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2 Trees

Billy Liar

Hello everyone..

, Hi, No I've never used a DO meter, but I believe heath has one. so following the simple steps heath has laid out fills me with confidence.. I'll be getting one in the future though..
A simple way to look at DO, is to understand saturation or equilibrium.. this is where the pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere is equal to the pressure of oxygen in the water.. therefore, moving the water as quick as possible (without ripping roots) ensures maximum air/water contact.. if you follow me..
So moving the water quicker than the gas exchange happens at the surface, and quicker than the plant can use the oxygen, should pretty much ensure saturation at all times.. providing enough DO for mega growth..
smallgreendog, sounds like you've got your work cut out for you there.. maybe if you break the system down, and think of it as maybe 3 smaller systems running from 1 res.. things will seem less daunting... good luck all the same.. I'm sure there are lots of articles regarding pipe sizing on the net.. Maybe you could teach us some things once you've researched...:tiphat:
Hey ILoveit, IMO and from what heath said way back when.. the main function of the large amount of clay pebbles is to give plenty of support to the plant... anchoring the roots so to speak... the Magic happens in the water.. LOL:)



x x=plant using the x pattern with 5 lights flip flopping the corner lights how doable is this verse 2 plants?


ok i am jumping in this thread hello every body i have studyed heaths system will be building one soon as far as the containers there are plenty of job boxes or plastic tool boxes that can be used that are sturdy enough to hold water as for the rez is that just a plastic tote box ? more pics please:)


Active member

Hi Billy, thanks for the nice pics and drawing of your setup. That answered a lot of q's I had. But this pic confuses me because you are using a small and big rockwool blocks and only hydroton at the very bottom of the inner pot. Why didn't you fill the whole inner box with hydroton and just plant the small RW block on top? Like the way people use the modified hydrofarm buckets?

Billy Liar

Hi folks...

No probs ILoveit,

41hope I'm lost with this question
x x=plant using the x pattern with 5 lights flip flopping the corner lights how doable is this verse 2 plants?
maybe if you can elaborate a little...
thanks wemary,
sparkie480, green_thumb..., pics of what??? LOL
Hey petemoss, The inner bucket, is actually about half full, its just really quite deep... I use rockwool blocks in varying ways to suit my veg setup at any given time.. the 6inch cubes just really suit my t5 setup for smaller plants... when I transplanted to the clay I buried the RW a couple of inch deep and dripped through the 6in block for a few days... you can go straight from a 1inch cube to the clay, all depends on preference or space available..


Sorry for the confusion Billy. Your set has 5 lights in an x pattern growing 2 plants. I would like to try the same set up with 4 plants meaning 4 plants 5 lights. With this set up will there be enough light for 4 plants? Also what can I expect if I use 1,000 instead of 600's. Room size is 10x10x8. Everything outside the flower room ballast & res.
Also can you post pics of your resevoir


Hey 41hope......There`s not a better setup to grow 4 huge plants than 5 lights in an "X" pattern with the plants in a "Diamond" pattern so each plant gets light from 3 bulbs at all times........

Billy`s runnin 2 plants with 5 lights but alternating off and on cycles with the bulbs every 6 hrs to improve gpw`s and save on powerbill at the same time FTW......

I ran 600`s in the corners , but have many old growbro`s that ran 5-1 K`s with excellent results..but..environmental control is of paramount importance inside said room.....even moreso than blastin their ass with 50 watts per sq ft......


Billy Liar

Yeah as Fred said 41hope..
heath mentioned that when flip flopping, the lights have to be in a line and not a v... so to speak... this confused me for a short while... but with all 5 lights on this would be the prfect setup..

but heath says if flip flopping the outer lights this would be the perfect setup..

and that would suggest hes tried both methods...



Yeah Billy......Never saw Heath discuss any type light/plant configuration without already having run it , as well as dialed to the tits.......

We`ve always talked about so much "misinformation" online , that it`s a given when Heathie posts it , write it in stone.......

Thanks again Billy......DHF.....:ying:...
Hey Billy, I made the jump from over on THC-T! Nice to see Wrams in here too - alright fella!

Looking forward to the valley of the trees lol!


I was just wondering when using a flip flop relay does it matter if magnetic or digital ballasts are used?

If it not too much trouble would you be able to post a pic of the wiring of flip box please.

Do we have plug & play flip flop units in UK because I cant seem to find any in the UK mmmmm.
@ILoveit - I'm currently talking to Kris Whitten at Horti-Control in Huntingdon Beach. He can manufacture 'flip-flop' units to run on 240v. It would take a bit of hard-wiring after you recieve it - namely a 3 pin uk plug, and hardwiring the light hangers in too.

Looking at about £250 delivered for a unit that accepts two ballast, and runs 4 lamps.
Nice work BL...follow your other shows somewhere else...great work..im still to gain the confidence to jump into it ...watching with great interest :)
@ILoveit - I'm currently talking to Kris Whitten at Horti-Control in Huntingdon Beach. He can manufacture 'flip-flop' units to run on 240v. It would take a bit of hard-wiring after you recieve it - namely a 3 pin uk plug, and hardwiring the light hangers in too.

Looking at about £250 delivered for a unit that accepts two ballast, and runs 4 lamps.

Those have either a 6% or 16% failure rate (the Horti Flip-Flops); can't recall which, but either is too high for my liking.

Billy, very nice looking grow, just got caught up - one question for you - ever think of messing around with shorter flip flop times? I'd think that more frequent switching would have to be better, no?


space gardener
I am guessing more frequest switching of the lights would just reduce bulb life and increase power usage because It takes much more juice to light a bulb than to keep it lit.

Billy Liar

ha yes fred.. If heath post it write it in stone... I like that 1.... He's been doing this for many years.... And has tried it all... Trial and error.... We are lucky he shares his findings.... Yes medi, just like that mate... Hi dazedNconfuzed, welcome... ILoveit, I think it would work fine with both types of ballast... Thanks dawgsbollxs. Hi ravi... One prob I can see with more frequent flipping is shorter bulb life, I have been informed that the strike is the most detremental part of running the bulb in terms of lumen drop off.... And heath now flips every 6hrs.. Which would suggest he's noticed no difference... Hi aerohead, I think we're singing from the same hymn sheet...lol... Peace all BL