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1400 Watt Perpetual Potent Green


Last night I found some very small mites creeping around my purple kush... Just on the soil, not the leaves. I also noticed a few too many fungus gnats for my liking... Stuck a couple mites with some clear tape, looked at them with the magnifying loop, and did some SERIOUS research. Ended up making a frantic late night call to a buddy and he came through with the works.....


BotaniGard ES was given at 1 tsp/ gal to all flowering plants...
And I decided to take advantage of my nancy botwin being so early in flower. Hit her with some BayerAdvanced. This stuff is strong and I wouldn't use it, if I didnt have the time to fit in a good flush.. I also give this at 1 tsp/ gal



In my vegg cab....
The clones are showing pretty vigorous growth! More so than their momma.
In the first picture, the middle plant in the first row got burned slightly. Advanced Nutrients might run a little too hot for me....


Nancy Botwin grows faster...


8 out of 10 Purple Twilights above ground... :)


I hope these other two pop...
Alright, I think my Sour Bubbles will flower tonight :D


Alright so there was a light leak and everything hermied....
muahaha, what's up everyone. Decided not to flower the sour bubbles but that will be done tomorrow... The most recent tray of clones in the bubble cloner are starting to show roots..
:D Snapped some shots of the flowering room. Here goes


Sour Bubble lookin' good in the back right corner...


I was a little too late on this one... the damn HPS snapped on and turned everything orange. Like usual. To the right (cut out) is my white russian. It's suffering from what looks like a mag def AND a nute burn. This plant is real finicky, maybe I'm just not good at growing her :(


Aight I'm out y'all.


And then there were 9...

So one of my Purple Twilights never broke the dirt :(
It's all good though, the 9 I am now working with are purttyy....
This is a shot right when the MH came on today in the vegg cab..


Ive been kind of sick and overworking myself. No worries though, I will update tonight or later today with whats going on in the flowering room... Some things in there appear to be finishing up a little faster than I expected.. The Sour Bubble looks done but I'm going to take her to 55 or 57. The hydro clones will be taken even later to get some real couch lock Sour Bubble. Lovin' this strain.


Check This Out...

Haha, so awhile back I topped one of my DWC sour bubble clones and threw it in the cloner. It was HUGE, and with a very THICK stem. It took noticeably longer to root than other, smaller, softer stem cuttings.. The bottom of the cutting got broken from either being pressed into and airstone or plastic, but it didn't seem to phase my future Sour Bubble Momma...


TB Gardens

Active member
mmm sour bubble ;-) glad to hear those damn bugs didn't cause you too much trouble. look into Monterey Garden Insect Spray, spinosad based organic product. works great controlling pops of basically anything and doesn't hurt the buds! looks fantastic buddy, love seeing such healthy girls.

hey man swing by my thread when you get a second, i just updated with like 50 pics.. they are monnnsters


Check This Out...

Haha, so awhile back I topped one of my DWC sour bubble clones and threw it in the cloner. It was HUGE, and with a very THICK stem. It took noticeably longer to root than other, smaller, softer stem cuttings.. The bottom of the cutting got broken from either being pressed into and airstone or plastic, but it didn't seem to phase my future Sour Bubble Momma...


Ya i always find that the tops take longer to clone. Plenty of root there even wit the damage eh.
Nice job.


Thanks GreenSmoke, yeah I think she'll pull through ;)
Bringing me to my update...
Sour Bubble bx3 clone put into 5 gallon DWC bucket...she will remain a momma


Got a good feeling about this momma :) close up...


Also in the vegg cab....

Purple Twilights lookin' sexy..


This is some FUN, HARD, work :)



mmm sour bubble ;-) glad to hear those damn bugs didn't cause you too much trouble. look into Monterey Garden Insect Spray, spinosad based organic product. works great controlling pops of basically anything and doesn't hurt the buds! looks fantastic buddy, love seeing such healthy girls.

hey man swing by my thread when you get a second, i just updated with like 50 pics.. they are monnnsters

Just saw this TB, MOBBIN to your thread.
Or did I already? ... Oh fuck... the chem D got me :dance013:

TB Gardens

Active member

edit: now i'm too blazed.. i forgot to comment on the pics! looks great brother, you got a whole mess of action goin on in there.. man i miss the days of perpetual, constantly moving girls in and out and just doing some good ol' tending to the girls. these days i live away from the op, its sweet seeing such visible progress each weekly visit, but sucks not actually being there (other than the fall guy part ;-) ...) -- Anyways, looking green and sexy in there bro!

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to PotentGreen again."
Last edited:



edit: now i'm too blazed.. i forgot to comment on the pics! looks great brother, you got a whole mess of action goin on in there.. man i miss the days of perpetual, constantly moving girls in and out and just doing some good ol' tending to the girls. these days i live away from the op, its sweet seeing such visible progress each weekly visit, but sucks not actually being there (other than the fall guy part ;-) ...) -- Anyways, looking green and sexy in there bro!

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to PotentGreen again."

TB my brudda, thanks for the good vibes :tiphat:
Love the perpetual so far, just want MORE SPACE... that is coming along faster than I thought though... Talking to people who know people.. getting the gears shifting. Gonna have a new place and one hell of a set up. :dance013:
In the meantime I'm workin with my rooms, workin real nice!
Took each girl out for a photoshoot earlier.. Super wiped out and I dont have them quite organized... will post em tommorow...
Later today i guess? A few days back my temps went a little up and a few of my pre 98 clones got real thirsty. One wilted a tad but now everyone is looking great again ! The tray of clones taken in my little demo (earlier in thread) are all rooted and have been for awhile.. Just letting them get real developed so they blow up when they get transplanted to soil... Rambling.


So now I'm really working a lot... my time in the garden remains the same. Just less time browsing around here and drooling over books. The pictures are on my desktop, from last nights gardening... and I'm so wiped out that I'ma have to organize and post them another time...
My durbans at day 58.... mm ;)
blue dream got flushed a little too early, points lost on weight, gained on taste/quality. I'm down. Alright I NEED SLEEP... Pre 98 ZzzzZzzzzZzz


A tiny bit of time..
Got some time in between workin and doin some more workin. Thought I HAD to at least post pictures of my Sour Bubble at day 45 because she's looking so nice. And so far she's the most packed with trichs outta any girl in the garden...


This baby was vegged for 4 weeks, a little under I believe.


look like little wads of bubble gum :D


Transferring pre 98 clones from bubble cloner to my buddys homemade mix in some small containers. Some of the roots are REALLY well developed. I'll snap some shots and post later.

TB Gardens

Active member
awesome brother, that sour bubble looks so sexy and soft to the touch ;-) but i know its sticky, lol. not a blemish on her, looks awesome man! and dammn i know about being busy.. dont ever live far away from your spot, lemme tell u.. come harvest time when u gotta be there alot, wow it sucks. ha, so much driving, all nighters working, and very little sleep are catching up to me quick.. im about to sack up right now actually, exhausted from working all night last night flushing again. new pics are up if u care to peek in ;o


awesome brother, that sour bubble looks so sexy and soft to the touch ;-) but i know its sticky, lol. not a blemish on her, looks awesome man! and dammn i know about being busy.. dont ever live far away from your spot, lemme tell u.. come harvest time when u gotta be there alot, wow it sucks. ha, so much driving, all nighters working, and very little sleep are catching up to me quick.. im about to sack up right now actually, exhausted from working all night last night flushing again. new pics are up if u care to peek in ;o

Thanks TB, good vibes good vibes good vibes. I dig it, and the ladies love it. I'll head to you grow ina bit brotherrr
Took a few pictures of the clones' transplant..


They were transplanted into my buddies homemade mix... If i wasn't so baaaaked I could remember what was in it. I'm not TOO worried, since they arent going in my run but I'm curious so I'll ask him and edit with whats in the home made soil... :)


These Pre 98's spent some time just hanging out in the cloner sucking up water and light grow nutes. So the roots looked pretty good, gonna blow up in whatever kind of soil really...


the sour fuckin bubble...
So I moved my "to-be momma" sour bubble from the cloner to its new and permanent home. A 5 gallon dwc bucket.. It's roots were already pretty established and it had been taking nutes well in the cloner. Anyways, when i first put it in the DWC bucket, the roots were not protruding from the bottom of the root net cup (keeping the roots moist by top watering by hand until... well until today)... I fed her at 300 ppm sensi grow. Today her ppm is at 220, and...


So now that these clones are off to their new homes, the two cloners sit here empty.... Only for washing. And to be filled with more bubbas tonight.. For now some of my Purple Twilight seedlings are sitting on top of the cloner under the T8's..
tryna compare the stretch vs. the mh
work work work.


It looks like light is getting through my net cup in that picture... huh? Well I just freaked out n checked it (dont want any slime!).. It's all good, must be a shitty pic ?


work work work
My laptop broke and I havent even had the time to go to best buy and replace it.
So i figured I'd just post while I'm here at work.... but its been SO busy
I cant wait until I have some days off to relax and smoke, spend some time online.
Oh and with my new kitten, Mary Jane or MJ :)
Updates as soon as I get the time. Durban Poison smelling GOOD


Finally.....an update

It's honestly sucha relief to be able to sit back, toke, and chill for the first time in awhile.. Since im so strapped for time I had to make some decisions regarding chopping plants.... I only have one occaisional trim helper. And im swamped the next few weeks. Anyways, because of all these things I chopped some plants and hung em up to dry..


what got chopped..

The durban poison came down at day 64, and after 48 hours of darkness. Idealy she would've gone another 5 or 6 days but I'm doing what I can! Trichs are 75 % milky. Fast flowering sativa plants though!


Large cola with the flash on...


No flash...


Although I would've like to let her go longer, all buds seemed ripe.
Even this popcorn stuff from the bottom...


The Green Crack gets chopped hours later... at day 52
:wallbash: I need more time and more space


This stuff fucking REEKS!


the durban and the green crack hang to dry... :jump:


My good friend let me borrow his small Secret Jardin tent he uses for his personal smoke drying tent. Until I get my own tent, this will be more than perfect... as it's equipped with a DIY carbon filter, 4 inch Sunleaves exhaust fan, small oscillating fan, and hygrometer...



On to the vegg cab....:dance013:

Pre 98 bubba kush and Nancy botwin clones vegging....at day 23


Sour bubble hydro momma looooookin goooood. day 14 or so in that bubble bucket...



Now that's a healthy momma!


Purple Twilight seedlings...
These vegging under a 400 watt mh..


These under two 20 watt CFL


I pulled what I thought were a male and a female.. (I have no clue though obviously...) I guess the male to be on the left though



That should be enough info for a few days? Shit I got some more work to do... I'll be on later everyone. Happy growin
PG :tiphat: