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DR100L 800W 3rd Grow~OG Kush #18, White Widow, C-99, Pineapple Express



Hello all! :tip hat: A little late getting this grow thread going, but better late than never! I made some soil changes..went from FFOF to FFHF. Still nervous about ordering from a different bank, so I went with one I have had good success with. Needless to say I am not working with some of the genetics I would like to during this grow. All n' all they should still produce some pretty good smoke. :joint: Now for the details!

  1. DR100L
  2. 6" A/C dual lamp reflector w/6" Vortex: Veg: AgroSun Gold MH 3000K 400W and Hortilux Blue MH 6500K 400W Flower: Hortilux Super HPS 2100K 400W x 2
  3. Lumatek digi ballasts
  4. 2 SunMaster T5 2' 4 bulb 6500K for seedlings and x-tra side lighting
  5. 4" Vortex w/Phresh Filter
  6. C.A.P Greenhouse controller w/fuzzy logic
  7. Window unit air conditioner (8000 btu), directly mounted in wall of 8'x10'x6' room
  8. Dehumidifer with direct drainage for constant use if needed
  9. 2 Air King 6" clip on, and 2 4" personal fans
  1. OG Kush #18 x3
  2. Dutch Passion Seeds - White Widow x1
  3. G 13 - Pineapple Express x1
  4. Female Seeds - C-99 x1
Soil 1 part = 1 gal
  1. FFHF 6 parts
  2. FFLW 3 parts
  3. EC 3 parts
  4. Perlite (small) 3 parts
  5. Dolomite Lime 2 tbs per gal of mix
  6. Full line of Canna Nutrients
Germination was done with cheese cloth, ziplock, and a tupperware. All of them popped within 30hrs. Initially I ran the HID's along with the T5's for added ambient temp, worked like a charm. For seedlings I kept the T5's sitting a couple inches above my babies, swithed to HID with T5's supplement on day 8. Started in Dixies, went up to 1 gal, and at the moment they have been in 3 gal pots for 9 days. The master plan is to transplant one more time into 5 gal's, veg for a bit more then go into flower. Looking for bigger harvest than last round...I really wanna fill up the tent!!

Pics in a few min...have technical difficulties :wallbash:
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Finally figured out one of my many problems and found the time to post up some pics! :dance:

The first two pics are 2 days above soil on 2/19...the following were taken on 3/22.

Top left OG#1
Top right OG#2
Middle OG#3


Top left Pineapple Express
Top right C-99
Middle White Widow


31 days later.....

Pineapple Express





White Widow



OG Kush #18 ~ #1



OG Kush #18 ~ #2



OG Kush #18 ~ #3



So far so good...if things continue to remain nicely dialed in I plan to intoduce CO2 to the equation. I was also thinking of supercropping the two man tops on all the ladies. Thanks for checking the thread! All input welcomed! :tiphat:


New member
DR100L 800W 3rd Grow~OG Kush #18, White Widow, C-99, Pineapple Express

Looking really nice and healthy. You're a little ahead of me though. I sprouted 5 OGK18s but I'm in week 1 of veg. I'm really excited about this strain so I'll be checking in on ya ;)

Good Luck


Smile Vs Cry
hey sirus whatsss up mate..i'm very happy to follow your project both for strains and high grade impression..as usual from you buddy!!
a couple of question for you, first i notice you topped all baby this is good for the yield, also your grow still in veg, how many days you think they going till flip? sure you have the good space for do that and a fantastic setup!
i do topped only to 4 of the 8 baby in my grow cause limited space..i hope to get a decent yield from my plants that still in flow from 9day aftert 3 week veg...
pineapple express sound good bro, i need to try this genetic, so i follow you for check how coming, but also the og#18 capture my eyes fo su..
your plants for now look supper healthy and green, can't wait till see big fat buds coming into your tent..boom kw31!!



Sup trichrider :wave: Thanks for checkin the thread. I'm learning every grow, so stay tuned to see if I can keep these babies on the right track!

Looking really nice and healthy. You're a little ahead of me though. I sprouted 5 OGK18s but I'm in week 1 of veg. I'm really excited about this strain so I'll be checking in on ya ;)

Hey domtown! Thanks for stopping thru. I have noticed 2 distinct pheno's outta the 3 I sprouted. I have 3 more I will pop next grow. I'm gonna follow your progress as well bro! Thanks again for checkin the thread!

Good Luck

hey sirus whatsss up mate..i'm very happy to follow your project both for strains and high grade impression..as usual from you buddy!!
a couple of question for you, first i notice you topped all baby this is good for the yield, also your grow still in veg, how many days you think they going till flip? sure you have the good space for do that and a fantastic setup!
i do topped only to 4 of the 8 baby in my grow cause limited space..i hope to get a decent yield from my plants that still in flow from 9day aftert 3 week veg...
pineapple express sound good bro, i need to try this genetic, so i follow you for check how coming, but also the og#18 capture my eyes fo su..
your plants for now look supper healthy and green, can't wait till see big fat buds coming into your tent..boom kw31!!

Heya killer :tiphat: Can't wait to see what you got going!! Im sure you are going to have a bountiful yeild with your skillz. As soon as I overcome some paranoia (and have a nice supply of smoke) I am going to order some genetics I have really been looking for, DG and BOG come to mind...

I topped the ladies early, I used a razor and ended up making some pretty deformed leaf sets. I grabbed a pro grade pruner for next time. I have yet to fill up the tent and this grow I plan to do just such! I got a late start cooking the last batch of soil so going by the 2 week plan, I will be potting up to 5 gal in 13 days. That will make 28 days in 3 gal pots. I'm seeing root growth out of the bottom so hopefully they wont get root bound. I bought some Cannazym and Rhizotonic so I can always do a little tweaking when I pot up in a couple weeks. The biggest lesson learned, which I shoulda succumb to last grow....I take great care in my soil which is full of avalible nutes...I need to let them work and not add extra nutes! Another option is coco but I am on the fence with that.

Thanks for the good vibes bro! I will be checkin your progress out shortly! :tiphat: :joint:


Wanted to post some set-up pics and forgot in the beginning...better late than never! :joint:



Made a change for the hood intake cooling...I am now running it across the room and taking from outside my little room. I found it sucked way too much a/c outta the room...6" Vortex...go figure!





Smile Vs Cry
oh shit!!! kick ass setup man, sure you killing the classic run style like mine, im in man!!! cheers for the plan that sound really efficient ...as usual buddy!!!


i have the same tent and am interested how you secured your vortex so its blowing out the top.

i have a 4inch vortex and its so bulky i am trying to figure out how you secured it over ther in the corner. i would rather have ducting i can direct coming out the top of the tent rather than my fan sitting outside on top making a lot of noise


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Ehy Sirus,nice setup :yes: Those ladies have everything to do a great flowering ;)
How the cap controller work?Does it worth the price?


Smile Vs Cry
hey sirus whatzzz up buddy???...i hope everythings good, many days no see updates in your thread....keep it up sirus!!!