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Best dry ferts for bloom


New member
I have an outdoor organic guerilla grow coming up and had a basic question about dry ferts. So far I have been pleased with epsoma plantone and miracle grow poultry litter for mixing into the starting hole from a growth standpoint.
The problem is there isn't a local source for organic dry ferts that are high in phos for the bloom phase. Being a guerilla grow it is difficult to get enough water soluable ferts in to each plant and would require too many trips. The idea is to just top dress in early august with a high quality high phos organic dry fertilize, and work it into the top few inches of soil.
Online I have found these:
Pure Bloom granular 1-5-4 50lb/60$
Happy Frog High Phos bat guano 0-5-0 4lb/15$ ?
Earth Juice Rainbow mix bloom 1-9-2 5lb/18$

Am I going the Right route? almost forgot the Advanced nutrients jungle harvest or whatever it is.

Need advice from people with experience with these products, basically I am looking for the best all around (for the money) Dry mix organic fertilize for top dressing outdoor organic full season plants once or twice at mid season . Thankyou in advance 222


Rainbox mix is great But I have only used it mixed into the soil. I would go with that if you want organic. It really improves micorizal growth... I would use the veg version during veg too. Make sure it can be top dressed. and be prepared for maybe not being able to work it into the top few inches if your roots are huge come august.

If you are not going to do organic look into Advanced Nutes Heavy Harvest. But I always suggest organic.


I use Epsoma Plant Tone too! It's good stuff and you can really smell the cocoa meal in there. I use Sunleaves Indonesian or Jamaican bat guano during flower. Have both and they're pretty interchangeable. It's around $7 for two pounds. Mixes up many gallons. It's got a P level of 12 I think.

river rat01

i like rock phosphate for a phosphorus source.
for nitrogen- EWC
phosphorus-soft rock phosphate
potassium- greensand
animals wont dig these up like they will with other organics.


New member
Just found some Epsoma bulb-tone 3-5-3. any takers?
what is EWC?
Can soft rock phosphate be top dresed?
Is it organic?


Just found some Epsoma bulb-tone 3-5-any takers?
plantone or flowertone i hear are better, but espoma makes good stuff, supposed to be organic too
what is EWC?
earthworm castings
Can soft rock phosphate be top dresed?
not sure
Is it organic?
rock phosphate would be considered organic


Just be careful using anything with poultry renderings, alfalph whey and other organic goodies, Listen to River Rat because many a good crop ended when a skunk wandered through the patch and dug up every single plant in the patch.

Of course, it really depends on where youre growing and the wild life thats in the area. Around here we have natural "licks". A "lick" is a place in the dirt where nutrients and minerals are concentrated and animals come from near and far to eat it. Deer, hogs, skunks, coons possums, ground hogs and even dogs will dig and eat the dirt in these locations. Goodbye plants. Epsoma is a "lick" in a bag.


I have been using a product available in Canada: Gaia Green Power Bloom. In short it's a formula that is comprised of bone meal, fish bone meal, rock phosphate, glacial rock dust, gypsum, bat guano, green sand and there may be other things I am not sure off the top of my head. It's great stuff. Lately, I have taken up mixing it in with other ingredients for composting purposes, great stuff. The idea is that in the bush bone meal and fish bone meal can attract animals. Also, once composted everything becomes available much faster, it's easier to control, particularly near the end of the season. Good stuff. It works good for me. I am guerilla too.


New member
check into growilla brand drive fertilizers they're made in santa rosa california I have not tried them but is hearing good things about them and they have good educational videos how to use the product on youtube


I use Maxsea bloom i use it sometimes when i need cheap nutes. Its a powdered one part that is seaweed based with other organic additives. its not all the way organic but the finished product comes out real dank.