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The effects of Marijuana and Driving


not advisable to drive if your new to the stuff.

Not exactly new to the weed smoking thing lol

i drove for 2 years (when i was 16 and 17) strictly sober.

i got in 3 accidents. two were just me crashing, no other cars, pure stupidity. the last one was just a little fender bender on a rainy day in rush hour traffic.

i got 6 speeding tickets.

for the last 8 years, i've driven 98% of the time stoned. i'm not talking so baked i'm inebriated, i'm just talking pleasantly medicated. i worked a couple delivery jobs, i drove the length of the eastern coast a few times a year to college. then i drove to cali. i've driven literally 100,000+ miles while high.

0 tickets.

0 accidents.

...just sayin'...

I like this! You do not hear that kind of word of mouth with Alcohol consumption, even moderate. I've been driving stoned for almost 2 years and have not been pulled over stoned, was pulled over once coincidentally while completely dry. Once in my entire 4 years of driving.


I love my life
It's not up for debate, the data has long been in. Marijuana impairs judgment, alertness, coordination, and subsequently psychomotor function. We know this to be self-evident based upon the myriad of scientific data regarding the effects of cannabis. The only time real controversy arises is when people start making unfair comparisons to alcohol, which is, of course, much, much more dangerous. There are a multitude of studies that reiterate the difference in scope between alcohol and marijuana impairment via driving.

Some smaller studies even indicate that stoned drivers are only marginally negatively impacted. I have no problem accepting this. Nonetheless, Once the science improves so that we can better deduce who is actually high when driving (right now it's just a guessing game via blood, etc.) I fully support mandatory prison terms for first time offenders who drive when stoned.

The moment you step behind a wheel, you are operating a 3000 pound killing machine that could and often does end the life of your peers. It's no longer a discussion of personal freedom.

So your genius take is since WE DON'T KNOW WHO IS STONED (because the tests aren't good enough), we should IMPRISON individuals who happen to have some ARBITRARY amount of of bi-products in their blood stream?

By this logic ANYONE charged with causing an accident IMPAIRED OR OTHERWISE should be imprisoned because they inappropriately operated a vehicle. After all it isn't a discussion of personal freedom anymore. Doesn't matter if they are 17 or 70, if found at fault for an accident IN THE CAGE!!!!!!!!!

If you can imprison for ARBITRARY blood contents and no property damage / injury; then CERTAINLY it is right to CAGE drivers responsible for an accident.

Also if the data has long been in wouldn't we know how dangerous driving with nano grams of THC bi-products in our blood stream? Where is your evidence that THC included accident are any more dangerous or frequent than non THC included accidents?

How about an unfair comparison between competent drivers and the vast majority of clowns behind the wheel? If being incompetent is 100x more dangerous than having THC in the blood stream shouldn't most drivers in the various states lose their privilege to drive and be locked up?

Are drivers marginally negatively effected by listening to the radio or eating a cheese burger while driving? Yes they are seems to be a fair answer. You are fine locking up marginally less efficient drivers over THC. Are you ok for prison terms for those caught eating and driving? Talking on the phone and driving? Singing to the radio and driving?

With your amazing thinking ANY impairment is wrong and a CAGE-ABLE offence. Lucky no jail time for first time incompetence or many of us wouldn't be here.

Thank you for supporting the police state.



wt. chillpill. "if 'whitey's' c'mon your pretty liable to crash etc.imoe."

I,n M,y O,wn E,xperience.

RE: "What are your thoughts on being stoned and operating half ton weapons". ----------------- WELL THAT! ....



I was like wat. I have heard of greening out, never heard of white outs. As if either term doesnt apply to tokers not old enough to hold a license.... Fuckin tolerance at all and that shit will never happen.


:ying:. mis-understanding.

' whitey' s' : is the point where you get so wasted that all around you starts wobbling/spinning,MEGA MUNCHIES,sickness, etc.and if you look in the mirror YOUR STONEeee WHITE.[and feeling badddd.not nice] ;)

p.s never heard [or seen] of 'greening out' but i 'spose means the same as the whites.this is INTERNATIONAL afterall,but whites or whitey's seems obvious and self-explanatory. btw.ive had driving licence nearly 22yrs m8.


New member
Ok, its my first post here, but Ive been reading the forum for a shitload of time :D
So first of all, Hello Folks!

I just wanted to post a link from a Slovenian documentary/movie about MJ. It is directed and narrated by a stoner actor....he makes and acts only in stoner movies :D

The title is "Report Joint: Problems of users"
So here s the link of the bit where he does a "driving" test in a rehabilitation institute: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnv06VEquWw

The documentary is in Slovenian with some bits in englis language.

If you are interested check it out..it pretty much shows that your reflexes still work well on MJ.

here you have some kind of translation.

Start watching at 5.45

9.00 Somewhere near Ljubljana

Stoner: We ll go and see how this really affects the quality of driving

10.00 Rehabilitation Institute of the Republic of Slovenia

Institute guy: The results should be somewhere between those lines...

Institute guy: It can recognize even the smallest vibration....It is interesting...once I had a group of students here and I asked them »what is up with you ?!« The cerebral results were all over the place. And one of them said »we drank till we got fucked up last night« .

The test begins....some instructions....and coments like »good, good«

Institute guy: On the base of those tests you can easily judge if the results are in the normal values or not. Those parameters in the tests were carefully studied.....

Institute guy: ....you have to cover the red line that starts this corner

Institute guy: (reads the results): you can se he did very very well, the results are between the green lines, that means....excellent !

Institute guy (braking test): There you go...very good....you can see in the monitor...You were »thinking« for 230 milliseconds, you needed 260 milliseconds to move your feet, the time is 490 milliseconds. VERY VERY GOOD....EXCELLENT

Institute guy (again reads the results): 490 milliseconds, excellent time....he could easily become a rally driver. He did very well, no results were out of the ideal values.

Stoner guy:
Even if Mr. Fidler didnt know about our wake and bake, the results speak for themselves. And they show that our National Commision for Drugs has still a lot of work to do.
in the end people need to be responsible for their own actions, i know when im too fucked up be it alcohol or weed. i dont need anyone else to take my keys, i WILL NOT drive when i am too intoxicated, its common sense shit. i dont need anyone telling me when i am impaired i can feel it.

if you are not responsible and drive anyway then you have to deal with the consequences if something goes wrong. laws aren't going to change the outcome people will do what they wanna do anyway.


I thought everbody had heard of the whites its when you spin out and start sweating when youve smoke good weed. Also just to clarify i have known e4ian for years and you couldnt met a less racist nicer person.


Active member
I'm an adult.
I know my limits, and would not drive if I was too wasted.
However, smoking herb and driving has never been a problem for me.
I saw a BBC video where they tested a driver after he smoked, and he did well on the test, whereas people who drink and then are tested do terribly.
The main effect it has on me is I drive more slowly.
I really don't need the nanny state to tell me when I am competent to drive. We all know they lie anyway.
That's the business they are in.
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Well-known member
definitely a thread that raises strong opinions, and for good reason
this has been mentioned, but not really focused upon
there are many medications which impair driving ability
let us take Benadryl for example, OTC stuff, i'm sure it's caused a few wrecks over the years
but it just doesn't have the dreaded aura of the Devil's Weed
Christ, when you think of how many medications are coursing through driver's bloodstreams, that's the scary time
so how does MJ compare with other driver impairing medications?
we'll probably never know because finding out would probably bankrupt half the pharmaceutical companies in the country


Well-known member
I just learned that we all smoke weed because we want to get "impaired", that was laughable :laughing: "All drugs impair you", how simple...
I love to be "impaired" by a good sativa behind the wheel :)
Not so much as to really get impaired but to have that other 90% of my brain not used during driving nicely moving along.
I guess I have permanently "impaired judgement" from this crippling drug :tiphat: It must be my delusions of being a reasonable and cautious person not allowing me to see that I'm actually a reefer kamikaze.
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^ well, as long as you don't have to spell while you drive you should be ok. ;) <3

Edit:Ah, just saw that English might not be your first language. Well don't I feel like an ass. DOH!


Well-known member
Yes, it does alter mind and mood. But why do you consider it an "imparement" in all cases? No matter the weed, the quantity, the situation and the person and his mindset?
Maybe you think that the "natural" condition of your mindset is the most productive, the best your brain is capable of in all situations? But that's not always the case, sometimes drugs DO make your brain perform better and faster. They don't use doping in sports just for fun!
I wonder why THC is considered doping in sports when it is sooo impairing. Any ideas?


Game Bred
I wonder why THC is considered doping in sports when it is sooo impairing. Any ideas?
same reason heroin is considered doping.
it's a schedule I narcotic.
there is a reason athletes get high AFTER competition...
most stoner BJJ practitioners don't burn prior to mat time. i had to learn why the hard way ;)

for the morons out there im NOT saying smoking a doobie is the same thing as mainlining smack. im saying they are both substances tested for by anti doping agencies in sports because they are both Sch. I

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