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What does NGB stand for?


This is a way retarded question, but I keep googling for the answer and I'm not getting it. I know it's an all-in-one cab with 3 chambers, a "utility" chamber, a grow and bloom chamber. The latter two explain the GB but what does the N stand for?

I'm asking because I've been designing one of these on a larger-than-micro scale. I'm by no means a new grower, but I'm a new cabinet grower.


Recovering UO addict.
lol I always wondered too. I thought it was designed by natural born grower but that's nbg so it always confused me.


Maybe that's what it is? I just assumed it meant N-something, Grow, Bloom cab. It doesn't really matter, I'm just the curious type. It probably does stand for Natural Born Grower. I just didn't know where the term stemmed from, I just noticed that all the 3-chamber cabs were called NGB's.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
While NGB is not, as yet, included, the Glossary at the top of the page includes many of the most common abbreviations.