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Went to the eye doctor high today...

I have a new theory.....:tongue:

I grow with a 400watt hps, I reckon three years of staring at that fucker could be the cause.....

Any one ever fucked up their eyes with their grow lamp? :shucks:
well that is very good theory.i say that could be the main factor in ur eye troubles.my tip for u eat lots of carrots.peace


Cannabis 101
I think every time I got my eyes tested I went super high... I figured I'm always stoned and if I need glasses 24/7 then let's get the test while medicated so I'm good for sure :) never had a problem they took pictures of my eye and saw some red vanes all over hehe good Luck! My eyes are pretty fucked and like you one year I started losing vision bad
I'm sure many people have, especially with vertical bulbs. I've got a pretty modest setup by most standards (a single 400w light), but I still keep a pair of sunglasses in the grow area at all times :)


So do I now. :blowbubbles: Can't believe it never occured to me. doh!

how did it go?

:wave:I haven't heard from the doctor :dunno: I'm thinking i should phone and chase it up, but what I don't know can't hurt me so I'm somewhat reluctant. :tongue:

I think every time I got my eyes tested I went super high... I figured I'm always stoned and if I need glasses 24/7 then let's get the test while medicated so I'm good for sure :) never had a problem they took pictures of my eye and saw some red vanes all over hehe good Luck! My eyes are pretty fucked and like you one year I started losing vision bad

Thanks for the input :) yeah, I mean, in reality there was no chance of me going not stoned, anyhoo, i can still see for now so I'm not gonna sweat it yet. ;)
:wave:I haven't heard from the doctor :dunno: I'm thinking i should phone and chase it up, but what I don't know can't hurt me so I'm somewhat reluctant. :tongue:

danm you doctor is a :wtf:.danm straight follow up befor they can make something up(doc dosent know about the hid bulbs we be staring at:chin:)if any thing ill be there to give you some :flowers2: and :comfort:.lol;)peace
:wave:I haven't heard from the doctor :dunno: I'm thinking i should phone and chase it up, but what I don't know can't hurt me so I'm somewhat reluctant. :tongue:

danm you doctor is a :wtf:.danm straight follow up befor they can make something up(doc dosent know about the hid bulbs we be staring at:chin:)if any thing ill be there to give you some :flowers2: and :comfort:.lol;)peace

:laughing: okay man, :thank you: I'll phone them this week. I'll come and find ya for support if it's bad news. :tongue:


Active member
So, freedom4ever, since you have aroused the curiosity and concern of several of us, how about a post to let us know how you're doing and how your eyes are?
preasure and pulsating in my head be triping me out!also some weird feelings in the gut.so free u all good boo!lolpeace.otw sorry for the smilie free post;)oops;)lmao
So, freedom4ever, since you have aroused the curiosity and concern of several of us, how about a post to let us know how you're doing and how your eyes are?

Lolz, seems only fair huh? :D Ok, here's the lowdown, and thank you kind friend for your concern. :thank you:

Went to hospital last week, various tests, including a sharp pointy stick shoved in my eye :p and stingy eye drops which made me have goat eyes (?)...then the dude said
"did you drive here today?"
I said yes.
Apparently I wasn't supposed to drive myself to the appt, they wanna give me eye juice which dilates the pupils or someshit and it'll give me blurred vision for 24hours and it's illegal to drive.
:wallbash: You'd think my doctor might have told me this before I went huh? Twat.

So, I go back on March 12th. Hope they don't do the sharp pointy stick test again, didn't like that at all. :nanana: I want an eyepatch, then I can embrace my new piratey ways and go live a life on the high seas.:pirate:

Still think running away from tricky situations is under rated...that's mah back up plan.

anyone elses eyes get watery when medicated?

Only when I laugh. ;)

I swear one of my pupils are always bigger than the other.

Me too! I thought it was part of my freakishness, now I know that if nothing else, you are my eye twin. :D

preasure and pulsating in my head be triping me out!also some weird feelings in the gut.so free u all good boo!lolpeace.otw sorry for the smilie free post;)oops;)lmao

That doesn't sound good! :bump:

Well peeps, I've been to the hospital this week to get mes yeux checked out.

Turns out I have a scar on the bad eye, they don't know if the trauma that caused the scar also causedy some leakage (ew) from the blood vessels at the back of the eye (this could be what the heavy pigmentation is), so they wanna do an Angiogram (?)They inject me with yellow shite, then they take pics of the eye while the dye seeps thru, then they canb really see what's going on.

In short, more tests. Bummer.:moon:

At least all the growers can relax, it doesn't appear to be damage from my hps. :blowbubbles:

TB Gardens

Active member
oh my god, all this eye testing shiz is giving me the willies. that is one thing i DREAD ever having to do, no sir nothing being poked in these babies.

your doc sounds like she was more blazed than you were.. over a month to get back to u with results, then send you to the hospital without telling you not to drive

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