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Legalization Station
by Mickey Martin


This weekend was (or is) the “Next Steps” conference in LA to discuss the hot button topic of how to get cannabis legalized for adults to use without fear of prosecution or scrutiny. We want it to be just a regular thing, like drinking coffee or smoking tobacco. We just want to be left the fuck alone already to smoke our joint in peace. So how do we get THERE?

Well apparently that is where the shit goes haywire. Seems simple enough. We do not want to go to jail anymore and we want to be able to acquire, grow, use, and be left the fuck alone with our marijuana. Got it? No jail. Check. Leave me the fuck alone and let me pick up some good cannabis. Check.


So why are there so many different groups competing for the hearts and minds of our communities with so many different big ideas? Why is the the “Jack Initiative,” spearheaded by the great and dedicated Mikey Jolson, seemingly competing with the Oaksterdam kids again; as well as with Steve Kubby and crew- and then there are a bunch of attorneys and legal beagles running around in there advising this group and condemning that one. It really is a site to see. I like to look and listen as each makes their sales pitch as to why their initiative is better or why another is lacking. It really warms my heart.


Like a bunch of monkeys fucking football

So I feel like I am being entered into a popularity contest that I did not sign up to judge. For the record I support ALL efforts that make the situation better off than it is now. My idea is to pass an initiative that does the most with the least but is still acceptable to 51% of my neighbors. I am no politico when it comes to polling and strategy, but it is pretty easy to see where we are, and where we need to go if we move past the petty bickering and egotistical bullshit being spouted by some in this discussion who would like you to believe their voice is more important and truthful than everyone else. We want to make it so when I get stopped by a cop my stomach does not sink if I am holding some herb. And I want to be able to go to a store and get a nice selection of good cannabis products without it being a hassle or grow a little of my own if I choose. The rest of these big ideas are all just window dressing.


No matter who wins the Initiative Homecoming Dance, the fact is that there WILL be a group of haters and Feds that try to derail the effort. The question is how do we identify, crush and marginalize the internal threats that try to poison the well with lies an intolerance. There will be your Dragonflies who will oppose whatever comes up just to get their name in the paper. There will be the “all use is medical while I make my million” posse. There will be the losers from the opposing camps that will undermine the effort on spite. And then there will be the REAL opposition- cops and chicken littles like the good bishop from the 19 campaign. What strategies are in place to combat these real and present dangers? For the record I will pull no punches with these folks….again. You were warned.

Let the chips fall where they may. Like Darwin, the fastest, meanest, smartest and most well-trained group will rise to the top through natural selection, and hopefully we will have a great initiative we can all rally behind and support. I am sure we will; others may be sure we will not. So be it. Game on. May the bigger brains and better ideas win the day.

For all you NO-on-19ers out there who are polishing up your liar hats and polishing your BULLSHIT awards off. Let the games begin. As the teams begin to form and the groups begin to rally their troops and collect their endorsements, it is truly exciting to watch and learn about the political process through the eyes of this movement. Stay classy, San Diego. Stay classy.



I agree with you in so many ways friend. Your posts are always a pleasure to read.
Nice Work VTA.

ballplayer 2

Active member
Right on VTA!, Keep fighting the good fight.

All I can say is I WISH I was in Cali. Around my parts the PIGS do their happy dance for a 4-5 plant bust, and the local media is too happy to publish the garbage on the front page, or big headlines on page 2. Chickenshit media combined with some of the most crooked PIGS/DA/County/State officials in the country makes for a bad situation when trying to spread reason.

I really appreciate what you do for us by keeping this forum up to date, and filled with relevant headlines to evalute the political progress for our cause. Thank you.



like a monkey fucking a football....I say that shit all the time. Love it man. Cracks me up.