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Alex jones: patriot or opportunist?

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Alex Jones is just a faggot who plays and feeds off of peoples fear and un certainty

He is only doing this for the money and fame and it is clearly obvious if you get past your own fears


His stupid Inforwars shop featured item! on the mainpage for you to buy from him
and his prison planet "exclusive membership" you have to buy monthly

he is doing the same thing scientologists do, generate money from fear

so that is why i say
Fuck Alex Jones


Bakin in da Sun
And ~80% of that money goes to further his cause of gettin the word out.. funding for a 50,000 watt AM international clear radio, for 9/11 truth conferences, and all the other costs associated with runnin 3+ websites and the staff behind em.

Mangled- Research how long Alex Jones has been shoutin about this. He has only been gettin attention the last couple of years, hes been public access tv gettin paid nothing way before he exploded into the icon has become. He is not doin it for the fame or the money and I can assure you that. He has had many offers that would make him much more money...

EDIT : Out of respect.
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SilverSurfer_OG said:
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man; brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

Mark Twain

Ha ha. I ended up flipp'n out one night and damaging some gov property. I was invited to grow herb to and sell it to one of the involved parties former employer. He was a intel operator for the ****, which we all know the CIA draws from for field operators.

He said "they need money for what congress won't approve funds for".

Which is funny, I could grow herb and have all the security the most powerful military can provide {while remaining covert} but can't grow 100+ grams for some F'n meds!

Well, the damaging was motivated by other factors also, mainly a broken heart.

James Morrison

how many times could mangled say "fear" in one post?..let me count

alex jones hardly "generates" fear friend

gen·er·ate Pronunciation (jn-rt)
tr.v. gen·er·at·ed, gen·er·at·ing, gen·er·ates
a. To bring into being; give rise to: generate a discussion.

As for generating educational resources and references about topics most are unforunately not aware even exist....and that main stream bought and sold media sources can not touch..then you might be on to something with this generates word.

As for who is actually "generating" FEAR, well....hmmmm

BTW Alex Jones message is NOT to fear


Bakin in da Sun
Thats something I may humbly have to disagree with. Alex Jones does preach alot of fear, either directly or indirectly...


Still revered to this day
Lenin; "He was so absorbed by the idea of revolution that he had virtually no personal life to speak of, and could be absolutely merciless in his verbal attacks on ideological opponents."

Better to spread fear in search of truths than to fear the truth.

But then Mike Ruppert got tired of him so...


Bakin in da Sun
Yah Mike Ruppert's approach is alot more effective in my opinion.

Another thing that pisses me off about Alex is that he sure likes to ride his own nuts a lot.


Active member
Alex Jones,
was on The View today.
They invited him because he is a friend with Charlie Sheen.

Then Alex flipped the script!

The talent booker must be fired by now.

Needless to say, Alex won't be invited back.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
You resurrected a thread after four years of death.

Alex Jones? Hard to believe it's all true.

He has interesting perspectives. But definitely taken with salt.


Active member
I didn't want to start a new thread.

I was just kinda stunned that he was on a major tv show on a major network. He was on a Disney owned network (ABC).

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I saw the clip of him on the view. He was too much to handle for those girls. I wonder if they knew what they were getting into when they asked him to come on the show?
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