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Who Cracks Seeds in H2O Before Soil Grow?


New member
Yesterday I took 10 various sativa's indica's and sat/ind mixes and scuffed lightly with a knife to break the skin. I put them in some tissue and soaked them with water (PH 7.0 ish) placed in a room at 80 degrees. 15 hours later 2 indica's popped a tail. Is there any difference in average germination times between sativa and indica?


Living with the soil
Before the cannabis culture and grow-store brainwashing of the last 30 years,this plant was and will be doing what it had been doing for thousands of years. There's really no difference in how MOST of the seeds on planet Earth sprout. Did grandma scarify her string beans?
I think where it matters is the quality of seed. Did the particular cannabis breeders allow the plant to complete the natural process of completing making seed that easily is shaken or falls out of the flowers..or were they hasty in getting those seeds to market to make a buck?Etc etc etc.
Probably why guy's like reeferman have so many seeds that fail to germinate. Shoddy practices.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The reason for germing or at least testing viability is to not waste time planting seeds that won't sprout.

Many plant in larger containers so it would be a waste of time, space, and effort to plant a nonviable seed.

I don't wait for them to crack under water... I just plant what sinks.

If it sinks it's most likely viable and able to be planted with success.


Living with the soil
The reason for germing or at least testing viability is to not waste time planting seeds that won't sprout.

Many plant in larger containers so it would be a waste of time, space, and effort to plant a nonviable seed.

I don't wait for them to crack under water... I just plant what sinks.

If it sinks it's most likely viable and able to be planted with success.
I've used that method for years ^^^...just break the surface tension and watch them drop...or float. The floaters are often the ones that don't crack. But that's not to say that you'll have a seed that floats longer then drops and pops.


The reason for germing or at least testing viability is to not waste time planting seeds that won't sprout.

Many plant in larger containers so it would be a waste of time, space, and effort to plant a nonviable seed.

I don't wait for them to crack under water... I just plant what sinks.

If it sinks it's most likely viable and able to be planted with success.

not really... if it doesn't sprout in 7 days.. pitch it. then you got your space back (i wouldn't because i had a tomato seed sprout after at least 2 weeks)

the test doesn't guarantee viability or not-viability.

I hope you didn't pitch the floaters.. next time I'll take em.


Im somewhat of a noob to growing. What is scarifying? is that like scuffing?


just to clarify... scarification DOES happen in nature. Going thru the digestive tracts of birds will scarify a bit.. seeds shifting in the soil, and soil shifting around seeds is probably the most common. I'm sure there are other ways it occurs in nature too.


Living with the soil

just to clarify... scarification DOES happen in nature. Going thru the digestive tracts of birds will scarify a bit.. seeds shifting in the soil, and soil shifting around seeds is probably the most common. I'm sure there are other ways it occurs in nature too.

Valid point...some plants require that symbiotic relationship with animals to sprout. Yet cannabis isn't one of them. There also may be some scarification in soil,but really...cannabis doesn't require scarification. Roll on over to Afghanistan,Thailand,etc. and ask them if the have been scarifying the seeds for the past..umpteen hundred years.
Maybe I should mention I've worked with thousands of seeds through the past 25+ years and know this plant,it's seeds and what it does better than the back off my hand.
Do what you feel you want with it....whatever works...works.
EDIT: Honestly..I've planted hundred of seeds in native soils that sprouted less than a week later after one watering. I highly doubt that there was that much action in the soil to actually scrape the seeds.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Many growers prefer their plants to be approximately the same age and size for a given grow.

Waiting for seedlings that can't get right doesn't make sense for some.


Active member
i always germ in a glass of water on a heating mat and everything that is good pops in 12-48 hours the older seeds take longer

i get better results this way then with direct planting

just test whatever works best for you


Active member
Many roads to Rome. All are good. If someone wants to polish seeds, groovy. No harm done. Soak in water, soak in towels. Again not necessary in nature, but as mentioned, we want better than 1% survival rate so we take precautions. We'd like to not waste time with less than optimal genetics so watching the sinkers or doing paper towels and only planting the winners makes sense for some like me.


Active member
@rrog - If you're going to mess with temperature of your soil and room for the next couple of days... put your seeds in the fridge you'll be happy you did when they sprout faster.

Anyone think putting them in the fridge is crazy? I'd really like to hear that one.



in a shot glass one drop superthrive and 3 drops H2O2. If the seeds are good, no more than 48 hrs to an emerging root tip. May be over kill but it def works.

On another note, the reason behind presoak/sprout is to not waste my time wondering, or wasted space. Takes some of the guess work out of it.



Active member
Many roads to Rome. All are good. If someone wants to polish seeds, groovy. No harm done. Soak in water, soak in towels. Again not necessary in nature, but as mentioned, we want better than 1% survival rate so we take precautions. We'd like to not waste time with less than optimal genetics so watching the sinkers or doing paper towels and only planting the winners makes sense for some like me.

:yeahthats Excellent summary, Cool to see everyone do it slightly different and still get the same result.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
if you use to do paper towel and no longer, did you not see to cut out unnecessary steps?

no need man, I've done it all, and back to the most simple way, popping in "soil"

this hobby is suppose to be enjoyable right?


Active member
One more thing... couldn't resist posting this because I recently tried several methods due to lack of resources to germinate 100's of seeds.


The seeds in the front picture were directly sowed into foxfarm light warrior seed started soil. No heating mat. With a dome (the humidity is way to low to try without) the seeds were all planted properly.

The beautiful plants in the back row... you see those evenly growing and much larger peppers? Those were all soaked first, some even cracked. Then transfered to peat pucks under a dome with a heating mat. IMO they are doing way better.

So, i'll continue to soak and use a heating mat. That way I don't stare at the dirt for days just wondering :watchplant: