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New England Growers and Medical Users


MGK I'm sorry for the loss of your Cat...those darn animals get into your heart and is so sad seeing them go :(
Well I'm in NH now and working a full time job again for the man..It's not so bad, but I do catch myself daydreaming about growing all the time..
The biggest change though is my living quarters, my Mother is a chain smoker and she smokes in the house which I cant stand...My clothes reek and I'm getting all wheezy and shit..I cant really ask her to smoke outside, but I really cant stand it...I keep telling myself it's only for a little while, but it's hard to keep positive.
I cant wait to start some OD, but finding some genetics/clones is proving difficult.. also I have no where to veg. and I cant get seeds sent to the house here...I wonder if I can get a PO box in town? Sorry to rant, but I really dont have anywhere/anyone else to vent...
I have also noticed that breeders shorten the flower time on their descriptions I wonder why?
Happy Sunday to all
what a weekend so far! fighting with myself about doing some OD! Might just do a few but won't go crazy this year! Dwc in camo totes w solar panel or lawn tractor batt to run air stones! What do you guys think? Be perfect for the swamps!

emerald city

morning gang ....getting ready for the big "earth day" 4/20 festivities..Busy,busy time of year...enjoy the day.E/C out


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
hey guys. :wave:

up in thecut - hang in there. im not a cigarette smoker either. so that would bother the shit out of me too!
im not sure on the P.O box thing. i hope it works for you

greenmountain. theres a thread around here for homemade smart pots. they are perfect for outdoors bcuz they are bottomless. i plan on building some this season.

i hope everyone had a good weekend. I DID!
Hi all!!! Thanks for the help guys . . .
" . . . a good idea to put them under 24/7 light, pretty sure I remember reading that it's best to reveg plants." I will give it a try, it makes sense that 24 lights would best counter the flowering instinct/hormone. I appreciate the concern about my house but it was sunk from the first day . . . literally

"I find if they say 8 weeks, count on 9 to 10. I go by the plant, but I find as a rule, add a couple extra weeks" I'm glad I am not the only one, this is what prompted me to ask the question. I was finding that my girls needed a extra week or two to get full mature. At first I thought I was doing something wrong, but I have all variables well controlled, so then I thought I might have been misinterpreting the breeder's flower time quote. Guess it just is what it is, thanks again for the help!

One lesson I did learn recently is not to give up so quickly on precious "dud" seeds. I poped some Early Biddy's to run this year with 9/10 germinating. I left the straggler on the most tissue for a full week after her siblings had all poped and been transplanted, with no result. Rather then give up and toss the last seed (as I have done in the past) I dried it thoroughly and put it in the fridge for a few days to mimic the winter climate. After three days I placed it into germination and it poped almost immediately, and is growing fine, although it is a couple weeks behind the others.

Hope everybody is well . . . preemptive happy 4/20

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Good to know about your 10 for 10 on the BE. I've got a pack waiting to be sprouted. So far she is my favorite strain for outside growing.


my plants are just about done. i gave them there last feed, now just need to let them flush out.

my cam sucks, so you can't really see the tric's but there all pretty nice. i'm probally only going keep the nypd and wonder woman from this round and use up the rest of the seed packs of the others to see if i can find there keepers.
wonder woman



new york power diesel

i'v giving out some test bud to my inner circle to see how the smoke is. since i can't even smoke intill june.
2-3 days dry, nypd.
Hope everyone is having a good 420! I have been out of herb for a while due to pretty serious financial constraints and its really starting to fuck with my head. The other day I misunderstood a silly situation, got paranoid and chopped everything. I lost all my genetics and the time in veg. Now I have nothing, no beans, cuts or means to get more. I'm so frustrated with myself. I couldn't have done this at a worse time. I don't have a clue how I'm going to dig my way out of this one. Sorry to be a downer but I had to vent and I can't talk to anyone else about it. blah...


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
supersmallgiant - that sucks man. i hope things work out for you soon.

HAPPY 4:20 EVERYONE! i made a quick batch of oil last night, and ill make another batch today!!
i hope everyone has a great, highly medicated day!!


FB sounds good..oily today...yea already meded up nicely

have a great 4.20

ssg...hope it goes better real soon...puff,puff,pass!!!
do have a temp question! My temps up high by the tops are 78 to 87 ! Down by the table temps are 65 to 72! @ night my lowest temp is 57! Rez temp is 74! Should I add a heater during lights out? I also change rez every week to avoid a ph swing but not this week I'm goin to try an get 2weeks out of it! Getting very costly! What do you guys recommend? Using botanicare pro grow an bloom,liguid karma, clearex for flush!