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WARNING to anyone using the STRAIN EXCHANGE


poppin' outta control
Hello everyone,
One of the things I love about IC is how when I search for things in google, my posts DONT usually come up, whereas several other boards are much more present on google. I like this for security purposes.
I recently have figured out that for some reason the strain exchange is VERY VERY VERY present on google.. Meaning that if I were to type in some strain names on google, the posts that I had made on strain exchange come up.. It will also readily give away personal info you gave to strain exchange in the search results..
I find that this is a major security flaw, thus I deleted all my posts on strainexchange and will prob never use it again.
I recommend to anyone concerned about their security that they NOT use strainexchange for this reason (even if you are legal, which I am, presence on GOOGLE like this is not good IMO)


poppin' outta control
anyone know why strain exchange comes up so easily, along w/ few others, as search results on google? Is it cause that site and others TRY/pay to be present? Does IC have some method of not being very present on google?


In robots.txt add

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

This should stop all spiders from crawling your site, however this means you need to be the owner of the site, or atleast have access to the site root.

The reason why strainexchange comes up is because it has the word strain in the url; while you are searching for strains.


poppin' outta control
Strain Exchange does not have any way to contact admin.. Anyone have any suggestions of how to get ahold of webmaster?


There is also something to be said for choosing an ambiguous handle that is not linked to your sensitive accounts in any way (handle, avatar, location, etc.) as well IMO.


There is also something to be said for choosing an ambiguous handle that is not linked to your sensitive accounts in any way (handle, avatar, location, etc.) as well IMO.

yea i would have to agree, its your responsability as the user to take the steps needed to be sure your safe. Never post any contact information and if need be; use tor while browsing the site. Take the sensitive information to an encrypted channel, like icq, skype or msn via simp and make sure that your messenger service contact information is only used for strain exchange contacts, or else your screen name might end up on google showing you on both facebook and strainexchange in one nasty search result page.

Getting a site admin to change those settings will decrease the number of visitors by alot, so its not an option in most cases.

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