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DIY Hoop House - $24 each


There are FOUR lights!
There was some interest about some hoophouses I built, so I thought I would start a thread. I use them for an early spring outdoor I
do every year. Here's a pic


So here we go

Making a cheap 4x8' removable hoophouse.


7 - 8ft PVC pipe
8 - 3-way T connectors
4 - 90deg elbows
5' of strong cord
1 roll of 10'x25' 3mil plastic sheeting (enough for 2)
20 1/2" pipe clips
PVC Glue
Something to cut with. (Hack saw works great)

First cut 1 of the 8ft pipes in half (2 4'ers)
Next cut 6" off 2 of the 8ft pipes you'll be left with 90"
Cut those 90" pipes in 3 equal pieces (6 - 30" pipes)

Lay out 3 of the 30" pieces and glue T's between them
facing the same direction (Up)


Push on (But don't glue yet) a T on either end and face them "IN"

Do that again for the other side.

Take your 2 4' pipes from the beginning and push them into the end T's
to form the rectangle.

Next a 6" piece in the end of each T and put a 90deg angle on the end of that.


At this point, glue everything together. Making sure that the two T's and
two elbows on each side are pointing straight UP.

Last operation on the base is to tie the piece of cord across in the direct
middle of your base. Tape the ends.

With the base finished it's time for the hoops.

I've found that using 8ft of the pipes lead to a odd cathedral shape,
so I chose to cut 2ft off each one for a rounded shape (stronger?)
Also, if you don't, you'll be short 2 6" pieces of pipe.


Glue in one end and gently bend the pipe and glue into the corresponding
fitting on the other side. Repeat 3 more times. Be careful as there can be
quite a bit of tension on those things at first.

Finally, roll out a length of Sheeting about a 1ft longer than your hoophouse
About 9ft. Fold it out and use the clips to secure.
The hoophouses are very light, so make sure to weigh down
the crossbars if it's windy.



in the thick of it
I'll be getting some of those clips for sure! I've got my plastic draped over the sides and anchored on the bottom with rocks....those clips would make life much easier. Thanks for sharing.