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I need some help, fellas!!!


what the fuck is all about!!!

few days ago,my seedlings is began to black spots,like rust,
first time just one seedling damaged ,
of yesterday,
2 seedlings have this problem,
more than more big,
other one began to a Small Rust spot,
but second true leaves are fine.
so today i cut the damage first true leaves off,

whats trouble is this?they need fertilizer?water toomuch or water problems ?PH too high?virus infection?ventilation problems?temp too high? i dont understand

sorry my bad english.and pics.





well lots of Q's with little info. what type of soil are u using? have u used ferts already? why tupe of light is it under? spacing?... looks like the soil may have been to hot and burned the first leafs. you dont ever feed them untill ur plants tell u that they need it. :p gl bro



well lots of Q's with little info. what type of soil are u using? have u used ferts already? why tupe of light is it under? spacing?... looks like the soil may have been to hot and burned the first leafs. you dont ever feed them untill ur plants tell u that they need it. :p gl bro


thanks bro,i use peat, vermiculite and perlite 3:1:1
I have not used fertilizer
light and spacing just like the pics
i dont know whats going wrong.and i dont want them die,my friend







My first guess would be that your pH is off. Peat is acidic, it's probably that.


Get either a tester or some drops so you can check the runoff and the water you are watering them with. For a soilless medium aim for a pH of about 6.0


Get either a tester or some drops so you can check the runoff and the water you are watering them with. For a soilless medium aim for a pH of about 6.0

allright,i buy it tomorrow....if ph too high,i add some ferrous sulfate.


Crotchety Cabaholic
You could add some dolomite lime to your mix which would help buffer the pH.
Also adds Ca and Mg over time.
I think your seedling are smoking too many cigarettes, though.

Looks like the lights may be too close. Possible heat stress.
What are the temps in that high tech box you got there?


if you're only using peat, vermiculite & perlite, those babys are not getting any nutrients at all, just acid from the peat. I would toss that mix out & get some happy frog, ocean forest & sunshine mix #4. 2 parts happy frog, to 1 part each of ocean forest & sunshine mix #4. The worm castings,mycos & other bennies from happy frog combined w/ the fulvic & humic acids from the ocean forest and the great airation properties of the sunshine mix #4 will give those babies a killer jump start w/ out any need to fertilize for at least 2-3 weeks. I also toss in a little chunk perlite for added moisture holding & air around those baby roots..use that mix & you will see your problems magically disappear..good luck!


Crotchety Cabaholic
if you're only using peat, vermiculite & perlite, those babys are not getting any nutrients at all, just acid from the peat. I would toss that mix out & get some happy frog, ocean forest & sunshine mix #4. 2 parts happy frog, to 1 part each of ocean forest & sunshine mix #4. The worm castings,mycos & other bennies from happy frog combined w/ the fulvic & humic acids from the ocean forest and the great airation properties of the sunshine mix #4 will give those babies a killer jump start w/ out any need to fertilize for at least 2-3 weeks. I also toss in a little chunk perlite for added moisture holding & air around those baby roots..use that mix & you will see your problems magically disappear..good luck!

Perlite is used for better aeration.
Vermiculite is used for moisture retention.
Sunshine Mix #4 or Promix BX with added perlite, ewc and lime is all you need for an effective, balanced medium.
The FF products are not needed and a waste of $$$$$.
There's already mycos in the Promi


No need to add lime to the promix unless you're amending with other stuff too (as opposed to using bottled nutrients). Just sayin' :smoke:

ps hilarious avatar


Perlite is used for better aeration.
Vermiculite is used for moisture retention.
Sunshine Mix #4 or Promix BX with added perlite, ewc and lime is all you need for an effective, balanced medium.
The FF products are not needed and a waste of $$$$$.
There's already mycos in the Promi

You're really funny. Stop giving crappy advice. He didn't say he was using promix, just "peat, vermiculite and perlite 3:1:1"..I'll stick w/ my mix & 2lbs per light, you should really do a little research b4 giving noobies $hitty advice. If you can't afford a $9.99 bag of the best soil on the market you obviously don't know much about the beneficial aspects of using an organic, highly potent soil mix...you can keep it KISS I'll keep it heavy...I've used promix &, black gold & everyother bagged soil you can purchase, and FF dirt along w/ Roots Organic are the best soil products you can get out of a bag, my yields & overall growth, vigor & healthiness of my plants increased dramatically. True you can go buy each ingredient separately, but for simplicity a bag you can just open & plant in (I've planted directly into happy frog bags b4 w/ excellent results) beats any promix cocktail in my book. Had my first successful outdoor grow in 1989 & have used every single mix out there. If he wants 2 keep it super simple, buy the 3 products I suggested.
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thank u verymuch my friends,yesterday i used some carbendazim and ferrous sulfate to spray,they looks better now,i'll keep my eyes on them,and change the 600W hps bulb next week,becuase germination to this time are 2 weeks already,they are grow solw,,, sonofabitchs...


i did soil test today with a PH paper,soil PH about 5.2-5.4,i think problem is soil acid,they are grow very slow now,how can i make PH down?use lime mix water?


i did soil test today with a PH paper,soil PH about 5.2-5.4,i think problem is soil acid,they are grow very slow now,how can i make PH down?use lime mix water?

from what i have seen you dont want to ph down anything any more. you have got your ph to low for soil. you want your ph to be right around 6.5

i am not an expert but i know that a ph of 5.2-5.4 is even to low for hydro. and you are using soil. i would get the ph fixed and you should have no problem.


You're really funny. Stop giving crappy advice. He didn't say he was using promix, just "peat, vermiculite and perlite 3:1:1"..I'll stick w/ my mix & 2lbs per light, you should really do a little research b4 giving noobies $hitty advice. If you can't afford a $9.99 bag of the best soil on the market you obviously don't know much about the beneficial aspects of using an organic, highly potent soil mix...you can keep it KISS I'll keep it heavy...I've used promix &, black gold & everyother bagged soil you can purchase, and FF dirt along w/ Roots Organic are the best soil products you can get out of a bag, my yields & overall growth, vigor & healthiness of my plants increased dramatically. True you can go buy each ingredient separately, but for simplicity a bag you can just open & plant in (I've planted directly into happy frog bags b4 w/ excellent results) beats any promix cocktail in my book. Had my first successful outdoor grow in 1989 & have used every single mix out there. If he wants 2 keep it super simple, buy the 3 products I suggested.

wow. speechless.