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intent to distribute..how do the cops

define that?...does it have to do with number of plants you've got growin?...the amount of "processed weed" in yer possession?....jars..baggies,scales?..at what point do they say THIS GUY IS NOT INTENDIN TO DISTRIBUTE..OR..THIS GUY IS INTENDIN TO DISTRIBUTE LIKE A MFER?


Active member
It may vary, IDK but in a certain case it was given for having so much processed material packaged ready to go.


There was a recent case in WA where a guy would have had a jury's sympathy for his medical condition BUT he had quite a stash--all bundled into one once ziplock bags.

It all depends upon what the prosecutor wants to throw at you, really. Having a scale with even a slight amount of resin on it would be grounds for conviction, I'd think.

[Disclaimer: I only play attorney on the interwebs.]
I've seen it successfully prosecuted, to result in jail time, for less a quarter ounce and a Wendy's sandwich bag as further evidence of distribution materials. No shit.

It's the ultimate legal equalizer; whenever you see a non-med state, such as Ohio for example, with lenient first time offender possession laws, remember that it's irrelevant for this very reason.

Intent to distribute is completely discretionary, as just about everything can be used as "evidence of dealing" if they want it to be.

Maintaining a dwelling for drug manufacture/distribution is another "gotcha" they can throw around.


Active member
having text messages with things like "hey got that purp for you 1400" and shit like that...scales and baggies not so much anymore but they will still charge you to see if it sticks in court....having multiple LBs in turkeybags....cash in bundles..


Active member
I've seen it successfully prosecuted, to result in jail time, for less a quarter ounce and a Wendy's sandwich bag as further evidence of distribution materials. No shit.

It's the ultimate legal equalizer; whenever you see a non-med state, such as Ohio for example, with lenient first time offender possession laws, remember that it's irrelevant for this very reason.

Intent to distribute is completely discretionary, as just about everything can be used as "evidence of dealing" if they want it to be.

Maintaining a dwelling for drug manufacture/distribution is another "gotcha" they can throw around.

don't forget maintaining a vehicle, the ultimate insult-to-injury charge :laughing:


Active member
i hear about all these maintaining a dwelling/vehicle for transportation charges but havent heard about anyone around me ever getting hit with those here in the bay area...*knocks on wood...

fucking god damn games we play..fuck cops and asset forfeiture almost makes you wanna just go out in a blaze of glory..burn the house and car so they cant get money from it then hide out in the hills and go guerrilla...


Overkill is under-rated.
Asset forfeiture laws in this country is a joke, I wouldn't own anything I didn't want the cops to take "because they liked the way it looked" etc.

finance cars, don't own them.
Rent where you grow so they can't take it.
No cash in the house ever.
Keep scales clean and in the kitchen, along with any baggies.
No pay/owe sheets.
Have good security on your burner phone so if you lose it or the cops take it, they can't get shit from it (wipe it daily, at least.)
Don't throw out grow trash in the grow spot garbage.
Burn whatever evidence you can and do it often.
Don't break more than one law at a time (no smoking and driving)

If you have to ride dirty, do it in the cleanest fucking car you can get your hands on. This includes all working lights and current tags, registration, safety stickers etc and it should be dead-nuts reliable. You wanna explain to the tow truck/cops why they can't open your car?
Carry multiple scrips with you if riding dirty in a med state.

Of course, this is all on top of the no smell, no tell, no sell philosophy so many employ already.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
all depends on who busts you and prosecutes you......

you can never tell what your going to be charged with until your charged......


just do it
yeah i dont know if you noticed, but the pigs dont play fair...if they want you, they will figure out a way to fuck you, like saying 12 plants wieghs 16 lbs and has a SV of $52,000, last time i checked rootballs and wet premature weed werent goin for 3k/lb, do what lazyman said and minimize risk


Active member
I got caught with 20 outdoor plants, a scale, 4 zips bagged up, bongs, pipes, papers. Cops didn't take a thing and the DA never prosecuted. Just my story. All this on one script in Cali.

Also, I would never burn any evidence. Around my place you can't burn fires outdoors and you can't have fires period a lot of days due to clean air days. I work in construction so all my garbage goes into the dump trucks at work. Black bagged of course.


May your race always be in your favor
Most places it seems the cops just make shit up as they go. I mean it varies from town to town state to state hell every place is different the way they treat MJ much less MMJ my two cents.
i hear about all these maintaining a dwelling/vehicle for transportation charges but havent heard about anyone around me ever getting hit with those here in the bay area...*knocks on wood...

fucking god damn games we play..fuck cops and asset forfeiture almost makes you wanna just go out in a blaze of glory..burn the house and car so they cant get money from it then hide out in the hills and go guerrilla...
if i wouldnt spend the rest of my life locked up i'd give em their moneys worth..
Upon further review, I think I can do better on my advice. I grew up in suburbia with nice, white (hey, it mattered), respected parents. As a result, it took me a long, long time to believe that all the cops who kissed my dads ass and seemed very nice actually had an extremely high likelihood of being lying pieces of dog shit.

I honestly did not believe my fellow stoners- in real life or online- who told me over and over the high likelihood that a given officer will lie against you in the court of law. I just didn't believe it.

Don't make that mistake. This isn't a bunch of whiny stoners crying about the system. LEO's genuinely and sincerely do have a higher-than-average likelihood of having no moral compass whatsoever, and most will lie to fuck you over for no reason other than their own personal satisfaction.

Make peace with this fact and act accordingly. Always assume they'll hit you with the book.


Asset forfeiture laws in this country is a joke, I wouldn't own anything I didn't want the cops to take "because they liked the way it looked" etc.

finance cars, don't own them.
Rent where you grow so they can't take it.
No cash in the house ever.
Keep scales clean and in the kitchen, along with any baggies.
No pay/owe sheets.
Have good security on your burner phone so if you lose it or the cops take it, they can't get shit from it (wipe it daily, at least.)
Don't throw out grow trash in the grow spot garbage.
Burn whatever evidence you can and do it often.
Don't break more than one law at a time (no smoking and driving)

If you have to ride dirty, do it in the cleanest fucking car you can get your hands on. This includes all working lights and current tags, registration, safety stickers etc and it should be dead-nuts reliable. You wanna explain to the tow truck/cops why they can't open your car?
Carry multiple scrips with you if riding dirty in a med state.

Of course, this is all on top of the no smell, no tell, no sell philosophy so many employ already.
LEARN...this man speaks VOLUMES...



Upon further review, I think I can do better on my advice. I grew up in suburbia with nice, white (hey, it mattered), respected parents. As a result, it took me a long, long time to believe that all the cops who kissed my dads ass and seemed very nice actually had an extremely high likelihood of being lying pieces of dog shit.

I honestly did not believe my fellow stoners- in real life or online- who told me over and over the high likelihood that a given officer will lie against you in the court of law. I just didn't believe it.

Don't make that mistake. This isn't a bunch of whiny stoners crying about the system. LEO's genuinely and sincerely do have a higher-than-average likelihood of having no moral compass whatsoever, and most will lie to fuck you over for no reason other than their own personal satisfaction.

Make peace with this fact and act accordingly. Always assume they'll hit you with the book.



this side of the world, any amount in more than one bag/wrap/whatever means possesion with intent, thats for being found with grade on you, as far as the grow goes (check this for a kick in the nuts when it comes to taking pride in your shit ) size of op is taken into account... multiple rooms instantly equals intent but also regardless of size they judge the professionalism and set up cost of your op and the better/more costly points too selling. and obv scales baggies cash. not living at your grow will also point to gang activity (trust me iv been there). now i think about it we have a fucked system here but atleast there aint no assest stealing or 3 strike rules. anyho fuck knows if this makes sense or is even on topic, jus a note... peace and pot


Well-known member
i got charged with loitering with the intent to purchase drugs,1st off i was invited guest at the apt 2nd how the hell do they kno what i was intending to do ,i was intending to get laid actually but somebody was selling cocaine while there and was dimed out so 50 came and busted up a party .needless to say i dint get laid hauled off to the city hotel for a few hrs


Active member
Asset forfeiture laws in this country is a joke, I wouldn't own anything I didn't want the cops to take "because they liked the way it looked" etc.

finance cars, don't own them.
Rent where you grow so they can't take it.
No cash in the house ever.
Keep scales clean and in the kitchen, along with any baggies.
No pay/owe sheets.
Have good security on your burner phone so if you lose it or the cops take it, they can't get shit from it (wipe it daily, at least.)
Don't throw out grow trash in the grow spot garbage.
Burn whatever evidence you can and do it often.
Don't break more than one law at a time (no smoking and driving)

If you have to ride dirty, do it in the cleanest fucking car you can get your hands on. This includes all working lights and current tags, registration, safety stickers etc and it should be dead-nuts reliable. You wanna explain to the tow truck/cops why they can't open your car?
Carry multiple scrips with you if riding dirty in a med state.

Of course, this is all on top of the no smell, no tell, no sell philosophy so many employ already.

I'd agree with everything except the rent where you grow. If you own make sure you don't have more than 10% equity which is not a problem these days. They will not bother to take a home that they can't turn around and sell.
Outside of Lazyman's advice be respectful and do not cop an attitude. I had a friend who was busted outdoors and they went through his home that was well kept with pictures of family, grandchildren and a beautiful letter from his deceased wife (cancer) that showed the police he was not deserving of the laws they were paid to enforce. He had a medical condition pot was legitimate for and no scales, baggies etc. They treated him with as much respect as he treated them and it paid off. I've always made a point to talk to police when I see them at convenience stores or anywhere in public just to get comfortable with them. I had a neighbor who was a cop and he said it all depended on how the the person treated them as to how far they pushed the issue. Most cops like most americans have smoked pot at some point in there lives and know it is not what it is made out to be but they have to make arrests. They never know if who they pull over is one of there own making sure they are doing there job. My neighbor said coming out of the academy they would use new cadets none of the other cops knew to see if they would take large sums of cash when pulled over. Just something to think about.

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