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Anyone go from career grower to non grower and not know what to do?


shut the fuck up Donny
EDIT: Damn, just saw how long this was lol. Whatever, I had to vent, and anyone interested in reading it and responding I'm open to all suggestions, input, invitations, insults etc.

This is my first time starting a new thread about something personal so we'll see how it goes. I'm doing it because realistically (sorta sad) the people on this forum are really the only ones who can truly relate to my situation.

I'm not looking for a solution, and honestly I don't think anyone could really provide one for me but at least I can vent a bit and see if anyone else has ever been in my boat.

About half a year ago, my best friend and grow partner of 2+ years out of absolutely nowhere compromised the project, stole $15k, and caused me to have to make the awful decision to tear down my grow, all because of a girl he fell in love with who lived across the country. I'm not going to go into details because there is really no point (I think I described it in more detail way back after it happened, in a 'partners are generally a bad idea' thread).

I still have the pics from that round in my sig. I haven't been able to get myself to delete it yet. Almost everything was in full bloom, across 8k in flower, with a full veg room of 1k.

Anyway, I sit here 6 months later and I still don't know what the fuck I'm going to do with my life. Yes like many others I have a quarter million dollar college degree, in Film/TV of all things (yes from a very good school, but yes, also completely pointless and I wish I was smart and went to Law/Business school). I'm lucky enough to be in a situation where I'm living with a family member in his home, so I don't have to get a job at Walmart in the mean time, but I still wake up every day with this feeling of emptiness knowing that I have nothing to go take care of.

What I loved about growing is every day I had so much to do, and what I did had a direct impact on how well I did. Everything was goal oriented.

What sucks is (and trust me, I have very little self esteem so I'm not trying to show off) I really am a smart guy. I have a hell of a resume and have worked for very wealthy people in the past who depended on me to make really important decisions. I'm business smart as well, but none of that shit matters when your sitting at home with no job.

At first I falsely tried to convince myself that I could get contract jobs, helping people consult on grows, sort of a GC for growers, but of course given the security involved in our industry, that just didn't work out, even in SoCal. I had two jobs but in the end it wasn't even worth the money because I didn't charge nearly enough.

Next I figured I'd try to get into the more legit aspects. I somehow landed a interview with General Hydroponics who posted an ad on craigslist of all places. I met a manager for lunch in LA who was looking for a person to rep SoCal and basically cover customer service and do lots of store visits. Sounded great to me as a starting point, but he had lots of people to interview and I didn't get a call back (even though we talked candidly about what I did, and even flashed him a little pic or 2 of what I've done). Would of been nice. They were offering around $50k, mileage reimbursement, health ins, a computer, and other perks.

Many people have asked "well why don't you just start up again?" Multiple answers to this. Besides the fact that the market price is going wayy down (and continues to) there are all the logistical reasons. I had to take out a BIG loan from an investor for that last grow, and I wasn't even done paying it off when I had to tear it down. So I had to borrow from the relative I'm living with to pay it back. I live in a nice house that I found for him (renting) and even though there are 2 spare rooms (one being my room that is empty because I refuse to let him buy me furniture for it, the other a guest room) growing here just isn't an option. For one its a rental and the particular management company are nazis. First time in my life I've ever seen someone spend literally 2 hours taking a picture of every inch of the house before we moved in.

Also the main panel is 1) outdated 2) would need to be upgraded to a 200amp 3) is mad far from the spare rooms. In addition, I could never risk my relative going through the stress of a bust. He is older, and a completely normal, nice, law abiding person, and the only relative who knows about what happened to me.

So the prospect of trying to find another investor, starting up when the market is bad, getting another house that I wouldn't be living in, etc, just doesn't seem like the smart move for me.

Anyway, I'm just curious if anyone went from a medium sized grow as their sole income, to nothing, and what the fuck you did from there.


Active member
start in the closet and earn it...

the problem in america today is exactly what you described people borrowing money without a backup plan...

no offense but why would you do that in the first place....

either way if you want something bad enough and believe you can do it than youll be alrite...

if it means you gotta work a shit job to get your feet on the ground again then so be it...

if you have to move outta sate so be it...

if you have to work a real job and just grow for personals then so be it...

my point is that your looking at it from the perspective of "oh well i guess this just isnt supposed to happen" instead of "im gunna make this happen, ill do what it takes because i want it"



shut the fuck up Donny
start in the closet and earn it...

the problem in america today is exactly what you described people borrowing money without a backup plan...

no offense but why would you do that in the first place....

either way if you want something bad enough and believe you can do it than youll be alrite...

if it means you gotta work a shit job to get your feet on the ground again then so be it...

if you have to move outta sate so be it...

if you have to work a real job and just grow for personals then so be it...

my point is that your looking at it from the perspective of "oh well i guess this just isnt supposed to happen" instead of "im gunna make this happen, ill do what it takes because i want it"


While I do understand the point your trying to make, the whole "you can have anything in life if you want it" I don't really buy that theory.

First off, I did start in a closet. Anyone that starts right at 9k is gonna fail. I went from 600, to 1k, to 2k, to 4k, to 9k just like many of the people here, so I have most definitely earned it.

And like I said, I don't even know if I should try to get back to growing in the first place.

Regarding having an investor, while I commend you for doing shit on your own, the reality is most larger grows have investors, that's just how it works most of the time.


Active member
While I do understand the point your trying to make, the whole "you can have anything in life if you want it" I don't really buy that theory.

First off, I did start in a closet. Anyone that starts right at 9k is gonna fail. I went from 600, to 1k, to 2k, to 4k, to 9k just like many of the people here, so I have most definitely earned it.

And like I said, I don't even know if I should try to get back to growing in the first place.

Regarding having an investor, while I commend you for doing shit on your own, the reality is most larger grows have investors, that's just how it works most of the time.

well i started at 4 k and i seem to be doing fine....

because i believed i could, it led me to take the steps to make it successful...

if you need investors to start any grow under 10k you need to rethink your game plan...

idk about you but saving up a few grand isnt that hard especially when your already growing small scale...

if you cant grow though you dont have alot of other choices as youve said....

i feel the pain bro i dont have a degree though and i have a felony, so this really is about my only option beyong working a under-payed manual labor job that is highly unreliable...

get back to it man:)


shut the fuck up Donny
if you need investors to start any grow under 10k you need to rethink your game plan...

get back to it man:)

Thats 100% wrong but we'll agree to disagree. A 10k grow doesnt take "a few grand" especially when u have to move into a new house.

Could I of worked shitty jobs for 5 years and saved up enough to start it myself? Sure, but who the fuck wants to wait 5 years when someone is offering to help you get started right away.

Like i said though, I'm open to all thoughts and I do appreciate your input, I do agree that starting at 4k from 0 isn't that big of a deal; my circumstances just dictated that I started small because of where I was living at the time .


Active member
Thats 100% wrong but we'll agree to disagree. A 10k grow doesnt take "a few grand" especially when u have to move into a new house.

Could I of worked shitty jobs for 5 years and saved up enough to start it myself? Sure, but who the fuck wants to wait 5 years when someone is offering to help you get started right away.

you misunderstand me... i know a 10k is gunna run about 10-12 grand for a nice setup plus rent and utilities....

but a 2-3k tent ( for a few grand) plus a job in a year would get you there...

fight me all you want im trying to tell you that you can do it...

you just have to believe you can, im not saying belief makes reality but if you believe then the thing thats holding you back (yourself) will not be in the way..


shut the fuck up Donny
you misunderstand me... i know a 10k is gunna run about 10-12 grand for a nice setup plus rent and utilities....

but a 2-3k tent ( for a few grand) plus a job in a year would get you there...

fight me all you want im trying to tell you that you can do it...

you just have to believe you can, im not saying belief makes reality but if you believe then the thing thats holding you back (yourself) will not be in the way..

You speak truth. I don't know that it necessarily applies to my situation, but its good advice non the less.

appreciate it.


Active member
You speak truth. I don't know that it necessarily applies to my situation, but its good advice non the less.

appreciate it.


im glad you see what im saying...

now all you need to do is figure out what you have to do to get what you want as only you know what you need and want to do, i can only give advice based on my personal experience which no mater how close to yours is still a totally different situation...


space gardener
I did this back in 1999. I was living off 5k aero sogs in a house I owned for about 6 years.

My girlfriend was part of this most of the time and we got engaged to be married. After the engagement, something changed, paranoia got the best of her and she told me we needed to get jobs and go legit if we were going to go through with the wedding.

I didn't feel the same way and after a bunch of trying to change her mind, she had a breakdown and left me.. less than a month later, I got robbed by the police.
They busted the door in, cuffed me, showed me a warrant and sat me on the couch at gun point. They left about 2 very long hours later with all of my dried buds, all of the plants near harvest, 7500 in cash, all of my jewelry, watches, guns, and anything else of value easily carried.

They left no paperwork detailing things taken and told me if I talked about the incident, I would do 20 years with even the best lawyer. They also told me I had 3 days before they returned and I better dispose of all the vegging plants, moms, and equip.

They never returned but my life as a grower was over at that location.. Good thing I never married that bitch, perhaps looking back, she did me a favor.

I felt like a fish out of water for quite some time but eventually I realized that growing was my passion and making money with my college degree sucked, a big part of my life was missing.

I slowly began to pull off one small grow to the next in apartments trying to get back in the game. Even the small grows completed me as far as something to do and watch those beautiful ladies grow. I did eventually kinda get back in the game with some 1k apartment harvests and then I ran into a killer business opportunity and strayed from the MJ again only to get knocked flat on my face by a bogus business partner.

Here I was again, practically homeless and fought long and hard to get to a point where I had to grow in a PC case just for a head stash. More hard work and now I am back to 1k again dreaming of 5k or more someday soon.

Final point:

(1) If it's your passion, it will come back to you like a magnet.

(2) business partners suck moldy goat balls even if it's not groing MJ

(3) I can ramble on and drag out a post with the best of them...

I have a feeling at some point you will come to realize that growing is part of your personal identity and you will likely claw your way back into the game someday soon.

The market in Socal isn't as bad as people think, yes there is tons of new growers but the majority don't produce quality. The market here is flooded with (nice try) let it go for 2000 an elbow. If you have outstanding nugs, there is still plenty of buyers that will pay reasonable prices.


shut the fuck up Donny
Wow crazy story man, thank you for sharing.

If SD is where the bust went down, man you are lucky all they did was rob you ( i know that sounds fucked up) and that you got off without any lawyers/jail/probation
While I do understand the point your trying to make, the whole "you can have anything in life if you want it" I don't really buy that theory.

First off, I did start in a closet. Anyone that starts right at 9k is gonna fail. I went from 600, to 1k, to 2k, to 4k, to 9k just like many of the people here, so I have most definitely earned it.

And like I said, I don't even know if I should try to get back to growing in the first place.

Regarding having an investor, while I commend you for doing shit on your own, the reality is most larger grows have investors, that's just how it works most of the time.

step 1

gotta get attitude in check, im just as bad man.. i slip into negativity and then it goes down hill from there. you need to stay positive..I know how much growing mj and tending to it becomes kinda like your zen garden, or place to unwind. you need to keep your idle hands busy..with anything positive, constructive..like art? music? computers? technical stuff?? alternative hobbies

dont expect regular jobs to ever ever ever give you the same fulfillment financially/spiritually as growing mj. this is obvious but if you are like me you will constantly be comparing that life to this life. you have to keep a level and mature perspective on the situation. not comparing bullshit to heaven will help you get through the shit pit a lot faster and effectively.

Dont waste time with illusions. I have previous technical experience, have worked for financially wealthier than I peoples, ect ect ect...it doesn't matter if i'm out of date or I can't deliver the product/service competitively. so that being said, stick with the facts and with what you know and put as much effort into it as possible to make your self and or business the best it can be.

if you partner bailed like that for no reason other than that..better now and not later...for real..15 grand??? better than 30...than 50..than 150....shit

he wasn't the right partner...no partner is better most of the time but i gotta say there are some people out there like yourself, that will diligently put their heads down and put the egos and BS aside , put in the work and just get the job done.

you did the right thing to pull down the op for safety reasons...

you already know what to do
dont jump into a new grow right now
take some time off, get re ground and hash some new ideas
take some more time to get back on point
it starts with a positive attitude and re routing the negative into something good and constructive...

dont settle for walmart but you may need to a get a yob to hold you over, dont grind your teeth about it, dont dwell in it, just make a goal for what and where you are going with it and stick to plan...good luck icmag is a good place to be


i wouldnt want any shit fuck job either homie...that would interfere with my lazy time!


shut the fuck up Donny
step 1

gotta get attitude in check, im just as bad man.. i slip into negativity and then it goes down hill from there. you need to stay positive..I know how much growing mj and tending to it becomes kinda like your zen garden, or place to unwind. you need to keep your idle hands busy..with anything positive, constructive..like art? music? computers? technical stuff?? alternative hobbies

dont expect regular jobs to ever ever ever give you the same fulfillment financially/spiritually as growing mj. this is obvious but if you are like me you will constantly be comparing that life to this life. you have to keep a level and mature perspective on the situation. not comparing bullshit to heaven will help you get through the shit pit a lot faster and effectively.

Dont waste time with illusions. I have previous technical experience, have worked for financially wealthier than I peoples, ect ect ect...it doesn't matter if i'm out of date or I can't deliver the product/service competitively. so that being said, stick with the facts and with what you know and put as much effort into it as possible to make your self and or business the best it can be.

if you partner bailed like that for no reason other than that..better now and not later...for real..15 grand??? better than 30...than 50..than 150....shit

he wasn't the right partner...no partner is better most of the time but i gotta say there are some people out there like yourself, that will diligently put their heads down and put the egos and BS aside , put in the work and just it done.

you did the right thing to pull down the op for safety reasons...

you already know what to do
dont jump into a new grow right now
take some time off, get re ground and hash some new ideas
take some more time to get back on point
it starts with a positive attitude and re routing the negative into something good and constructive...

dont settle for walmart but you may need to a get a yob to hold you over, dont grind your teeth about it, dont dwell in it, just make a goal for what and where you are going with it and stick to plan...good luck icmag is a good place to be

Man are we on the same page, thank you so much.

Totally agree on the "don't compare the 2 lives"- its so hard not to but you are right.

And whats fucked up, which you also stated, is that while partners generally should be avoided, I agree that there are people that work and are legit... or at least when they decide they want out they don't rob you lol. And ya 15k vs 100k, very lucky. Also lucky that LEO weren't involved, and VERY lucky I have a relative that cares about me and will provide a home for me.


shut the fuck up Donny
i wouldnt want any shit fuck job either homie...that would interfere with my lazy time!

It should be said that while my relative would have no issue with me living rent free for the rest of my life/paying for all my shit etc, I'm not that kind of guy.

As soon as I moved in and saw that he sucked with finances, I literally took over his books. I pay his bills, invest his money, deal with his accountant and guy at Ameriprise, do his health insurance stuff, found the home etc, basically became his assistant, just so I wouldn't feel so bad about getting shit for free.

So I am earning my keep and I'm not just sitting on the couch all day, but like I said I'm not satisfied or content


space gardener
I got robbed in Detroit, when I ran away from there I didn't fuck around... heh, Yes I am way over the money and things lost, I was actually happy they robbed me rather than press charges. I could quickly get over monies lost but being thrown into the court system = nightmare.

I also found out my lover and friend wasn't so at all, Who knows what I would have lost if I stuck with her longer...

Anyway, hang in there and get yourself back to growing even if it takes some time and trouble.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
And you're also not a D Bag. Most internet disagreements don't go so civil. If growing is out of the question, which it very well maybe (growers never want to throw in the towel when they are ahead, never) then it's time to start thinking about a real job. Believe me it sucks but that might be what is needed to bridge the gap either 1) until you can grow again (keep ur day job while doing so, it makes things a whole lot easier) or 2) you retire.

So if the option is find a job, then do so. You have a 250k education. So what its in music or tv or whatever. How about this? You want to make bank? go to law school for a few years. If your in SoCal it would not be that expensive and IF you don't have much for student loans finance that shit. Fuck, with that student loan money you can grow and be in school.

Law school not for you? Then hit the pavement. A lot of us growers can and do, do very well in sales. lots of entry level opportunity. The pay isnt that great at first but since you have a place to live you are a prime candidate for a sales position. The income potential is limitless.

Anyway, these things are the shit that normal people do to get ahead. To get the best of both worlds you need to master having a duel personality and being successful at both types of lives. Johnny 9 - 5 on weekdays. Shady McShadeShade when doing work. Just consider it two jobs. And excel at both of them.

The hard part is going to work without laughing at your peers after you dish a bumber harvie. And keeping your mouth shut.

Good Luck bro. Just wait it out a little bit. Something is coming that you can't even imagine and when it does it will be so hard to remember these tough times.

"When you're flush you're flush.." so they say.
I did this back in 1999. I was living off 5k aero sogs in a house I owned for about 6 years.

My girlfriend was part of this most of the time and we got engaged to be married. After the engagement, something changed, paranoia got the best of her and she told me we needed to get jobs and go legit if we were going to go through with the wedding.

I didn't feel the same way and after a bunch of trying to change her mind, she had a breakdown and left me.. less than a month later, I got robbed by the police.
They busted the door in, cuffed me, showed me a warrant and sat me on the couch at gun point. They left about 2 very long hours later with all of my dried buds, all of the plants near harvest, 7500 in cash, all of my jewelry, watches, guns, and anything else of value easily carried.

They left no paperwork detailing things taken and told me if I talked about the incident, I would do 20 years with even the best lawyer. They also told me I had 3 days before they returned and I better dispose of all the vegging plants, moms, and equip.

They never returned but my life as a grower was over at that location.. Good thing I never married that bitch, perhaps looking back, she did me a favor.

I felt like a fish out of water for quite some time but eventually I realized that growing was my passion and making money with my college degree sucked, a big part of my life was missing.

I slowly began to pull off one small grow to the next in apartments trying to get back in the game. Even the small grows completed me as far as something to do and watch those beautiful ladies grow. I did eventually kinda get back in the game with some 1k apartment harvests and then I ran into a killer business opportunity and strayed from the MJ again only to get knocked flat on my face by a bogus business partner.

Here I was again, practically homeless and fought long and hard to get to a point where I had to grow in a PC case just for a head stash. More hard work and now I am back to 1k again dreaming of 5k or more someday soon.

Final point:

(1) If it's your passion, it will come back to you like a magnet.

(2) business partners suck moldy goat balls even if it's not groing MJ

(3) I can ramble on and drag out a post with the best of them...

I have a feeling at some point you will come to realize that growing is part of your personal identity and you will likely claw your way back into the game someday soon.

The market in Socal isn't as bad as people think, yes there is tons of new growers but the majority don't produce quality. The market here is flooded with (nice try) let it go for 2000 an elbow. If you have outstanding nugs, there is still plenty of buyers that will pay reasonable prices.
Sounds more like you got jacked by crooked pork than an actual bust to me. Still a FUBAR story by any standard though! And it's shit like this that happens again & again, because people that we think we can trust, don't have the integrity we thought they had.


shut the fuck up Donny
And you're also not a D Bag. Most internet disagreements don't go so civil. If growing is out of the question, which it very well maybe (growers never want to throw in the towel when they are ahead, never) then it's time to start thinking about a real job. Believe me it sucks but that might be what is needed to bridge the gap either 1) until you can grow again (keep ur day job while doing so, it makes things a whole lot easier) or 2) you retire.

So if the option is find a job, then do so. You have a 250k education. So what its in music or tv or whatever. How about this? You want to make bank? go to law school for a few years. If your in SoCal it would not be that expensive and IF you don't have much for student loans finance that shit. Fuck, with that student loan money you can grow and be in school.

Law school not for you? Then hit the pavement. A lot of us growers can and do, do very well in sales. lots of entry level opportunity. The pay isnt that great at first but since you have a place to live you are a prime candidate for a sales position. The income potential is limitless.

Anyway, these things are the shit that normal people do to get ahead. To get the best of both worlds you need to master having a duel personality and being successful at both types of lives. Johnny 9 - 5 on weekdays. Shady McShadeShade when doing work. Just consider it two jobs. And excel at both of them.

The hard part is going to work without laughing at your peers after you dish a bumber harvie. And keeping your mouth shut.

Good Luck bro. Just wait it out a little bit. Something is coming that you can't even imagine and when it does it will be so hard to remember these tough times.

"When you're flush you're flush.." so they say.



space gardener
Yes, I think what we are all trying to say in our own way is that the "suck" of what happened to you is temporary and now it's up to you to make lemonade, don't sweat it.

Good times are coming soon...