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My Strain K.O.'s Med Club Strains, now what?



Okay; I have wanted to post on this for a while now, but haven't because i'm not one to float my own boat. But seriously, I have been a Medical patient for sum 7 years or so. Now I have been all over California to various Med Co-ops, and purchased their best grade cannabis to smoke. I like to see, smell, smoke, taste all the different kinds of cannabis that the earth has to offer. I have smoked alot of "famous" breeds such as Blueberry, Bubblegum, White Rhino, White widow, Romulan, etc... All of these had their own quality about them. I'm not saying that they sucked or where lame. Although a few where "not what i thought they would be". I look for a good all around herb; one that grows well, has a good amount of THC, cures well, and stores well.
Well, I think I have found a "contender" with these other breeds. Now I know that the different type of cannabis I got from the co-ops might not be as special or grown as well as it could have been from say; a Europian coffee house/pro grower. From the looks of it, the herb was grown just fine though. How should i go about making seeds of this mother plant that I have? Should i self her? or cross her with another breed? The person I got this cut from told me "If you try to improve on her; you'll fail, If you try to seed her; those seeds will fail. Quit fucking with seeds, the work has been done, you will not want to grow another plant ever, now take it". Now this person is "all wise" and i'm not one to praise people, but this person is uber world smart. Every time I second guess them, I have failed. So now i just listen and learn when they speak. I might be crazy, but honestly I have yet to find a better herb. So I was wondering how to not lose my genetic make up of this plant, while getting seeds of it. I fear crossing it to anything else because of what they said. Thanks for any help.. peace all..



Don't FEAR anything. Cannabis is a plant.
Try different methods of creating MORE of a plant than she is.
You could:
Take a clone and use STS to self it - and follow through with a project to stabilize the seed.
Grow out some seeds of a breeder type of herb you like, find a male that is "above the rest" and pollinate another clone to create seed. Grow out all the seeds and choose a hybrid that suits your fancy.
Or just keep taking clones and enjoy the herb!
Do not FEAR the plant though...
What is this UBER clone called?
good luck!


IBC Support Team: thanks a ton for all that info. I am in sort of in panic mode, cause i'm a small time grower. I mainly grew out seeds of my own crossing, until I was given this clone. The person that gave me the clone is very old and very sick. Probably the reason for giving it up. I know that they held the clone in a "VERY" tight circle, like 2-3 people (wait thats a triangle) for over 15 years to date. I happen to be a friend of the family for all of my life, and that is the only reason i come to own this "Uber" cone. When I started smoking Cannabis, I asked them what it was called? They just laughed and said it was green bud, that was like 10 years ago. I am very competitive in nature, and wanted to "out due" his herb with my own genetics. To this very day in all the hundreds, yes hundreds if not thousands of seeds I have grown, non have come close to my friends herb. After many years I asked them again what the strain was (with these people you dont ask things twice, they might think your wired), they told me to quit fucking around with seeds, and grow this plant. "It will be the only thing you will want to grow". They never told me what the plant was called :( pisses me off . cause i like to know heritage in general (people, dogs, cats, plants, etc). But I wasnt about to look a gift horse in the face. So I humbley took the clone and left. I have not spoke to them since. I know that he/she is on their last limb due to age, and if they dont tell me the damn strains name, i'm gonna break that limb! lol :) just kidding.. I guess they wont tell me, 'cause they want me to make something up.. but i suck at naming things:)
Its history might sound like that of many others you read on these forums. It originated in Northern California or was brought to California from Washington state. It was grown outdoors in Norther California for 10 years or so. Then it was moved back up to washington state, to rework its genetic back-bone. They say it lost some of its characteristics over the 20 years its been alive. And they recommend that I try to "revive" its characteristics. Now I dont know why a bio engineer, horticulturist, and botanist would leave such a wonderful plant in the care of and idiot such as myself, that is beyond my knowledge at this time.. My only thought on that is, they know I was a Produce buyer for a huge Organic distributor, and I know how to market to the world? lol hahah,,



The only solution I see to this problem is to pull clones and do experimental work with those if you want mess around with getting seeds. Then, you can still have your original clone as a mother and use your cuts however you choose, while still preserving this sacred plant you speak of. I have a few of them in the garden myself, a few lifetime keepers that I plan on never getting rid of :) Cheerz


Sounds like you have a great clone that you might share with others so it will not be lost.....or at least keep a mother plant of it(and maybe pass it along to someone when you find the right person).

If the advice of these great experienced growers is to not bother growing from seed now because you have such a great plant, etc.......I don't understand the problem?

If you happen to find a nice male to outcross it to begin a breeding program or just for fun....sounds like just that....fun! Can't hurt right.

Sounds like you recieved a nice gift!
M :wave:

Perhaps you could describe why it is so great. :chin:


if u could describe the smell and flavor of the buds we can prolly help ya out a little more


The Smell of it durring its flowering period reminds me of Old school original bubble gum (the kind you chew) and cherry pez aroma. I know it is not either of the two bubblegum or Pez cannabis strains, because it doesnt look or smell like them ( I have grown bubblegum). The strain i have smells like cherry pez and tastes like them bluish/purple blow-pops loli-pops with the gum in the middle (at least to me they do). I want to go to Amsterdam to attend the 420cup, and maybe enter my strain to be judged among its peers. I am making it a personal goal to make the 2007 420 event.
Here are my cuts stats:
flower period = 65 days
SoG is okay, No to Scroging!
hard to clone
50% indica / 50% sativa
2 week veg time
bloom @ 2' = 3' tall finished w/ 2.5 ounces per plant
buds start forming in 2nd week of bloom
Buds pack on the weight at week 5-8.
Buds are large spade shaped tight and compact with a great smell of candy that doesn't fade with time.
That about sums up the plant in general. I hope to have more pics of it soon. I got spooked and deleted all my pictures just the other day..

Mariman: you asked me to describe what is so special about it. Well, first my personal back ground: I have been in a cannabis friendly family all my life. Since i have smoked Cannabis, i have kept a eye out for "keeper" strains that i come in contact with. Since the boom of the Cannabis med co-ops, i have tried hundreds of different strains. Some of these strains where okay, some where very good. But every time I asked myself honestly to compare what I had against the Med co-ops herbs, My herb would beat it hands down in Looks, Smell, potency, bag appeal, long time storage. The flavor is like no other, the smell is addicting. It makes you honestly think humans have engineered this to the "highly" addictive receptorsites in our brains. Dont get me wrong, i have had "stronger" cannabis, but I got use to it very quick.. This Strain i have still gets me very high, with an awesome mood pick up. And still has enough Indica in it to relieve body pain. The only other medical strain that held a candle to it was Sensi Star. All the Goo's, Hazes, Kushes they have at the clubs, are a nice change of beat. But after my sack of them goo's, hazes, and kushes is all gone, I am finding myself plesently disappointed with the "medical grade" of cannabis being offered. So now i'm on a mission to Seed this biotch i got and make some babies..:) I will try my best to get a great seed out for people to grow. Wish me some luck, i'm new to all this stabilizing a breed stuff. Peace all, be well..

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Yes, only the best of luck to you. Add a bunch of dedication and you're on your way! Sounds like the clone is worthy. :joint:

M :wave:

edit: have any dried/cured pics, just curious? :woohoo:
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I dug up a few more pics of her in late bloom,, she has about 2 weeks left to go on her in these pics. enjoy :woohoo:



My little pony.. my little pony
Imo you owe it to the person you got it from to let them know what you want to do with it and respect their wishes as it kinda sounds like its his strain and not so much yours. If he gives you the nod and you want just more than you to experience the pleasure then give it to a few breeders with a sharing attitude.


That is where my mental is at exactly Verite. I dont want to offend them, by "giving it away" or losing the original genes (like i did once before). I'm going to still make seeds, and keep them secret and safe for a short time. I'll try to give some of the seeds I make to cultivators that will share it abroad.
I know it sounds like i'm flustered, and I am.. I didnt think it would be this much stress to keep a strain alive. I mean, I have had to take into account my whole life really. Where I live, my job, my children, etc... Taking on this kind of project requires you to lie to everyone you love:( I hate anti-cannabis laws for that fact alone. Well, If i fold under presure :) lol I'll pass it along to another grower (if i can find one), and only if my friend gives me the okay to give it up.. But I am guessing i'll be okay after my nerves calm down.. :) Thanks for all the kind words, and advice. It helps a ton to realize other people out there have situations like these to help others through them (like me:). again, many thanks.. peace to you.. be well.

C. Mavin

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