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Sh!t's falling appart! (I don't get this)

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You may be onto something there.Once read there are no straight lines in nature...only manmade.
Take a cue from the Greeks, Romans or the Egyptians maybe?
Some of their stuff is still standing.The aqueducts still baffle modern historians and scientist alike.

Just thinking out loud

yeah you can see after the years where the cornners where cut for whatever reason.
i think the idea that people can build things and they will last forever have to go,its not gonna happen ever.
we should hire compitent designers next time,who understand that trees and grass hold soil together so roads will wash out with excessive deforesting,or that if you build a building and its got a 1000 floors to it, yeah if somthing like a large fire happens theres no one that can help them .... or neuclear power when there is free energy from the sun with no problems excpected for a few billion yrs.
you have to work with nature not agasinst it ,or youll lose decisively as we are seeing time and time again.


I hold El Roacho's
The way I see it is the US will just keep shizit running and hold to the motto ( If it's not broke then don't fix it ) but it takes a Major fuckin catastrophe like the bridge in Minnesota that collapsed 4 years ago when people in their cars dropped and just about drowned to death or a city new york bridge to have a rivet rust off and hit a car going at 75MPH and kill the passenger before the US Goverment & State Officials do anything fuckin productive with our taxes :no:


shut the fuck up Donny
I think the only people on here who should have the right to bitch and moan about our roads not being perfect (which in itself is hilarious, try going to any other smaller country in the world) are people who actually pay correct taxes, not people who grow marijuana for a living and thus don't pay any taxes at all (but are sure to complain about the current economic state our country is in).


This is 100$..

This is 10,000$..

This is 1,000,000$..

This is 100,000,000$..

This is 1,000,000,000$..

And this is 1,000,000,000,000$..

Yeah man...and this is my new sweety..she scored us a cig...garsh darnit,I'm a lucky man..


Active member
The U.S. infrastructure gets an annual report card. This year they didn't have a grade over a D......

Things are only going to get worse. Look at our government right now, they can barely get a budget together when bitching about a 7 billion dollar difference. 7 BILLION!!!! Our debt is 14.3 trillion and we are talking about 7 Billion? To put that into perspective, that is 10 days INTEREST on our debt as it stands today.

I believe something big is happening behind the scenes right now. Something that I have no idea about, and 99% of the people have no idea about. But why are we spending Trillions of dollars annually right now? I know we are at war and he are in a resection and everything else, just seems like they are building a 20 Trillion dollar "Arc" just in case the world does end in the year 2012............


The U.S. infrastructure gets an annual report card. This year they didn't have a grade over a D......

Things are only going to get worse. Look at our government right now, they can barely get a budget together when bitching about a 7 billion dollar difference. 7 BILLION!!!! Our debt is 14.3 trillion and we are talking about 7 Billion? To put that into perspective, that is 10 days INTEREST on our debt as it stands today.

I believe something big is happening behind the scenes right now. Something that I have no idea about, and 99% of the people have no idea about. But why are we spending Trillions of dollars annually right now? I know we are at war and he are in a resection and everything else, just seems like they are building a 20 Trillion dollar "Arc" just in case the world does end in the year 2012............

The big thing thats happening is the folks who really control things are done with the U.S. They're just gonna suck as much money and resources as they can out of us as they move on to greener pastures. There are only 350 million consumers in the US. There are damn near a BILLION people in China and India is not far behind and coming up strong and south america is on the way up also. That's where the future money is going to be made. The US had a good run and now we're on the the way down and out. The real financial powers in the world aren't going to invest, or allow us to invest, trillions of dollars into infrastructure in a country they're abandoning. Learn to speak chinese and/or spanish is my advice.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
yea i dont remember which repub president i think it was nixon or reagan they just took off all spending on infrastructure and no one till obama started putting money back into it....

and it not just road and bridges are electrical grid are old as hell and alot of water pipes are still lead... but fuck it... bomb another country then rebiuld it woohoo


I think the only people on here who should have the right to bitch and moan about our roads not being perfect (which in itself is hilarious, try going to any other smaller country in the world) are people who actually pay correct taxes, not people who grow marijuana for a living and thus don't pay any taxes at all (but are sure to complain about the current economic state our country is in).

2 points in response and 1 question
1) Many growers would like to pay correct taxes if they were somehow able to do so without fear of getting busted.
2) A few growers not paying taxes is a zit on a fly's ass compared to the big money people and companies who don't pay shit so even if every grower did pay it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

Now the question. Are you really that stupid?


shut the fuck up Donny
2 points in response and 1 question
1) Many growers would like to pay correct taxes if they were somehow able to do so without fear of getting busted.
2) A few growers not paying taxes is a zit on a fly's ass compared to the big money people and companies who don't pay shit so even if every grower did pay it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

Now the question. Are you really that stupid?

1) lol. bullshit.

2) considering the gov almost shut down over a few billion dollars, I'd say any amount helps. That being said, my statement wasn't implying that if growers starting paying taxes it would fix things.

It was that I find it ironic that people who have arguably one of the better jobs in the world, (not a 9-5, no taxes, gets to smoke all day, work out of their home) repeatedly bitch and moan about things for which they not only have no advice, but no contribution either. The roads for which you drive on you are doing so for free because you don't pay taxes at all.

It's become human instinct for people to sit back on their fat asses and complain about things since it isn't their responsibility to fix it.

Even more ironic is the person who started this thread lives in a 3rd world country where I'm sure he can see the stark contrast between their roads and our roads. Of all the things going on in the world right now, our roads is not even close to a problem.

Now my question: In front of 1,000 tax paying people, would you be cool with bitching about tax funded projects not going well when you don't pay a fucking cent in taxes? Or is it just anonymously on the internet that you are cool with complaining.


1) lol. bullshit.

2) considering the gov almost shut down over a few billion dollars, I'd say any amount helps. That being said, my statement wasn't implying that if growers starting paying taxes it would fix things.

It was that I find it ironic that people who have arguably one of the better jobs in the world, (not a 9-5, no taxes, gets to smoke all day, work out of their home) repeatedly bitch and moan about things for which they not only have no advice, but no contribution either. The roads for which you drive on you are doing so for free because you don't pay taxes at all.

It's become human instinct for people to sit back on their fat asses and complain about things since it isn't their responsibility to fix it.

Even more ironic is the person who started this thread lives in a 3rd world country where I'm sure he can see the stark contrast between their roads and our roads. Of all the things going on in the world right now, our roads is not even close to a problem.

Now my question: In front of 1,000 tax paying people, would you be cool with bitching about tax funded projects not going well when you don't pay a fucking cent in taxes? Or is it just anonymously on the internet that you are cool with complaining.

Nort sure if that question is directed at me or just thrown out there.
In my state roads are payed for through gas taxes so anyone buying gas pays for roads. Not sure how it is wherever you live.
Your only response to my 2nd point is that every little bit helps so all you little guys need to pay up and don't bitch about all the really rich f**kers paying next to nothing? That's not how human nature works my friend. When the ceo of my company who makes 300-400 times more money than the average worker, pays a much lower percentage of his income in taxes than some poor sap who makes 50k/yr then you bet your ass people are gonna bitch and moan and look for any way they can get out of paying. Who could blame them?
My advice is to try to relax and not worry about it. Everything in the US is going to shit and nothing you or I or thousands of growers do is gonna make a bit of difference. Just try to control the small things that you really have control over and prepare for the collapse as well as you can.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't get this. Or is it just me?

Can someone explain this w/o making it an excessive political discussion!?

The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing and vice versa. I know that sounds "tongue in cheek" but it's truer then most people realize. The result being that nobody really notices the problem until it smacks them upside the head.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The way I see it is the US will just keep shizit running and hold to the motto ( If it's not broke then don't fix it ) but it takes a Major fuckin catastrophe like the bridge in Minnesota that collapsed 4 years ago when people in their cars dropped and just about drowned to death or a city new york bridge to have a rivet rust off and hit a car going at 75MPH and kill the passenger before the US Goverment & State Officials do anything fuckin productive with our taxes :no:

It's not just the old stuff either, what about that collapse that happened in the relatively new Tunnel that leads into Boston under the Boston Harbor?


weed fiend
??? The top 10% pay over 71% of all the fedral income tax recived... That ain't shit?

68% of the corporations based in the US pay no taxes.

No single statistic is a comprehensive indicator of tax disparity.

Anybody here get 1920s US history in high school? We're on our way back.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
??? The top 10% pay over 71% of all the fedral income tax recived... That ain't shit?

Yes but saying it like that is misleading. The top 10% should make up the bulk of taxes collected, they hold 90% of all the wealth. What's wrong with that picture and is partially why our government is failing, is that they pay a much smaller percentage of their income then 80% of the rest of the taxpayers.

It's similar to the old bible story where the old poor woman gives a contribution of a few pennies as it is all she has and some wealthy person riddicules her for such a small contribution. Yet her contribution was actually greater because she gave everything she had whereas the wealthy person who thought they gave so much more really only gave a token amount of what he had.

I think the point that was trying to be made is companies like Exxon for the past several years have reported record breaking profits year after year and yet they still get tax credits lowering what they owe in taxes. Tax credits are meant for people and companies struggling to get by, not people and companies making record breaking profits. Unfortunately the corporations have now got it to where tax credits are incentives to keep them from moving to foreign countries that are more friendly to corporate interests (ie cheap labor, few if any restictions or regulations, low tax rates, etc. ).


weed fiend
Business is sitting on more capital than ever. Business built railroads, interstate highways, Hoover Dam, etc. Business could make money repairing some of our infrastructure and put people back to work in the process.

But they're making more money with hedge funds, commodity speculation and our favorite Wall Street baby, systemic risk aka the latest bubble. Then they only have to pay 15% capital gains as opposed to putting folks back to work. Unless they're making $0.85/hr of course.
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shut the fuck up Donny
When the ceo of my company who makes 300-400 times more money than the average worker, pays a much lower percentage of his income in taxes than some poor sap who makes 50k/yr then you bet your ass people are gonna bitch and moan and look for any way they can get out of paying. Who could blame them?...

Everything in the US is going to shit and nothing you or I or thousands of growers do is gonna make a bit of difference.

Totally agree with that and while I'm not even close to an expert on politics, I've always felt that the richest should have significantly higher taxes then the rest of the world, not the other way around.

I never even heard what Bush's rational was for the wealthy tax break that he enacted. I don't get why people were ok with that.
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