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pbp bloom soil and maxibloom? sry am noob

a long time ago i read a post about sum1 getting great results with a simple formula

it was like

12 ml pbp bloom
5 ml maxibloom

is any1 familiar with this?

and also is maxibloom and koolbloom the same thing?

also i searched for this in the search feature and on google for an hour


Grow like nobody is watching
and also is maxibloom and koolbloom the same thing?

Nope not the same, but designed to be used together in late flower stage. You would generally first use maxibloom alone thru flower, but then add the koolbloom later as a booster, to alter the levels of the maxibloom.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
which koolbloom theres a huge NPK differance in the liquide over the powdered.

liquide NPK - 0-10-10

powdered NPK - 2-45-28

i use a dash of powdered at certin stages of flower careful though it'll drop your waters PH :)
1st wk flwr 1tbs spn PBP Bloom @ end of 1st wk 1/8th tspn powderd koolbloom in w/ferts
2nd wk flwr 1 n half tbs spn PBP Bloom each fert end 2nd of wk 1/4 tpsn powdered koolbloom in w/ferts
3rd wk flwr 2 tbs spn {30mil} PBP Bloom end of 3rd wk flower {12-12} upto last 14 days before chop, max 1/4 and 1/8th tsp powdered in w/ferts every fert watering

i alternate 1 plain PH'd water 1 ferted, i keep my waters PH with and w/out ferts 6.5PH

i get nice results
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Active member
well im not sure if this formula you speak of is this one.

but the Lucas Formula is practically what you describe, there is 2 methods one using flora nova bloom and one using dry maxibloom for instance i used nothing but flora nova bloom throughout my whole grow, i added liquid koolbloom during flowering for a little kick.

you probably already might know of this formula but if you dont and its the one your thinking of just type in Lucas Formula in google to find the page, it tells you all you need for a very simple and low cast efficient way to grow. simply because most of these products arent made for marijuana so half the time people will buy and use so many nutrients that arent really doing much or anything other than increasing your ppm and emptying your wallet.



Grow like nobody is watching
Further to what ProfG just said, if you are thinking of lucas formula, then PBP is a poor choice to supplement maxibloom with, npk-wise. Lucas is considered low on N by many, and Maxibloom has roughly 2/3rds the N of Lucas, and PBP is a low N fert also. The only reason I could think to add some is for some organic influence on the smoke. (Derived from: Fish Meal, Composted Seabird Guano, Kelp, Rock Phosphate, Potassium Carbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate. 0.35% Humic acid derived from leonardite.)

A half/half mix of Maxi Gro & Bloom would get you a lot closer to lucas formula.

Here is what the 12/5ml blend looks like. I realise you weren't exactly sure though.


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