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Major Earthquake In Japan Major Tsunamis


Active member
Dude...I remember seeing that info quite a few years back on some documentary and thx for the reminder! It's like there's some major fracture in the way that area is and a HUGE chuck will just slide into the sea at some point once it lets go.

I did see that major crack on TV and it seems no one wants to show that part anymore.That crack was lapping with the ocean's rhythm.Not even how far it was off-shore.No band-aid is going to fix it...It's all going to fall into the ocean.It must be because of all the time someone was really leaking radiation into the ocean with the waste.Someone up high DID ask where was all the nuclear waste given how many nuclear reactors they had?

Figured that no one wants to step on the island called "Jap-kamikaze-land" anymore.


Well-known member
Dude...I remember seeing that info quite a few years back on some documentary and thx for the reminder! It's like there's some major fracture in the way that area is and a HUGE chuck will just slide into the sea at some point once it lets go.

i've seen this too, it's some island in the canary islands(?)
one of many bad days to come, it will likely produce a large tsunami on the american east coast, major bad day


i've seen this too, it's some island in the canary islands(?)
one of many bad days to come, it will likely produce a large tsunami on the american east coast, major bad day
Yeah like the way it's formed at some point most, or at least a HUGE portion, will simply slide into the sea. Something like a 45 degree, for the sake of discussion, fracture when one day it'll be...ooops! I do kind of remember some major tsunami being created from that happening.

I just wanna be on that mountaintop and take the ride into the ocean when it happens as that would be epic. Kind of like Slim Pickens riding the nuke out of the plane down for the ride in Dr. Strangelove...woohoo!

Man those reactors in Japan are a mess. The Japanese government is talking about a temporary takeover of TEPCO.

The evolving nightmare continues. Hard to believe that facility won't become a dead zone.


Well-known member
there is a fictional account of just this kind of event, it's in the book Lucifer's Hammer but has a comet strike instead
some surfers are out surfing(just one little part of book) when a comet generated tsunami picks them up
one guy holds on the longest, thinking this was the most epic surf ride in history
the last thing he sees is the trans-america building(think it's that triangle like topped skyscraper in San Francisco) looming up like a fly swatter


Tokyo Electric Power Co., which runs the complex, said plutonium was found in soil at five locations at the nuclear plant, but that only two samples appeared to be plutonium from the leaking reactors. The rest came from years of nuclear tests that left trace amounts of plutonium in many places around the world.
In many places or just about everywhere?


Well-known member
In many places or just about everywhere?

don't have the maps handy, but if i recall the distribution was pretty extensive, i.e. many of us have a touch of plutonium inside
i did read some more on this, said the amounts detected were comparable to what the old nuclear tests had done
but disturbing to see


don't have the maps handy, but if i recall the distribution was pretty extensive, i.e. many of us have a touch of plutonium inside i did read some more on this, said the amounts detected were comparable to what the old nuclear tests had done
but disturbing to see
Maybe all of us but I grew up when they were doing all that nuke testing so more likely I'm one of the 'many'. Seriously though dude in 2nd grade we'd have drills where they were nuking us and we'd go out into the hallway against the wall and cover up...no shit. Like that would have made the difference. A paranoid friend is buying some high end geiger counter and am gonna checking myself out and see if I set the thing off...lol! Will be interesting to see what we find playing with that thing here in NorCal with what's going on in Japan land.


Getting off on a tangent here but check out the 1965 British television drama documentary called 'The War Game' about what would happen during and after a 'limited' nuclear strike on Great Britain. Yeah those drills we did when I was a kid would have really mattered...NOT!


Game Bred
There was a turtle by the name of Bert
and Bert the turtle was very alert;
when danger threatened him he never got hurt
he knew just what to do...
He ducked!
And covered!
And covered! He did what we all must learn to do'
You And you And you And you!'
Duck, and cover!'


'member bert?


There was a turtle by the name of Bert
and Bert the turtle was very alert;
when danger threatened him he never got hurt
he knew just what to do...
He ducked!
And covered!
And covered! He did what we all must learn to do'
You And you And you And you!'
Duck, and cover!'
Laugh all you want...I grew up with drills like that at school early on albeit on the tail end. Did you?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Understanding how those drills were used, I found it mildly amusing that was the best we came up with as we were designing reactors for neighborhoods.

I really do feel for the people of Japan.

I am also feeling like celebrating what we have while we have it, regardless of how it's taken from us.

This is my last off topic post for the day... I hope.

Mods all apologies, beat me as you see fit... if you can catch me...




Game Bred
Laugh all you want...I grew up with drills like that at school early on albeit on the tail end. Did you?
i wasn't laughing...

i refuse to admit whether or not i witnessed it firsthand.
i also refuse to confirm or deny the existence of any hypothetical gray nut hairs.

but no i was not there ;)