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Dr. Oz MMJ Debate

Did anyone see the Dr. Oz show yesterday? It was all about MMJ. In fact, Montel was on there saying that he had been diagnosed with MS. He had tried all the prescription medications and could not function with them. Then he found MMJ and has been using for 10 years and found that it works better than all the addiction medications he had been prescribed.

On the panel they had a doctor that had been prescribing MMJ (or suggesting it) to many ill patients - many with HIV / cancer - and it has improved his patients' lives.

I thought it was a very interesting show, as there are many passionate people on both sides of the issue; however, I'm biased. I'm so because I don't think MMJ is addictive. I think there is a time and place for MMJ. Furthermore, i think there is a time and place for MJ. Just like there is a time and place for a beer, a glass of red wine or any other glass that floats your boat. I definitively think it improves the lives of those with disease in their lives. By disease i mean just that...DIS-EASE.

They had a woman there that works for the DEA and has been contracted to help make a mmj drug (maybe Sativex) available in other countries but not the US!!!!! I think MMJ is illegal because all the big pharma companies saw how much could be allleviated by a plant that anyone can grow, and they weren't having it. What they were having is all the profits from the other medications that are addictive and that cannot be grown by the consumer, thereby eliminating profits... When she was asked, "Well then why are cigarrettes legal if they are known to cause cancer and what not?" Her response was, and I quote "Tobacco is legal because it is!!!" That's when I totally lost respect for her!! She tried to say that where MMJ is available, teen age use has skyrocketed. I call bullshit! If that were so, then explain to me how come in countries where alcohol is legal at a young age, less people have drinking issues?? this is because if it isn't illegal, it isn't a big deal! There is no thrill in doing things legally - if that makes any sense - there is only thrill doing things you don't want to get caught doing... I hope that came out the right way.

Anyways, I thought it was a very interesting episode, and it makes me feel good that we are truly on the way to making this legal for all the right reasons, and not keeping it illegal for all the wrong ones.

CB :thank you:

P.S.- Stay strong, stay determined and clearly visualize how you want MMJ to be in the future. Play that movie over and over in the eye of your mind and we collectively shall make it happen!!!!


It's awesome to see advocacy coming from such a mainstream pop-culture-icon doctor. If Oprah gets on board then maybe my mom will finally try it!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I was pretty disappointed in Dr Oz and his ridiculous guests... One Dr. from the Bush admin working for GW PHarma ???? WTF? She was pretty swallow to say the least. Then the whole show went on and on about how cannabis should only be used for medical purposes LOL Okay then everyone else can do what exactly? The only one that made any sence was Montel Williams and he seemed out gunned by the rest of the idiots planted in his audience.. What did I learn from this show ? Not a damn thing.. peace out Headband707


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Great post cuban, and yeh you are right about it being illegal becoz of the pharma companies are to greedy and you cant patent nature,
As soon as they can somehow find a way to patent cannabis which im not sure if itll ever be possible, then shit hits the fan :S.

Its a shame greedy pharma companies after some quick dosh destroy the greatness of one of the worlds greatest ever plants.
That and the money they put towards keeping prohibition.
Corruption, greed and a power trip at its finest!