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whats the biggest problem growing ouside in the uk


ive got my strain nailed my techniquie this year is one spade full of soil then plant, ill be planting along riverbanks.

what problems should i look for when checking, ive never grown riverbank style b4.


Well-known member
I would imagine the increase in humidity from river mists could cause you some mould issues.

Else I should imagine you face the same issues as growing on a hill side. Although the need for watering may be lower and you may find if the area is reallysaturated the plants roots may drown.

Of course flooding could also be an issue .


I always find the biggest problem to be things eating them especially slugs and snails. If you put a young seedling straight in the ground it will almost certainly be eaten I planted about 50 seedlings my first time every one was munched. I now go for a plant pot with the bottom cut out with copper tape stuck around it. They works wonders.


im planting straight in the ground, im aiming for big nettle areas, i know that the plant will do well in nettles cos they are the same needs wise, flodding is a risk, the soil isnt to boggy because it a traditional british river with high banks, not grazed by animals so they dont taper down to the waters edge they are 3 foot above it. the others im doing are on ditch edges, inbetween hymalayan baslm, is the soil is poor ill dig out a wedge add my own mix, then add a few slug pellets and my salt water string im trying this year.


ICMag Donor
Check the bank is not just alluvial sands with a thin decent layer on top , could still be too free draining even next to a stream as i found last year , lined the holes with plastic bags this time.

Rats , badgers and foxes will dig up freshly planted cuts looking for food , rabbits are the biggest problem round here and have to protect them with some old weathered steel mesh.

Slugs could be your biggest issue , a couple of waterproof plasters around the mainstem smeared with coppaslip lasts all year and works very well indeed , this is a high temperature grease containing mostly metallic copper dust.

Most of my old sites have been lost to dog walkers and bird spotters , cctv is causeing problems as councils get serious with fly tipping.

Last year the nettles died away end of august , girls stood out lush and green and obvious from a distance , know a lot of anglers and they all toke and grow on the banks in hard to reach places , possible rip if the river is fished late season.

The only problem i have indoors is spider mites , about the only thing that has never been a problem in the wild.


Just a few thoughts... Pollen can screw you, but there is not much you can do about that. Tie your plants down one they get to be higher than the vegetation around them. People are your worst enemy. Don't leave a trail to your spots. I made very small cages out of chicken wire that saved me from the dreaded rabbits.

Good luck


Active member
I found slugs and snails the worst, so bloody hard to keep them away, they are everywhere. Then you got all the usual insects outside. Apart from that, it was pretty easy, except you need a plant that will finish in 7 weeks. I did free for all and exo x nl outside wityh some autos, the autos were awful things, yielded like a spliff. The ffa finished and ive pics somewhere, was a realy nice smoke, just not massive yield at all, as we had so little sun, it was an awful year, but arent they all these days. The exo x nl, which i usually take 9 weeks, never had chance to finish, it was dying from the cold by the time i pulled the ffa, so i just left it, and it produced a tiny bit of immature smokeable bud. Somehow it was still a nice puff, its one hell of a plant that exo x nl. I'm sure if i gave it boots and a map it would fuck off and climb everest. Never lets you down, even when its dying, lol.


Some good info here, I remember one year the tops had been munched of a lot of the plants i put that down to rabbits.


Active member
Finding a location where you can put hundreds, Google earths pretty handy though, must admit ;)
lost a few last year.
i know different strains have different yields but what yield (approx) for a plant in a greenhouse compared to one in the wilds? auto flowers or normal plants?


Active member
whats the biggest problem growing ouside in the uk

Slugs Snails Rabbits Deer eat your plants .

Wet weather , bad weather can cause rot , bud-rot & crap flowering .

Humans , different types , those that see your plants smile & wish you luck , those that hate the idea of dangerous drugs being grown so tear out your plants or phone the police , & those that love the idea of you growing mj & say a pleasant thank-you when they rip your plants at harvest time .

If you do end up with a successfull harvest with all that happening then you have done well & deserve to reap the rewards . Wish you luck , stay safe .


Biggest problem is our high latitudes restricts the amount of strains we can grow and get to finish before the wet weather kicks in.


ICMag Donor
what yield (approx) for a plant in a greenhouse compared to one in the wilds?

Get around three pounds from four normal girls in an 8 x 6 greenhouse most years , planted easter and totally filled by late season despite serious pruneing , have to finish one or two indoors most years as it gets mouldy damp from end september.

If i worked the greenhouse as hard as indoor i could increase the yield substantially , just finished a couple of early forced plants put out start of february that did well despite low light levels and low temps till recently , a bit coarse but better than any street weed , couple of ounces for little effort and no leccy.

The MIS freebies from last year will stand an air frost that kills most plants , perfect for early and late season forceing , selected expressions finish mid september midlands UK.


ive got my strain nailed my techniquie this year is one spade full of soil then plant, ill be planting along riverbanks.

what problems should i look for when checking, ive never grown riverbank style b4.

I give up...No sun maybe?


ICMag Donor
whats the biggest problem growing outside in the uk

Nosy Buggers,,, Thieving Bastards,,, Gamekeepers,,, Poachers,,, Slugs,, Snails,,, and the Puppy Dog Tails of Off-Duty Policemen !

Never keep all ya plants in the same valley!


New member
My first gorilla grow, eatern by rabbits

My second gorilla grow, eatern by deer

After that i gave up on the outdoors and got a grow tent lol


what problems should i look for when checking, ive never grown riverbank style b4.
Always check banks for spate/flood levels if applicable:tiphat:On the plus side stream/river banking if secluded is a great place to grow,once the tap-root gets down to the water table no need to water,and you can don waders and wade downstream if the depth is shallow to check your ladies without leaving trails or bank-sign to indicate their whereabouts:tiphat:I have grown on riverbanks in the UK for years.