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The Bad Posture Club


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Haha, well as I sit on my computer, and screw aroud and here while I am supposed to be doing Revit work, I'm once again reminded that I have horrible posture. I am pretty young, and my lower back already kills me by the afternoon. I dont know why, but I always seem to hunch the fuck over without realizing. I dont know if anyone out there has had issues with something like this, and I know its kind of retarded since I need to just sit up straight, but I was just wondering if anyone else can feel me on this one. Anyways, really stoned, and have been on the computer for way too long. Peashout



A rule I've lived by that I learned in a PE class over 30+ years ago is that 80% of your back is held up by your abdominal muscles. and I do isometric stomach exercises every chance I get. You have to think about keeping your stomach tight at all times. BEEF CAKE
Good Luck


Recovering UO addict.
HDJ is absolutely right. exercise your abs more, when I was younger I used to try to put a huge rock on my stomach till I could hold it up with my abs..after I could support it with my abs I'd do sit ups...it was about the size of a bowling ball I guess. I can't even support that rock with my abs any more though :(

but yeh, anymore I have terrible posture anymore. My friend was a physical therapist and always gave me shit about my bad posture and tried to get me to do certain exercises, but I usually just hit the bong instead.

edit: oh yeh coughing is like the best ab exercise ever...feel your abs next time you're coughing hard. So I guess my bong rips actually were helpful in a way ;)


What were we talking about?
I'd buy into that exercise program!

Bong rip your way to ripped abs.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
hahaha oh man i just did like 5 reps of the bong hit ab work out. FEEL THE BURN!


Recovering UO addict.
I'm calling it "5 rip abs".

You owe me 3 easy payments of 69.99 btw.

For just 50 dollars more you can upgrade to the "1 rip abs" which consists of a mixture of our finest aged mexi-schwag and BHO made from the stems and seeds. Our bongs are filled with our patented warmed diet gatorade/tequila mixture for that "make your eyes pop out" reaction helping in aiding the onset of the coughing fit.


HDJ is absolutely right. exercise your abs more, when I was younger I used to try to put a huge rock on my stomach till I could hold it up with my abs..after I could support it with my abs I'd do sit ups...it was about the size of a bowling ball I guess. I can't even support that rock with my abs any more though :(

Hey bud, just wanted not to let this go uncorrected. Exercising just your abs won't help your hunch, it will probably worsen it. It makes sense too if you think about it--tighter abs means that your front will want to be pulled downward.


Correcting your posture actually means exercising the muscles that *antagonize* your forward lean--meaning the muscles opposite them. What this means is that you'll need to put some work into all of the muscles along your back (especially your erector spinae aka backstraps and neck muscles). You can do this easily with some compound movements like squats and deadlifts. You'll also want to stretch these things like crazy. Here's some info I found on the net to help you with your posture, you'll find that this really does work and feels great:

If you're starting to look like you sit at a computer all day like I was, it's completely correctable. It just takes some stretching! It feels absolutely fantastic to do this simple stretch. I wanted to share a couple resources to help everyone sit and stand with dignity again:
Give it a shot! I was stunned at how GREAT this stretch made me feel, almost like it corrected a bunch of ailments I didn't realize I had.


You are all wrong.

Rows are where its at.
Rows are great too. Though, remember that the middle back only antagonizes the chest. Bent-over barbell rows are a good way to include the erector spinae as a stabalizer. A combination of the big compound lifts (squat, deadlifts, rows, press, bench press) ought to get your posture looking solid and give you that athletic-looking body. If you're new to lifting, start here.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Where do I send my payments to? You guys are hilarious. Thanks for my morning laugh. I've always had back issues myself and used to hunch. After a while though, with practice, my back got used to a better posture. I still have issues and have always heard that working your abs or core would be beneficial. I also subscribe to the See-Food diet. :yummy: Which I credit for my fine physique.

Is shipping included?

GreatLakes THC :joint:


First off look up esther gokhale on google and implement some of her tips.

Once you got those down start dedicating a significant amount of your day to walking. Humans are walking creatures and ancient humans walked 8-20 miles daily. Walking with good posture is imo the best exercise for back pain. Start walking instead of driving when you can.

Finally learn to flat foot squat indigenous style and start sitting like that when possible.

mad librettist

Active member
The Bad Posture Club

exercise is great, but does nothing to change your everyday habits.

during 90% of your day your posture is being decided by your environment. for most people, their habits are so out of whack that it feels uncomfortable to stand up straight, and it also feels twisted and crooked. But the mirror doesn't lie - it's your kinesthetic sense that is lying.

if you can strip away bad habits, then replace them with good ones, the right muscles will naturally get stronger. watch a toddler if you want to see perfect posture.

if you really want to live pain free, study the Alexander Technique. I would start with a class and move to solo lessons.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
exercise is great, but does nothing to change your everyday habits.

during 90% of your day your posture is being decided by your environment. for most people, their habits are so out of whack that it feels uncomfortable to stand up straight, and it also feels twisted and crooked. But the mirror doesn't lie - it's your kinesthetic sense that is lying.

if you can strip away bad habits, then replace them with good ones, the right muscles will naturally get stronger. watch a toddler if you want to see perfect posture.

I completely agree with this except for the toddler posture. My toddlers have terrible posture. Always falling asleep in a lump, on the stairs, wedged into the corner of the sofa.

You don't necessarily need the Alexander method but it's emphasis on 24/7 is very helpful for most people. Keeping active, making being active and conscious of your posture & movements is key in my experience. Mirrors can really help at first to self-check that you're not slumping/slouching/doing things that don't make your body happy.

If any sort of "self help" program isn't working though I Some people naturally develop muscle imbalances just through their shape. My cousin for instance has one leg MUCH shorter than the other, before he had this diagnosed and a simple lift put into his right shoe he suffered from horrible back pain.

All the therapy in the world didn't work as well as that wedge. I would really consider seeing a doc if exercise/etc doesn't help. You may simply be a little asymmetrical ;)


i read up on some stuff to improve posture not that long ago and found some good tips. one was tighten your ass muscles to make your pelvis sit correctly and tighten your abs. another said to put your shoulders back and down. i also found a few exercises but i wont type them all out you can just google "exercises to improve posture" on google


weed fiend
Get an office chair. You can slump all ya want, as long as you lean back an equal amount of time. :D

An ab roller works great and doesn't cost much.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
im still practicing my bong hit ab routine, and all i can say is that it works!!haha


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