They got anything to cover the Potash for me? Or any ideas bout something similar?

Thanks badbeans, yea I don't want to skip the kelp and greensand. But it may take awhile to get here and I need to start ASAP mixing things up so the stuff. I've never started a compost pile at this house, but I did find compost and humus at Wally World, but I doubt its good quality. Anyone know about this white and yellow bag product? I'm still debating the shipping thing, more has gone on around here then ya'll know and trust me its a secruity thing. I leave out certain details that may be indentifiable all the time, i'm paranoid. Lost a lot of friends these last few years to the alphabet boys. I'm allergic to Club Fed, feel me. Lets hope i'm smart 1 out of all of them. I don't want to look back and yea i'll shoot for some big uns ;).

Thanks :-(, yes I have 1 near me and I will definately look into that. Hopefully they do have all that you say but real quick, what do you know that they carry right off hand? Greensand, kelp meal? If so then i'm golden or at least looking better than I was ;).

Thanks again for all the replies. Ya'll take care 1


East Coast Grower
Word, Kant C. Can't say I've heard much discussion on deep vs wide but till keep it in mind. I'm gonna be doing a mix of mediums this year, and for whatever doesn't end up in ground was considering smart pots, maybe 7-10 gallons, never used them before.


Hey Kant, southern states carries the complete espoma line including bone meal and blood meal, they also carry green sand, and I think kelp meal too. If they don't have kelp meal your local nursery should carry it.

Kant C Shyt

Active member
Thanks again :-(. I will try to get a ride out later today and go see.

Hey Rob547, yea wider is the best and really no deeper then 18" really (most of the root action happens here not further down). I was also suggested to use a kiddie pool to grow a monster plant (its super wide and just deep enough, thanks RL ;) ). I will say the smartpots do work and very well I might add. You just have to water them more ofter then normal pots. I actually used 7 and a few 5 gallon smartpots last year and I had a couple in 7 gallon s.p. that got bigger then a truck no lie. I was amazed, they did not rootbound or any of that nonsense as advertised. The only thing is you have to secure them down or after a nice storm or wind you gotta go stand plants back up that fell over lol. I may drop a few in a couple smartpots this year also but for the most part i'm planting in the ground. Hope that helps. Ya'll take care 1


Thanks badbeans, yea I don't want to skip the kelp and greensand. But it may take awhile to get here and I need to start ASAP mixing things up so the stuff. I've never started a compost pile at this house, but I did find compost and humus at Wally World, but I doubt its good quality. Anyone know about this white and yellow bag product? I'm still debating the shipping thing, more has gone on around here then ya'll know and trust me its a secruity thing. I leave out certain details that may be indentifiable all the time, i'm paranoid. Lost a lot of friends these last few years to the alphabet boys. I'm allergic to Club Fed, feel me. Lets hope i'm smart 1 out of all of them. I don't want to look back and yea i'll shoot for some big uns ;).

I understand bro I had a HUGE security scare last season that caused me to re- think my methods. But still, we are talking about soil ammendments that are 100% legal to buy and use. Personally I wouldnt think twice about having them shipped, going to the hydro store is a totally different thing. I did it twice last year and I won't do it again, that place makes me way to nervous. I do prefer to source my products locally, but if I cant find it local I'll order online and have it shipped because my lettuce and cabbages like EWC, kelp etc too... Feel me bro?

Good luck with whatever you decide. Above all, be safe and grow 'em big



Optimal way to use these is to dig them into your hole a few months prior to planting. It gives the stuff time to break down and the odor to dissapate somewhat. I've had plants overturned and dug under by animals when I mixed bonemeal in too near planting time. I can understand why coons and oppossums dig the stuff. It smells like rotten pork rinds when you open a bag of MG bone meal! The blood meal is quicker release than the bone, but it will dissapate around the area if dug in and have readilly available N in the hole for when you put that baby in !

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