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First time Soil Grower


Hey IC,

Normally I grow hydro. But due to some factors as of lately I have moved to soil. So I have some questions.

I'm going to be growing in Pro-Mix HP (high porosity), do I still need to add even more perlite to it?

I'm going to be feeding them the 3 part GH mix of a friends custom formula. Would it be a good idea, bad idea, or neutral to mix this feed up with Worm Castings? I hear good things about Worm Castings, but I'm unsure of how much to use in mix with the Pro-Mix and whether or not you can use it with synthetic fertilizers.

Any tips in the right direction would be wonderful. Thanks in advance.


well Promix hp is great, but i am hearing lots of great things about doing a soil mix like this. (and remember its all about what YOU want in the end) but 1 bag promix X 1 bag FFOF (fox farms)X 1 bag of chuncky perlite. this will give u a great seedling/or clone soil. stays pretty neutral ph whise. custom formula for soil? for his perticular plants?. i would go with a simple fert line something like Fox Farms or any other other's, ive only used FF with great results. um what is ur grow space? lighting? CO? there is a lot to figure, and u say u grew Hydro? let me be the first to welcome u to the ground :wave: and good luck.



Active member
When people are adding additional perlite to Pro-Mix, they are using the Bx line, which is the one with added beneficial bacteria.

And the ratio for that blend is 1/2 a 3.8 cu ft. bale Pro-Mix to 1 bag FFOF...

The last run I did in my garden, I used 1 bale of Pro Mix Bx and 2 bags of FFOF. Then amended that with my own fertilizer mix. I only added enough chunky perlite so I could tell if everything had been mixed fully enough. (meaning if there were large chunks of perlite evenly distributed in the mix, then I knew it was good)

In the past I have used significantly more perlite than this run and I can't say I noticed much of a difference, if any, in how my plants responded. I would not say you need to add MORE perlite to the Pro-Mix HP, as I didn't find it mandatory to do so with the Bx...


Hank Hemp

Active member
Here's what I've done in the past,50% promix bx because that's what's here, 25% perlite, 25% EWC, 2 tbspn per gallon dolomite. I moisten With blackstrap molasses Liquid Karma, Calmag and what ever ferts I'll uses that grow. Let sit 10-14 days and it's ready.


Here's what I've done in the past,50% promix bx because that's what's here, 25% perlite, 25% EWC, 2 tbspn per gallon dolomite. I moisten With blackstrap molasses Liquid Karma, Calmag and what ever ferts I'll uses that grow. Let sit 10-14 days and it's ready.

Thanks for the replies guys. I think I'm on the right track.


Here's what I've done in the past,50% promix bx because that's what's here, 25% perlite, 25% EWC, 2 tbspn per gallon dolomite. I moisten With blackstrap molasses Liquid Karma, Calmag and what ever ferts I'll uses that grow. Let sit 10-14 days and it's ready.

Almost exactly what i do also except i add 1 cup of wormcastings to every 3 gallon mix.. Works well especially when u let it sit for a week or 2 so the mix can "activate"



Active member
skip the FFOF. that stuff is over priced and not that good. add at least 10% EWC, you dont really need to add much chunky perlite, depending on how low your rh is. and then ammend. i use marine cuisine for veg. in flower i use the same soil, and use a mix of marine cuisine, and some blooom pre mix with extra bone meal.
i dont need to feed in veg until they are root bound.

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