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BubbleNow "Bait and Switch"

I am very disappointed in my new purchase of a ?? 5gal machine. I ordered a new 5 gal BubbleNow machine and a filter bag combo. The machine arrived today and it is not the same machine??? It is way smaller and the bag does not even fit? So I look at the website and it shows the blue one that is a 5gal machine. Mine is a smaller 3.5 gal machine and I am stomping mad. After putting the bag in the so called new machine there is no room for any water or ice.

What a load of crap! I should have done what I was going to do and just bought a machine local and just ordered the bag.

Be careful as this is not going to produce the same as the original one they are still showing on the site and send out some cheap little replacement!

When will I learn?
yes im wondering where from aswell.

ive seen a bubblenow 5gal on ebay for 125 and was tempted but its from the fake bubblebag guy in canada, prob using the bait and switch also :/


New member
Hi MMJGrowDoctor,

I'm the manager at bubblebag.com. I'm not sure if you purchased your machine from us directly or from one of our stores, but it is true that we have switched from the blue/white Bubble Now machine back to the yellow/white model.

The yellow machine is our original Bubble Now machine, and the capacity is the same as the blue/white machine. It is true that the machine does not actually hold 5 gallons of water - but it is designed to be used with the 5 gallon Bubble Bags.

The zipper bag was originally designed for this machine, and yes it does take up all of the space inside, until the machine is turned on. I'm not sure if you have looked at our instructions, but the capacity of the bag is one half pound of dry plant material at a time. This leaves plenty of room to put ice into the bag, and water can easily be added to the machine at that point.

If you have any other questions or concerns please contact me directly: manager at bubblebag dot com

well if you get out the measuring tape you will see that the new one is smaller. not by much but still smaller. Thanks for the response and I am happy with the machine. I should have got the bigger model :D
