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Is getting the right humidity important? if so how do you affect/control it. Saw an air temp and humidity combined controller but really expensive! is there a cheaper way?


Take A Deep Breath
If you've got good airflow in a small space (like a tent or wardrobe), humidity shouldn't be a problem.

To lower it.....cut back on the watering, or get a dehumidifier. To increase it, just place a tray of water in the tent/cab. The water will evaporate. increasing the humidity.

I've never worried about it since upgrading to the tent. When I flowered in a small cab, with no airflow during lights-out, I used to get lots of water droplets forming on the plants when I turned lights-on every morning.


Active member
during veg humidity isnt so important but higher would be better,
during flower the lower the humidity the better 'less chance of mold'

My clone RH% 90%+
My veg RH% 60%-80%
My Flower RH% 30%-40%
i was gonna try and emulate the conditions that i saw on the grenhouseseeds.nl website. some dutch dude who has proclaimed himself to be the "king of cannabis" has got some grow videos for a variety of strains.

The one i was gonna attempt was...

25 degrees day, 19 at night
55% humidity
3 weeks veg, 5.5 pH 1.3 ec
9 weeks flower 5.5pH 1.5-1.8 ec (dependant on week number)

in the video it just said humidity 55%. Logically though as Mr Gr33n said humidity should be different for veg(spring) and flower(summer) as they represent different times of the year, and surely the humidity should be different for day and night aswell


Active member
i just use a ''Digital Temperature Humidity Meter/Thermometer'' i got on ebay for £2.99 inc p+p
That gives me my info

i got a dehumidifier for my flower room, and a humidifier for my grow area
Since im in sealed rooms its pritty easy to controll up or down

lower rh in flower is safer, but not always needed if you have lots of free moving air
But i prefer to be safe than sorry, Since the last thing you want is budrot coming from high rh

temps for me are 25c/17c day/night

if your in a tent the temp/rh should be easy enough to control rob


I wouldn't worry too much unless your in a very confined space with no ventilation, even then the best first step would be an extractor fan combined if you need it with a carbon filter, if the air is expelled to a different room or to the outside then inevitably more fresh air must be sucked in to replace it.


My rh% has been around 32-39 which would be great if I was flowering. I'm thinking about adding a 5 gl bucket full of water to the room for the rest of veg.

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