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THC's small 2011 outdoor


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you can get the same type of grow out of a big hole as you would with a smart pot. Some prefer the pots because it's much harder to over water and the airflow.

I actually believe you can get better results from growing in holes in the ground. Smart pots are a secondary choice for me. The ground has many advantages, including the ability to hold water better (great for places like mine where water is precious in late summer, and its hot and dry til october) not to mention height control, if you're into that. Also the roots stay protected and tend to stay more secure in holes in the ground than in the pots.

Pots are good however if your soil has poor drainage or is just too difficult to dig. :tiphat:


Active member
thx guys , i wish you all a warm welcome

spring is here

at the moment i am not human , but after a coffee i will take a few pics of the young sibblings

About the smartpots , i think, I'll stick to the ground , i want plants to be as big as possible , so I'll just make a big ass hole with unlimited rootspace

i do have however noticed they mold easier in the ground then in a pot


hey man!! good to see you got started!!

you running any timewarp strains this year??


Active member
thx guys

@ madback no not this year but i will keep the t99 seeds close to make an f2 sometime , shit is just so dank , smells real nice and is real tasty tropical sweetness

200 gal SmartPots FTW!

full ground and unlimited rootspace FTW:dance013:


Active member
well since my pc was fucked up here is the update from this weekend


all of the sibblings together


trainwreck x manitoba meds

indica X indica = fat iondica?:D i love how she has the round teeth just like the TW


and here the 5 bigger ones are the amnesia whatever x manitoba meds i clearly see the amnesia influence in the sharp serated teeth and more pointy leaves

this is by far the fastest grower

they have been transplanted to small pots and are now growing 17/7 under a 600 watt hps , i even harvested my indoor one week early so i could put them in there(and also cuz of the mites and heat stress :D)


Active member
thx guys welcome

here a new update from today some where thirsty , overall they are growing well ,

The peppers aren't germing very well i keep em at 28-32 degrees I'll germ a few more seeds , have only 2 But jolokia's i want more


Nowthe plants

now that they are a bit older i can see that in the indica element of the manitoba meds comes through in most plants

so for example with sssdh i have a more indica but with the serrations of the sssdh

Would be so cool to have them early but still more like the mums

here a few pics

trainwreck x MM

this is the fattes indica of the lot , the tw from GHS is indica dom and the mm also i hope it will be a nice couchlocky indica to end my dark winter days

Amnesia x MM

also indica dom but sharper serrations then the mm

happy bro x MM

I really think the leaves resemble the happy brother a lot :D

mirre x MM

more slender leaves then the rest

sssdh x MM

MM leaves and sssdh serrations , i hope it gives a lemony hazy touch to the mm and hopefully she will be ripe end of oktober instead of20 november

manitoba meds

indica dom strain some plants look a lot like gg some have sharper serrations and wider leaves , maybe that is a freezeland indica charcteristic , but i never grew that one , i'll pick the ones with the widest leaves and round serrations cuz IME those are the earliest


Very nice indica , one of the best outdoor strains for Northern growers ever IMHO

For the rest i will plant some HFH danish passion x danish gold

pietje puck

you have some nice baby,s overthere T .
looking foreward to see how your mm crosses preform.
ive grown some mm2 last year,they did great and are verry mold resist.
so bad they get ript of in her last week of flowering[on guerilla]
i wish you all the best for your 2011 grow.

peace,pietje puck


Active member
thx guys

I just cant wait till the days get longer

around april 20th i'm gonna put em outside and every night i'll turn on the light in the greenhouse till they have about 15 hours of light cuz on april 20th there is only 14 hrs of sunlight

last year all plants flowered for a week then revegged

they branched out like crazy but i dont know if it is good for them so I'll try to avoid it

It is so boring seeing the plants under hps , outdoor growing rules!!!!!!!


Active member
I have thrown some HFF hashplant nr 2 and danish gold x danish passion in water

also some lowryder 2 and lr2 x auto ak

the danish gold x danish passion germed in 12 hrs 2/3

hashplant still waiting

lowryders still waiting

i'm gonna try to replicate last years big LR's

so i'm gonna pant them in the same spot in a big ass hole wih the same soil

Gonna plant them out in like 7-10 days i will first i will first wait till they break the surface of the jiffy

@esben , wat was the genetics in hashplant nr2 again?

I'll grow one hashplant and one DGxDP at my buddy's along with 2 mm's and 2 gg's


Active member
yeah i just love spicy food

i mostly jar my pepeprs with olive oil thyme and garlic


i have germed 4 lowryder 2 seeds and 4 lr2 x auto ak seedsthey have been planted ande i will choose 2 of each to put in a hole in the greenhouse

i want 2 big females in the end

I'll use the same soil as last year , so hopefully they will again get as big as last year

the key is that everything has to go 110% from day one , no hiccups allowed with those autoflowerers

For the rest i have put the plants outdoors


we have been having wonderful weather , atm we have 13 hrs of sunlight going up to 14 hours on april 20th

so this will allow for some preflowering , i want to keep them outdoros till i see preflower , then the gg and manitoba meds are going back under 18 hours of light till end of april , then they will go outside permenantly

2 manitoba males already showed sex

the mirre , happy bro , sssdh and spg crosses will stay outdoors cuz i dont think they will start flowering but even if they do it's no biggy

they will be grow at a buddy's place on a balcony , so they have to stay small and branchy

and revegged plants are generall bushy and lower , so the fact that for a few weeks they won't grow , is very convenient in this case

I have transpanted my own plants to 3 liters , the trainwreck and amnesia crosses

now the trainwreck mom had a very specific smell, even in veg , and i am very happy that one of the three TW x mm crosses has excacly the same smell

so i hope that one is female



amnesia x mm , one has slender more amnesia type leaves



trainwreck x mm , fat indica

for the rest i have planted some danish passion x danish gold from HFH and also i am germing the hashplant nr 2 and 1:dance013:

really wondering bout the dp x dg; i think it will have longer more sativa buds cuz of the double dose of danish passion

hopefully with the help of my 600 watt hps these last babies will become big soon as i was a bit late with planting them


Mirrre x mm


for the rest i have already planted some paprika as i love tomato sauce with paprika

last year a did a seedgrow and this year it is invasion of the weedplants





ver yniced mixed garden THC, mine is a lot less mixed than yours but seeing these veggie/MMJ gardens all over the boards inspires me to add some more this season! seat pulled up

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