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1st Grow -- Just Started! Could use some advice.


:( I messed up again.

I transplanted all the plants by moving them out of their 1 gallon bags which were rolled down, rolling the bags all the way out to full 1 gallon, and then putting the plants into those.

I opted not to raise my lights after because they were 7-8 inches away from the plants and I thought they would be fine.

4 of them got pretty unhappy about it. Pics later today when I'm not so high and frustrated. UGH! The lights are moved up to 12-13 inches away now and I expect them to recover in a few days. They were just looking SO good yesterday after their wash, but now there is brown everywhere on top leaves.


Active member
ouch.. yea 10-16 inches is the magic number depending on the light.. you also start to get light bleaching on the tops if its too close.. sorry to hear bro.. they should recover if you caught it in time!


Hi guys!

Here are new pics on how the plants are doing... as you can see 3 of them were strong enough to be happy about being closer to the light source -- the others not so much. They're all 12" away from the light now and stabilized, just got ugly for a day or two there.

I'll be applying some magic green tonight after the lights are off to help bring that color back.

The good news is that the cleaning my friend and I gave the plants + massive searing seems to have killed off all the PM.
















a couple of those plants that were not happy need to be cleaned up and put back in veg if you want to save them.
Did you say what you are using for mites/pm?
reading isn't my strong suit sry :ying:


Plants have been trimmed. A couple of 'em are still struggling, but I am seeing new growth that looks healthy. Three of the plants are thriving, 2 are alright, and 2 are ehh.

I sprayed with Organicide last night. Tonight is another application of magic green. I'm seeing very slight blackening of the edges of some leaves, but only one or two on one plant and I think it's more related to it just being in bad health overall. I'll be checking the pH of the soil again tonight if I find time. Here are some updated pics for now.















As you can see -- some of the leaves were not happy about being seared. The worst ones were removed, the ones that still had at least 50% I let stay. I trimmed only whole leaves or nothing on all the plants except one -- I wanted to do a little bit of testing and see how it reacts to having the burned areas trimmed.


Active member
Hey meomix.. I see they deff. are not happy, I would refrain from using much magic green at this point could be counter effective given their current condition.. if you do limit the dose, Id go plain water for a week or so and try to reveg them to allow new green growth and time to repair themselves before flipping back.. they are not gonna finish nicely in this condition.. GL!



Yeah. It's basically all been from that few moments of the light being too close. Pretty frustrating, but I can see the little ones starting to get some new growth coming back. I haven't done anything but water 'em for the last week aside from a small trim.

Hopefully the small ones come around :)


Hi guys,

Small update. I just transplanted the 3 largest into their 3 gallon bags half way rolled down for more space. I took pics of the plants / root structures. Do you think I let them root for too long in the smaller bag? In addition, I was planning on bending the plants and starting LSTing tonight (I topped them 4-5 days ago). Just wanted to make sure that was fine.









when you're giving a plant what it needs, rootbound is nothing more than a state of mind...to a certain extent.No you didn't veg them too long, they have plenty of room to go:ying:


Oh hi! I can post an update here in a few hours, I took a bunch of pictures yesterday. Lots to talk about.. I've been travelling a ton and haven't been home, had a friend look after them for a bit but they needed some work when I got back. Pics in a little :)


Okay everyone, big update time!!

Here's what I've got going:

I was gone all of last week due to family stuff. I was home for 4-5 days before that, and gone for 10 days before that on business. So, I haven't had a ton of time to look after my plants. Things got a little crazy, but I've got it all under control and things are looking good.

I've got one tent on 12/12 4 weeks into flowering after 3-4 weeks of veg. I have another tent on 20/4 with plants in various stages from younglings to probably-should-be-flowering plants. Running out of space in this one, but making do for now.

The 12/12 tent had a slight insect problem before I left, but it seems to have all been resolved. I sprayed with neem II the first week of flowering, and then manually removed a couple of pests from the undersides of leaves. They never really caused any damage, but I didn't want it to get out of hand.

The 20/4 tent had some fairly serious white powder mold issues. I think the answer is probably just not trying to grow so much plant under one light with not a ton of airflow in. I'm going to look into buying some hepa filters and intake fans to help alleviate this issue.

I've done a lot of things to fight the WPM. Cleaning the tent, removing the top layer of soil and adding fresh soil, cleaned the plants manually, applying light milk and water spray, a heavier organicide spray in problem areas. Overall I feel like I am keeping it under control, but wish there was a better long term solution.

When I came home I found a fair amount of leaves with splotches of WPM in my 20/4 tent. In addition, the red solo cups I had set my clones into before leaving had long since become too small of containers to hold the clones. Completely rootlocked and wilting I found myself with the task of restoring a couple of new clones.

Pictures of everything:

(2 wilting from rootlock, others just kinda chillin as they're still pretty young)
(WPM obvious)
(full high res)

pulling the root locked guys out to move to larger 1 gallon grow bags.


(12/12 grow tent)





these pictures were ~24 hours ago. Here is a picture of one of the wilted clones just one day later!

they are definitely going to make a comeback, just needed some love!

I have been keeping a close watch on all the WPM and am going to do my best to eradicate it. I know it's essentially impossible, but an always clean grow tent will be a good start.


I've been hunting hard for em. Haven't really seen any red specs. I saw 2-3 tiny tiny black spec-size insects floating around in one of my tents over a week ago, but that was before I nuked and cleaned and I haven't seen anything around since. I can do another sweep on the plants today and post closer pictures of the leaves, but I think I'm okay?


Hi all. Update time.. looking for a few answers.

I am definitely dealing with pests in my flowering tent. They don't seem to have spread to my vegging tent and I'm being careful to keep myself clean as well as taking preventative measures in my vegging tent. They're probably spider mites. I'm too far into flowering to be comfortable spraying any pesticide or anything like that on these guys.

What I have been doing is this: Taking all of them out of their tent about 2 hours ahead of time for cleaning. I put on rubber gloves, put a plant under a light and sit underneath it looking for pests that stand out. Sometimes they're tiny black specs, other times its tiny white specs in clumps. I assume adult vs larvae? Regardless, if the leaf has only one visible larvae or black spec on the underneath I just rub it off and continue. If I see that there is more of a gathering on the leaf then I dip my finger in a little bit of Organicide (wearing a glove!) and do a spot rub on the leaf. Making sure to kill anything on the leaf and then going over it with Organicide makes sure they don't run right back to that leaf. It takes me about 2 hours to clean 3 plants, but I feel like it's doing a really good job at keeping things in check.

I'm going to make up a 1:2 mixture of 70% iso alch and water and spray them tonight before the lights go off. I don't want anything affecting the taste and a weak, fast evaporating mixture shouldn't, but it will be another quick nuke for the pests.

My goal is to make it to harvesting time without things getting crazy. I feel like I should be close, but maybe not as much bud as I was hoping for? Or maybe longer flowering than I'd expect. I believe they're on week 6 of flowering at this point.

Pictures are after 3 days of no cleaning. So this is about as bad as the plants can look -- you'll notice a little spot PM in places. I've been keeping it under control by just rubbing it off during my cleanings. Plants don't seem to mind it at all.












So, overall,

1) Do they look alright considering the factors at hand?
2) Anything else I should be doing?
3) ETA guesses on harvest time?

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